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The Evaluation of the Select Programs of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network

Publication type: 
Annual Report
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Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
A detailed report produced by an outside organization to evaluate the work of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network over a five year period. The report summarizes the evaluation process which included a review of written materials, a consideration of activities carried out by the Network staff, and interviews with organizations and individuals associated with the Network. The report also includes a description of the methodology used, a summary of the stakeholder's perceptions, suggestions for future action, and a detailed analysis of the goals and policy implications of the work done in the following three areas: HIV/AIDS in Prisons, Rapid HIV Testing, and Injection Drug Use.
AIDS; advocacy; Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; HIV/AIDS; HIV; injection drug use; injection drug user; methodology; policy; prison; prisoners; programs; program evaluation; research