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How You Can Help End Oppression of Fat Dykes

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
PDF icon chodarr0694.pdf107.92 KB
Minneapolis Lesbian Fat Liberation, c/o Lesbian Resource Center
This pamphlet, produced by the Minneapolis Lesbian Fat Liberation group and distributed in Vancouver through a Fat Issues Workshop, addresses some of the stereotypes and stigmas associated with sexuality, weight, and women. The pamphlet includes a list of 20 actions to take or ways to change thinking processes in order to end the oppression of fat women, and fat lesbian women in particular. The list includes statements such as "Let yourself be attracted to a Fat Dyke/womyn. It's not an accident that you've 'never' been attracted to a fat Lesbian." The pamphlet encourages consciousness-raising, exposure of "fatophobia" and building pride rather than self-hatred.
body image; obesity; activism; women and health; women's health; stereotypes; feminist; social determinants of health; fat politics; weight; weight loss industry; lesbian; sexuality; gender-based analysis; gender and health; workshop