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Homelessness: The U.S. And Canadian Experience

Publication type: 
Research Paper / Project Report
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Parliamentary Research Branch (of the Library of Parliament)
PRB 00-02E (Library of Parliament cataloguing number)
This paper identifies the root causes of homelessness by comparing the U.S. and Canadian experiences from the perspective of prominent Canadian and U.S. experts on homelessness and housing. A brief history of homelessness in the U.S. and a description of key structural factors contributing to homelessness are included (e.g. decline of affordable housing; rent controls and other regulatory constraints on housing markets; the deline in the casual labour market; deinstitutionalization of people with mental illness; and the crack/cocaine epidemic). It also gives a brief history of homelessness and poverty in Canada, and describes the current situation, pointing out the significant similarities between the U.S. and Canada. It concludes that while homelessness is essentially a problem linked to poverty, the search for solutions must address multiple aspects such as affordable housing; employment opportunities; income distribution; mental and physical health; drug addiction; crime prevention and law enforcement.
Parliamentary Research Branch; Library of Parliament; homelessness; affordable housing; mental health; prison; prisoners; health; social policy; health policy; Canada; US; USA; United States; drugs; crime; housing policy