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Publication type: 
Research Paper / Project Report
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Parliamentary Research Branch (of the Library of Parliament)
PRB 99-1E (Library of Parliament Cataloguing Number)
This report draws on existing studies and discussions of determinants of homelessness; effects of homelessness on health; and policy related to homelessness. The report was undertaken to fill a gap in knowledge in this area; at the time of the report there was no consensus on the scope of the problem; its causes or remedies; or the composition of the homeless population. The objective of this report is to present the major characteristics of the homeless population in Canada and to offer an overview of the major explanations for the situation. The report defines homelessness and the methodological and policy issues associated with adopting a particular definition are identified. Discussion then turns to the problems in enumerating the homeless population, the living conditions of the homeless, and the impacts of these conditions on their health. The links between homelessness and prison and mental illness are examined. Finally, the report offers proposals for legislative measures to try to stem the growth of homelessness and its associated problems in Canada.
Parliamentary Research Branch; Library of Parliament; homelessness; housing; mental health; prison; prisoners; health; social policy; health policy; Canada