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Positive Living Society of British Columbia (Formally BCPWA)

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #6 March 1987

Publication type: 
SHIRLEY MACLAINE'S SEMINAR - SEATTLE Report; ONGOING EVENTS; ATTITUDINAL HEALING AND AIDS The Canadian Attitudinal Healing Association is offering a five week series on exploring attitudinal healing concepts and principles; HEARTS AND FLOWERS FUNDRAISER Coalition raises $2800; FINANCIAL NEWS Report on finances and announcing a detailed statement prepared by volunteer accountant; APPEAL FOR BOOKS AND TAPES Call for donations to library; THE MEALS PROJECT The Coalition would like to provide nutritious meals to PWAs and needs people to produce them. Call for volunteers and for people who would like to request meals; HOLISTIC COMMITTEE SET-UP Committee to explore alternative therapies; SEMINAR WITH JASON SERINUS Report on presentation; HOW TO EMPLOY YOUR IMAGINATION TO HEAL YOUR BODY The Canadian Research and Educational Foundation for the Study of Man's Imagination is sponsoring this workshop; [WANTED] Adding machine, TV VCR; KNOW YOUR RIGHTS PWAs and PWARCs are entitled to Handicapped Persons' Income Assistance through the Ministry of Social Services and Housing; HANDICAP PENSION INCOME ASSISTANCE has only increased by 4.8% and inflation by 20%; APPEAL TO HOLISTIC PRACTITIONERS Call for speakers; BABA TAAVI'S SPIRITUAL CORNER; ONGOING STORY III Personal reflections;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #7 April 1987

Publication type: 
PWA COALITION AND ST. PAUL'S HOSPITAL WORKING TOGETHER New program announced to present Louise Hay videos to PWAs and PWARCs by PWAs and PWARCs; CANADIAN AIDS SOCIETY - OTTAWA MEETING Report by a delegate of the Vancouver PWA Coalition on the Canadian AIDS Society meeting held February 27, 28 and March 1, 1987; NEW AIDS HOPE New drug dideoxycytidine in trials, promising review of AZT; BABA TAAVI'S SPIRITUAL CORNER; OUR OWN BOWLING WONDER Kevin Brown participates in the English Bay Bowling Tournament and takes 4th in the doubles event; COALITION NOT ASKED TO SIT ON PROVINCIAL AIDS ADVISORY BOARD The Coalition's request to be included on the Provincial AIDS Advisory Board has been turned down by Dr. Reckart, Director of STD Control for the Provincial Laboratory; CANADIAN ATTITUDINAL HEALING ASSOC. Five week series on exploring attitudinal healing concepts and principles; DONATIONS New column to thank individuals and organizations who have donated money or services to the Coalition; A CRY FOR HELP VCR wanted; TAX TIME AND PWAs Additional tax exemption available for PWAs; VANCOUVER MEN'S CHORUS CONCERT 'Maple Syrup' Complementary tickets available; AIDS VANCOUVER Announcing long distance support services for PWAs, PWARCs, or for those testing positive; LETTER TO PATIENTS IN THE AZT STUDY PROGRAM Report from Dr. McLeod on large international meeting on Azidothymidine announcing that the drug appears to work but is quite toxic; AZT TESTING B-12 shots may help counteract blood side effects of AZT. 13 of 20 are still actively taking the drug, 15 are waiting to enter program; BENZAL MEDICATED CONDOMS INTERPHARM PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS New condom coated with virucide announced; BOOK REVIEW: LOVE, MEDICINE AND MIRACLES By Bernie S. Siegal, MD, published by Harper & Row; HELPFUL HINTS New column on helpful hints; TELEPHONE SERVICE The Coalition is starting a new service whereby on a regular basis a volunteer will be calling the PWAs on the Coalition's mailing list to check to see that they are OK; A RETURN TO INTIMACY AFTER AIDS Personal reflection; HIV POSITIVE WEEKLY SUPPORT [MEETING] Announcing weekly support group for all men and women who are interested in sharing the impact on lifestyle after exposure; AIDS VANCOUVER BENEFIT 'THE VANCOUVER PREMIERE OF BUDDIES' The first dramatic film about AIDS; ONGOING STORY IV Personal reflection; GROWING Poem; ONGOING EVENTS; PERSONAL COLUMN Personal ads;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #8 May 1987

