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Positive Living Society of British Columbia (Formally BCPWA)

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #42 November 1990

Publication type: 
RX: AZT. Health Canada issues Burroughs Wellcome a certificate of compliance certifying that AZT has demonstrated in trials that it it sufficiently safe and effective. The Society is concerned about the cost of the drug and whether sufficient monitoring of patients recieving the drug will continue. The Society calls on the BC Ministry of Health to make AZT and other AIDS drugs available a low or zero cost; TREMENDOUS SUCCESS: "WALK FOR LIFE '90" Annual fundraiser gets $75,000 in pledges; EXTERNAL RELATIONS Report from the External Relations Chair on Vancouver PWA Society's participation in the Canadian AIDS Society, the Canadian Conference on AIDS, the second International Non-Governmental Organizations Conference, the 5th International Conference for PWA/HIVs, the Canadian National PLWHIV Network and on gather information on discrimination to aid in lobbying efforts; HOUSING UPDATE for those interested in Housing Co-ops; BOARD ACTIVE Three new appointees to the Board of Directors, new meeting times; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS: INTRAVENOUS GANCILOVIR FOR CMV RETINITIS. RESEARCH ON LONG-TERM USE OF ddI. SALK VACCINE RESEARCH. VITAMIN C CITED AS A DRUG FOR AIDS. HYPERTHERMIA: RISKY AND ASTRONOMICALLY EXPENSIVE. ISOPRINOSINE FOR ASYMPTOMATICS? AZT: WHEN TO START AND HOW MUCH TO TAKE?; TREATMENT REGISTRY STARTING Treatment Information System for AIDS and HIV computerised system in design phase; CALENDAR; ONGOING EVENTS; DAY WITHOUT ART December 1st, 1990 marks World AIDS Day and the second annual DAy without Art, an international day of observance and mourning; WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS Call for participation in an information and education project related to Day Without Art at the Vancouver Art Gallery; WORLD AIDS DAY Information on events surrounding World AIDS Day; WHO AGAINST AIDS DISCRIMINATION 41st World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization adopts resolution; DISCRIMINATION We are looking for instances of discrimination in employment, housing, access to health care, access to public services, etc. to assist in lobbying for changes to human rights legislation; WARD'S RETREAT A PLACE FOR LOVE Information on Ontario retreat for people living with AIDS and HIV; AIDS ANTHEM The Institute of Communication Arts' song writing contest includes a category for an official song for AIDS Vancouver; SPEAK UP! SPEAK OUT! WOMEN LIVING WITH HIV AND AIDS Call for submissions for international anthology documenting the voices and visions of women living with AIDS and HIV; BRIAN Poetry, apology for omiting two lines last issue; THOUGHTS ALONG THE WAY I Poetry; THOUGHTS ALONG THE WAY Poetry; KUDOS OF THE MONTH; FREE LEGAL ADVICE At the Gay and Lesbian Centre; PWA BOOKS WHERE ARE YOU? Bring back your overdue materials; MAILING LIST UPDATE; LEBIAN AND GAY DISABLED ACTIVITY GROUP Support group at the BC Coalition of People with Disabilities; MOVIE NIGHT FRIDAY Event announcement; NEED SOME ASSISTANCE WITH HOUSING? Options for assistance with housing; HOT LINE Peer counselling phone line; HELPLINE Volunteers needed; NOTICEBOARD;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #41 October 1990

Publication type: 
THE JOKE'S ON YOU! P24 ANTIGEN TESTING IN BC Differences in quantified and unquantified p24 antigen testing, call for Ministry of Health to fund quantified testing; WALK FOR LIFE '90 ONE OF SIX WALKS IN NORTH AMERICA SEPTEMBER 30TH Report on walkathons in North America; BOARD ACTIVE Report from the chair of the board on Walk for Life '90, the Evaluation project which is coming to a close, and national and international issues; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS: FLUCONAZOLE NOW AVAILABLE FOR TREATMENT OF FUNGAL INFECTIONS. ddI WORKS. CANADIAN COMPANY TO MANUFACTURE SALK AIDS VACCINE. PNEUMONIA AND FLU VACCINATION--GET YOURS NOW!; WOMEN AT RISK A CONCERNED DOCTOR WRITES Open letter to physicians on the special and unique problems of women with HIV infection; QUANTIFIED P24 ANTIGEN, BETA2 MICROGLOBULIN AND NEOPTERIN TESTING Information packs and instructions on how to obtain testing; MOOOO! Performing group from Squares Across the Border forms and 'adopts' the PWA Society. The Cowbelles combine a love of performing with a penchant for outrageous costumes to raise money for the Society; CALENDAR; ONGOING EVENTS; FANTASTIC HEALTH Information on nutritional and other supplements; EFFORT Personal reflection; THOUGHTS ALONG THE WAY I Poetry; CARE FOR CAREGIVERS Support group forms for HIV staff members of St. Paul's Hospital; HOW TO STAY WELL (OR GET BETTER) Helpful hints from Steven James' Surviving and Thriving with AIDS; TO ARMS! The benefits of hugs; KUDOS OF THE MONTH; DAVID LEWIS 1951 - 1990; THOUGHTS ALONG THE WAY II Poetry; BRIAN Poetry; LIBRARY READY Reclassification project is completed; REGISTER NOW FOR CARE AT HOME Information on Home Support Services and Home Care Nursing; A PWA PROJECT BOOK Putting a human face on AIDS project seeks contributions of stories and photos; PEER COUNSELLORS ON DUTY! Volunteer PWA members living with HIV and AIDS available to talk about any concern; HELPLINE Volunteers needed; NOTICEBOARD;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #40 September1990

