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Programme for a Medical Prescription of Narcotics

Publication type: 
Research Paper / Project Report
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The document is a summary of a report that evaluates the Medical Prescription of Narcotics Programme, a program that, in accordance with the Swiss government, allows for the prescription of narcotics to individuals through 18 different treatment centres. The report includes a discussion of: the pharmacology and toxicology of the prescribed substances; the participants state of health and dependent behaviour; the practicability of the study and its economic viability; an overview of research studies and data sources; a summary of substance-related results, patient-related results, and project-related results. The author concludes that heroin-assisted treatment is useful and recommends the continuation of the programme.
addictions; drugs; drug treatment; health services; injection drug use; injection drug users; methadone; program evaluation; Programme for a Medical Prescription of Narcotics; research; treatment;