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Strengthening Community Health Workshop: I Didn't Know I Knew so Much

Publication type: 
Conference / Meeting Proceedings
PDF icon chodarr0338.pdf367.56 KB
Health Promotion Directorate; Health and Welfare Canada; B.C. Public Health Association
The document summarizes the issues and themes that emerged from a community health workshop held in the downtown eastside of Vancouver using "Achieving Health for All: A Framework for Health Promotion" as a starting point. The document describes the feedback process and format of the workshop, identifies the diversity of the fifty participants, and provides a summary of the three group sessions: Responses to the "Achieving Health for All" document, The Identification of Major Health Issues in This Community, and Strategies and Recommendations. Five appendices are attached that consider issues of isolation, planning, people who fall through the cracks, resources necessary to support the existing self-help network, and self-care recommendations.
community; community health; community-based organization; downtown eastside; DTES; health; health promotion; Vancouver Urban Core Workers' Association; workshop