Publication type: 
WESTERN CANADA'S BIGGEST AIDS FUNDRAISER WALK FOR LIFE '90 fundraiser announcement and information; JOIN "WALK FOR LIFE '90" Call for volunteers; KAPOSI'S SARCOMA TOPIC OF MONTHLY MEDICAL FORUM; A FRONT RUNNER Simon Nkoli is a frontrunner in the race to beat AIDS in South Africa. We speak to him during his visit to the Vancouver PWA Offices while he was in Vancouver to address the opening ceremonies of Gay Games III; BOARD ACTIVE Report from the chair on resignations and search for new candidates, events during Gay Games III including fundraisers and noted visitors, and discussions towards forming a hospital liaison committee; OPENINGS FOR VANCOUVER PWA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Call for volunteers; ACT UP DEMO First public demonstration by the Vancouver chapter of ACT UP, mission statement and contact information; CHALLENGES Call for volunteers for fundraising and other projects; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS RESEARCH NEWS: ISOPRINOSINE SLOWS DISEASE PROGRESSION. FLU SHOTS A MUST FOR PWA/HIVs. FOSCARNET PROMISING AGAINST CMV, HIV; PATH PASSIVE IMMUNOTHERAPY AVAILABLE IN VANCOUVER IN 1991? Advocacy committee is working to see that this treatment becomes available in Vancouver; HOUSING THE CHALLENGE OF GETTING WHAT WE NEED Reports on attempts to obtain funding for a Housing needs Assessment; KUDOS OF THE MONTH; CALENDAR; ONGOING EVENTS; MADRID RESOLUTIONS PASSED AT THE IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR PEOPLE WITH HIV/AIDS; RICHARD WRIGHT MAY 24, 1945 - AUGUST 3, 1990; FINALLY THE DANCE BEGINS Poetry; JEROME NAGEL 1958 - 1990; FAUSTO IOCCHELLI 1963 - 1990; AT THE END Poetry; RAINBOW RUNNER We were honoured during Celebration '90 to have a visit from Brent Richardson Earle whose runs for the lives of PWAs have inspired thousands; SURREY ART SHOW BENEFITS PWAs Fundraiser announcement; SWALLOW A PILL - EASILY Helpful hints; FREE CONDOMS? ONE BARRIER WE REALLY DO NEED Report from the Advocacy Action at the BC Coalition for the Disabled asking people to request money for condoms from their Welfare workers; HELPLINE volunteers needed; NOTICEBOARD;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #38 July 1990

Publication type: 
HOUSING CRUNCH One of the most serious problems facing people with HIV and AIDS is that of affordable housing; ACT UP Open meeting for the formation of a Vancouver Chapter of AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power; HATS OFF!! TO OUR FRIENDS Thanks to the businesses, organizations and entertainers who recently hosted fundraisers; PWA REVIEW AND EVALUATION PROJECT continues to document the success of the Society and to gather information on how we can become an even more successful self help/self care organization. Call for participation; ADVOCACY REPORT The Advocacy Committee ahs been actively pursing complaints of discrimination against members with HIV and AIDS; BOYCOTTS IN EFFECT White Spot Restaurants, Kentucky Fried Chicken (except Prince George), Marlboro Cigarettes and other products of Philip Morris Company, Coors Beer, Shell Gasolines, Bristol-Meyers Products; PWAs COME TOGETHER IN MADRID Report from the 4th International Conference for People with HIV and AIDS; HOW ARE WE DOING? The PWA Society needs to hear from you! Anyone who has complaints, suggestions or recommendations for helping the Society to improve its activities should fill in a questionnaire; PWA SOCIETY'S HISTORY In the Making Today. Special recognition to Chuck Philbrick and Dan Cotton who are assembling the early history of the Society; Call for input; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS ddI: ADVANCE OVER AZT? ORAL ALPHA-INTERFERON IN QUESTION. COMPOUND Q: PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF PROJECT INFORM STUDY. BETA2 MICROGLOBULIN LEVELS PREDICTOR OF DISEASE PROGRESSION. CMV RETINITIS ONE PWAs EXPERIENCE; HOSPITAL PEER SUPPORT HOW CAN I REALLY HELP? New program announcement, call for participation; ONGOING EVENTS; LIGHTEN THE LOAD Personal reflection on the Family and Friends Support Group; FAMILY AND FRIENDS Support group information; THE LAST CANTO Poetry; ART THERAPY group facilitated by Certified Art Therapist; TIME TO WORK OUT Exercise class for PWAs. Personal reflection and information; FITNESS FOR PWAs Topic of July Medical Forum; CONFESSIONS OF A BYSTANDER Reflection on five years after seroconversion; SUPPORT GROUP FOR LESBIANS AND GAYS WITH A DISABILITY Monthly meetings; SEAN STEPHENSON 1942 - 1990; MEDITATION SEMINAR Healing Tao seminar being held in the Living Room Lounge; JUST START TALKING call for volunteers willing to read and record books; INFORMATION PACKS available, some recently updated; KUDOS OF THE MONTH Starbucks on Denman, Knitters at United Church on Hastings; LIBRARY NEWS Classification system being set up. Please return all materials borrowed; PWA NEEDS YOUR SKILLS Volunteers needed; HELPLINE; SUGGESTION BOX has been placed in the lounge; NOTICEBOARD;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #39 August 1990

