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Safe Injection Site Should Not Be Law Enforcement Tool: Legal Network urges Vancouver mayor-elect to stop police crackdown

Publication type: 
Media Release
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Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Press release by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network announcing an open letter they sent to Vancouver mayor Sam Sullivan demanding a stop to the Vancouver police crackdown on drug users who inject in public places rather than Insite, the safe injection site. Users who need assistance injecting - the majority of whom are women - are forced to do so in public spaces. Police targeting of these people is unjust and counter to the harm reduction approach of Insite. Attached is the letter sent to the Mayor. The letter asks him to revisit the police's new crackdown policy; addressing Insite's overload by establishing other facilities; and recommend that Vancouver Coastal Health reconsider its policy of banning assisted injection at Insite.
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; DTES; Downtown Eastside; Vancouver; drug users; safe injection site; HIV/AIDS; harm reduction; risk reduction; advocacy groups; police; Insite; supervised injection site; Hepatitis C; HCV; Hep C; IDUs