Publication type: 
THIRD YEAR ANNIVERSARY Taavi's reflection on three years after being diagnosed with AIDS; TAI-CHI CLASSES GOING OUTDOORS The Coalition's Tai-Chi classes will be held outdoors for the summer season; GET WELL/STAY WELL Egg lethicin as an alternative to AZT. Syphillis and AIDS Recommends getting tested for syphillis. Sunshine Warns about sunburn affecting white cells; PRAYERS ANSWERED Thanks for VCR donation; HOME CARE SERVICE Home care service is available from Medox Health services on a sliding scale; BABA TAAVI'S SPIRITUAL CORNER; FUNDRAISER Apartment building fundraiser brings in $877; VITAMIN B-12 SHOTS Member report on B-12 shots for fatigue; CONSCIOUS LIVING, CONSCIOUS DYING Report on workshop with Stephen Levine; HOLISTIC CTTEE. NEEDS INPUT Call for volunteers and ideas for workships or activities; WORKING WITH CRYSTALS Report on a guest speaker at the Tuesday night meeting and a six week crystal workshop; DONATIONS Thank yous for donations of money and services; PERSONAL COLUMN; IT HAPPENED TO ME AND IT COULD HAPPEN TO ALMOST ANYONE Reflection on being incarcerated with AIDS related condition and a call for action for the recognition of the rights of prisoners with AIDS or ARC; POLICY CHANGE After meeting with interested parties, the British Columbia Civil Liberties Union reverses policy on mandatory contact tracing, begins work on anti-discrimination legislation; "SEXUALLY ACTIVE" Panel about AIDS for everyone sexually active; CANDLELIGHT AIDS VIGIL Event announcement; NEW AND IMPROVED Announcing changes in the newsletter; "THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: AIDS, PREVENTION AND TREATMENT" Special event; ONGOING EVENTS;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #9 June 1987

Publication type: 
SECOND ANNUAL WALK-A-THON Special event, fundraiser; ONGOING STORY V Personal reflection; MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH CANCER/AIDS/LYMPHOMA and CHEMOTHERAPY #1 Personal reflection; LOCATION NEEDED FOR PICNIC; BOOK REVIEW "Choices - Realistic Alternatives in Cancer Treatments"; OFFICE HOURS Drop in hours 1 - 5 pm Monday - Friday; "THE GOLDEN CHAIN OF FRIENDSHIP" Poem; CANADIAN AIDS SOCIETY CONFERENCE Event announcement, call for billets; FUNDRAISER Little Sister's Book and Art Emporium; PRIDE FESTIVAL AUG. 1 - 9/87; Call for participants; YOUR NEWSLETTER Disclaimer, reprint policy, submission deadline; ANY ARTISTS OUT THERE? Silk screen artist needed for Pride Day tshirts; SERVICES and BENEFITS FOR PWAs Housing, Medical/Prescriptions; Gas Rebate; ICBC Handicap discount, SPARC Handicap parking placard; Income tax disability deduction form #T220, Complementary movie passes and concert tickets; FOR THE LOVE OF FOOD Reflection and advice on nutrition; REIKI MASSAGE Free massage available; BABA TAAVI'S SPIRITUAL CORNER; REVISED-HOMECARE SERVICES Homecare services may be made available through the Long Term Care Program, information; IN MEMORIAM Memorial gathering held for Ken Young; DONATIONS Thank yous; NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL STUDY OF AIDS AND RELATED SYNDROME Research study, call for participants; PERSONAL COLUMN; ONGOING EVENTS;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #10 July 1987

Publication type: 
THE WASHINGTON CONFERENCE Kevin Brown's impressions of the Third International Conference on AIDS, raising the Coalition's visibility and asserting PWAs as playing an integral role in the fight against AIDS; MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH CANCER/AIDS/LYMPHOMA and CHEMOTHERAPY Part two of three; MORE INFO AL-721 EGG LECITHIN Information on obtaining AL-721; BABA TAAVI'S SPIRITUAL CORNER; PWA WALK-A-THON A GREAT SUCCESS! Report on the Vancouver PWA Coalition's second annual Walk-a-thon raising $15,000; CANDLELIGHT VIGIL 300 attend; FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE available to persons with AIDS or ARC; VITAMIN DISCOUNT 15% discount at West End health food store only with referral from the Coalition; HAIRCUTS available; SONGS OF HOPE Poem; VIVE LA FRANCETTE AU CANADA $700 was raised from the St. Jean Baptiste celebrations at the Dufferin Hotel; FUNDRAISERS Event announcements; WEIGHT GAIN MILKSHAKE recipe; DNCB and instructions for its use available; "FASHION CARES" tshirts available; ONGOING EVENTS
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #11 August 1987