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WELCOME TO CANADA! PWAs GRANTED ENTRY FOR GAMES During Gay Games III, there will be a "window" period during which short term visitors with HIV/AIDS may enter Canada without hassle, PWA Society working to make this easing of travel restrictions permanent; BOARD SECRETARY'S REPORT Board considering ceding its Advocacy/Activism role to ACT UP Vancouver; A NEW VISION Report from the Chair of the Society clarifying its position on Euthanasia, discussing the ramifications of the formation of a Vancouver chapter of ACT UP, discussing the program review underway and the many changes in the organization. Call for input, volunteers; S.F. CONFERENCE An Activist Reports; PWA EVALUATION PROJECT continues. Call for focus group participation; ADVOCACY COMMITTEE The Board is considering changes to allow it to work with and adapt to the formation of ACT UP Vancouver. The Advocacy Committee is dealing with mounting complaints of discrimination but seeing little resolution, which a more aggressive ACT UP may be able to resolve; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS RESEARCH NEWS. AZT EARLIER IS BETTER. PCP PROPHYLAXIS.EARLIER IS BETTER? HYPERTHERMIA. HOPE OR HYPE? ORAL ALPHA-INTERFERON UPDATE; KIND ENOUGH AND BRAVE ENOUGH Letter to the editor re assisted suicide; NEW PHONE LINE FOR WOMEN WITH AIDS/HIV The Vancouver Women and AIDS Network announce twice-monthly confidential drop-in and information phone line for HIV positive women; HAVE FREEDOM WILL TRAVEL Report from the International Conference for PWA/HIVs in Madrid, discussing human rights and HIV and travel in particular; ddI MEMBER QUESTIONNAIRE Members taking ddI are reminded that we are surveying the side effects of ddI and other issues related to ddI; FESTIVE! Fundraiser announcement; WRITE FOR THE NEWSLETTER Draft guidelines for submissions; EUTHANASIA FORUM Monthly Medical Forum; NATIONAL AIDS STRATEGY ANNOUNCED The Federal Minister of Health, Perrin Beatty, announced the much delayed national strategy on AIDS but no new money or programs; CALENDAR; ONGOING EVENTS; SUNLIGHT HARMFUL TO PWAs? Research report; TOSS 'EM What's Lurking in YOUR Medicine Cabinet? Move your medications from the bathroom to a dry, cool place; EAT WELL Food Remedies to Common Problems for PWAs; A LETTER FROM PAT Information on the Palliative Care Unit at St. Paul's Hospital; SUPPORT GROUP For Lesbians and Gays with a Disability. Call the BC Coalition of the Disabled for more information; INTERVIEWEE Call for study participants; JUST A REMINDER: Because That's What Friends are For! II Information and reflection on AIDS Vancouver's Buddy Program; FRIDAY AFTERNOON FESTS!! Good Times are Back!; THOUGHTS ALONG THE WAY Falling Out of Victim Consciousness. Personal reflection; LEATHER STAR grants realistic wishes of terminal PWAs; LONGTIME COMPANION Movie review; REMEMBRANCE OF VALENTINE'S DAY Poetry; THE LAST CANTO II Poetry; ROGER J. BOURQUE June 1945 - July 1990; COMPLEMENTARY TICKETS PROCEDURES; ATTENTION PWA ARTISTS! Walk for Life '90 committee is in dire need of graphic ideas, suggestions and submissions for posters and brochures; BAR-B-Q! Farwell to David Lewis who is retiring from the PWA Society to take up a position with ACT UP; HELPLINE; NOTICEBOARD; LET'S GO! MOVIE NIGHT FRIDAYS; WALK FOR LIFE '90 Fundraiser announcement, call for volunteers;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #36 May 1990