Publication type: 
THE VANCOUVER PERSONS WITH AIDS COALITION - WHO, WHY AND WHAT WE ARE by Kevin Brown and Nicholas Gray; HOW DO I ASK FOR ASSISTANCE advice and information on funding requests; ADJUSTMENTS IN POLICY Refinements in Coalition policy on alternative therapy funding, office volunteer orientation and public speaking volunteer orientation; WORKSHOP WITH LINDA GALLOWAY Report on workshop; QUARANTINE! A PERSONAL REACTION FROM NICHOLAS GRAY Personal reflection on changes to the Health Act; VANCOUVER TO HOST THE THIRD CANADIAN AIDS CONFERENCE "AIDS: TODAY AND TOMORROW" Event announcement, call for volunteers; THE 1987 GAY PRIDE PARADE Event announcement; HOT HEAVENLY BODIES Fundraiser announcement; CREATING A VANCOUVER AIDS/ARC RESOURCE BOOK by Nicholas Gray Committee struck to compile a resource book along modeled on "Striving and Thriving with AIDS". Call for volunteers; A COUPLE OF PERSONAL NOTES; ONGOING STORY PART THREE: EXPERIENCE WITH AIDS RELATED CANCERS AND TREATMENT Galiano Retreat; BABA TAAVI'S SPIRITUAL CORNER; ONGOING EVENTS; LATE BREAKING NEWS ON AZT On July 23rd a meeting was held between the Vancouver Person's with AIDS Coalition, AIDS Vancouver and Burroughs Welcome. Anyone from sero-positive to AIDS can receive the drug upon approval for use by their doctor;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #12 September 1987

Publication type: 
COALITION ENTERS FIELD OF AIDS THERAPY RESEARCH by Nicholas Gray.L23 Coalition approves funds to begin a pilot research study into the effects of Egg Lecithin (AL-721); ADDITIONAL DRUG UPDATES By Kevin Brown, Greig Layne and Nicholas Gray. DTC (Immunthiol): PROMISING NEW DRUG! Study shows this immune modulator improved symptoms, increased T-helper cells. DDC: An antiviral similar to AZT, seen as likely more effective and less toxic. AEROSOL PENTAMIDINE: Prophylaxis to prevent pneumocystis pneumonia. ANOTHER AZT UPDATE: Contrary to information provided by Burroughs-Welcome, AZT remains classified as an experimental drug and can only be given within the confines of a study. Available to those testing positive with a helper cell count less than three hundred, not to those who only test positive; MEETING WITH BURROUGHS-WELLCOME REGARDING AZT: Question and answer session with representatives from the company; TWO BENEFITS FROM CAST OF "CATS": Fundraiser announcement. HOT HEAVENLY BODIES: $4000 raised. BABA TAAVI'S SPIRITUAL CORNER; MCLAREN HOUSE OPENS By Brian Peel. AIDS Vancouver announces the opening of the first housing facility for PWAs in Vancouver; AD HOC COALITION FORMS: Meeting to further structure opposition to Bill 34 (Quarantine legislation) and other issues as they arise; ST. PAUL'S INFECTIOUS DISEASE CONTROL CLINIC Available to see to your medical needs; AMENDMENTS TO THE HEALTH ACT: The coalition has been lobbying against this legislation by direct letter to every MLA and now with a meeting with the Minister of Health. Report on this meeting next newsletter; ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS AND HIV: By Greig Layne. AA group formed for people who are HIV anti-body positive, PWA and PWARC; LEGAL SERVICES NEEDED: Volunteer lawyer needed to help provide free legal services to PWA/PWARC; CHARITABLE TAX STATUS AND MORE!: Donations to the Vancouver Persons With AIDS Coalition are now tax deductable. Coach needed. Call for books on any subject that will enhance the quality of life of PWA/PWARCs; AIDS: THE NEW EPIDEMIC: A video review by Bill Iver. Review of the BC government's AIDS education program; ONGOING EVENTS;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #1 October 1986

Publication type: 
On the cover: In our new office at last (Photo by Daniel Collins); OPENING SPACE Editorial introducing the newsletter and outlining how donations are being spent; DRUG INFO Azidothymidine (AZT) About the new drug, its effects and the Coalition's lobbying to gain access to it; Ribavarin Thought to disrupt the growth of the AIDS virus, released for use in Canada on compassionate grounds; CANADIAN AIDS CONFERENCE IN TORONTO Nov. 14-16, 1986 Actions/Directions. Call to attend the conference in Toronto. LIFE-AIDS Support group notice; TORONTO PWAs ORGANIZE New PWA Coalition has been created in Toronto. NEWS FROM THE USA Report on initial meetings of NAPWA National Association of People with AIDS (USA). LOUISE HAY IN PORTLAND NOV 15 and 16. Notice of workshop; HEALING CIRCLE Notice of evening for PWAs, ARCs, friends and families; LEGAL SERVICES Free consultations available to PWAs and ARCs; TAI CHI Free classes available to everyone; EXPLORE ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES ON YOUR OWN The Coalition will sponsor you to take your chosen course to better health; BABA TAAVI'S SPIRITUAL CORNER.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Legal Issues

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #2 November 1986

Publication type: 
"ONE STARRY NIGHT" Gala benefit for the Persons With AIDS Coalition at the Mainstage of the Arts Club Theatre on Granville Island, Sunday November 9th [1986]. GOVERNMENT HALTS HOSPICE PLAN Provincial government refuses to develop AIDS Hospice Program at the eleventh hour after months of negotiation and while seeming to support the program at every step. HOSPICE IN SWITZERLAND Nurse in Switzerland offers his home and care to someone with AIDS. MARGO'S WORKSHOP Report on workshop on Visualization for AIDS and ARC; AZT UPDATE While the drug has been released for study in Canada by Burroughs and Welcome 'distribution' problems still need to be worked out. Information on AZT testing program at the Harbour View Medical Center in Seattle Washington.BHT AS AN ANTI-VIRAL? Report on an article from the San Francisco Sentinel on PWAs using BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) as a possible anti-viral treatment; ONGOING EVENTS Healing Circle Sunday Nights. Tuesday night PWA's meetings, every other meeting closed to PWAs. Tai-chi classes Wednesday and Friday nights. SERVICES Free legal consultations, alternative therapies sponsorship, information resources available; NEUROLOGICAL STUDY OF AIDS/ARC Call for study participants. ON THE LIGHTER SIDE; BABA TAAVI'S SPIRITUAL CORNER.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #3 December 1986

Publication type: 
"ONE STARRY NIGHT" Report on very successful fundraising event; NEW THERAPY GROUP AIDS Vancouver invites PWAs to attend new group facilitated by a psychologist; HOSPICE UPDATE After outrage expressed after the Provincial Government's rejection of the AIDS Vancouver hospice proposal, the government now seems willing to talk about and even fund a hospice program; DON'T PITY US, PATIENTS TELL AIDS CONFERENCE Article from the Toronto Star November 16, 1986; AIDS: WHEN THE TEARS DRY Article from the Toronto Star November 16, 1986; COMMENTS ON THE CONFERENCE Members report on the Canadian AIDS Conference which took place November 14 -16, 1986; OPEN FORUM will be held to discuss the Canadian AIDS Conference; IN MEMORIAM Donations received in memory; ONGOING EVENTS Healing Circle; PWAs PWARCs meetings; Tai Chi classes; SERVICES free legal consultations; funding for alternative therapies, practitioners and workshops; information resources; HOME CARE NURSING Home care nurses, homemakers, occupational therapists available, call the Health Department or have your doctor or the hospital liaison nurse call; SLEEPING BUDDIES EXCERPT FROM A LETTER TO RICK Personal reflection after Louise Hay workshop; LOVE YOUR LIFE, HEAL YOURSELF Report on Louise Hay workshop; BABA TAAVI'S SPIRITUAL CORNER; AZT AT LAST. AZT Will soon be available for testing in Vancouver. HOME CARE NURSING STUDY NEEDS YOU Call for PWAs to be interviewed for study; KNOW YOUR RIGHTS Handicapped Status Identification Card entitles you and your escort one-half fares on BC Ferries.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing


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