Publication type: 
WE FINALLY DID IT! The Vancouver Persons with AIDS Society moves into its own offices at 1447 Hornby Street, Second Floor; BC AIDS STRATEGY ESSENTIAL The Vancouver Persons with AIDS Society welcomes the announcement today by the BC Minister of Health, John Jansen, initiating a consultation process to develop a Provincial AIDS Strategy; OFFICE WARMING You are invited to celebrate the Vancouver PWA Society's move to new premises! SMOOTH MOVE Thank You Volunteers Thanks to the volunteers who renovated and moved the Society into its new offices; ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ELECTS NEW BOARD OF DIRETORS Report from the AGM; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS RESEARCH NEWS: PCP PROPHYLAXIS: Earlier is Better; AEROSOLIZED PENTAMIDINE Through the Emergency Drug Release Program; KS: TO WORRY OR NOT TO WORRY?; ELEVEN YEARS MEDIAN AIDS INCUBATION PERIOS; AZT RESISTANCE REAL OR UNREAL?; SALK HIV VACCINE TRIAL TO BEGIN SOON; ddI IN FOCUS: 290 DEATHS OF ddI USERS IN USA; ACCESS TO ddI SHOULD BE A CATASTROPHIC RIGHT; JOHN S. JAMES ON ddI; ddI: PROMISING BUT EXPERIMENTAL; SYSTEMIC CANDIDA AND ORAL THRUSH: LAYING THE FOUNDATIONS OF IMMUNE DYSFUNCTION; TESTS AVAILABLE THROUGH PWA Quantified p24, Beta 2 Microglobulin, Neopterin and T-cell testing; P24 ANTIGEN AND BETA 2 MICROGLOBULIN TESTS NOW AVAILABLE IN BC; MENTAL HEALTH AND AIDS The Federal Centre for AIDS working group on Mental Health has announced a series of public hearings; "DISRUPTING COMPLACENCY, THE CHALLENGE FOR THE 90s" AIDS education conference announcement; ONGOING EVENTS; GETTING INVOLVED ADVOCACY REPORT 12 new speakers for the Speaker's Bureau. Prisoner Outreach Coordinator sought. April Monthly Medical Forum with Dr Lindsay Lawson on lung issues is available on audio casesette, the May Forum will be on Nutrition, June on Legal/Medical issues. The Discrimination Documentation Project continues to college data on HIV/AIDS related discrimination. If you are taking ddI, please get one of our ddI questionnaires; "PLAGUE OF INNOCENCE" CONFRONTS PREJUDICE AT THE VANCOUVER CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL Performances and panel discussions on how controversial issues should be presented to children such as HIV; FOOD BANK HOME DELIVERIES Announcement and call for volunteers; PEER COUNSELLING Information and call for volunteer peer counsellors; POND SCUM SOCIAL Cooking with blue-green algae; PRIVATE THOUGHTS Poetry; BELIEVE ME, THERE IS HOPE Personal reflection; LAURIE VIRR 1949 - 1990; INTERNATIONAL AIDS CANDLE LIGHT VIGIL Event announcement; RAY HORTON 1943 - 1990; SELF EXPRESSION THROUGH ART Information about Art Therapy and a group facilitated by certified Art Therapist that meets weekly at the Society Offices; VISUALIZATION group meets weekly; A NIGHT OUT WITH THE MEN'S CHORUS "Love Broadway" concert with Marni Nixon. Complementary tickets available; NUTRITION FOR PWAs: TOPIC OF MAY MONTHLY FORUM; UNITED WAY FUND you can designate all or part of your donation directly to PWA; WRITE FOR THE NEWSLETTER! GUIDELINES PROPOSED Policies to guide contributors to the newsletter, call for discussion; BOOK REVIEWS WOMEN AND AIDS "AIDS: The Women" Inez Rider and Patricia Ruppelt, eds., Iris Press 1988; TEE SHIRT SALES BENEFITS PWA SOC.; HELP RAISE MONEY Call for volunteers; HELPLINE; COMING ATTRACTIONS Friday is Movie Night; NOTICE BOARD;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #37 June 1990

Publication type: 
BOYCOTT! WHITE SPOT, KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN UNFAIR The Board of Directors of the Vancouver Persons with AIDS Society have unanimously called for a boycott of those businesses operated by White Spot Restaurants after investigation of a complaint that White Spot Restaurants Limited had terminated the employment of a person with AIDS based on nothing other than his disability; GMHC BOYCOTTS SF CONFERENCE Gay Men's Health Crisis of New York City voted to join the boycott of the 6th International Conference on AIDS; ATTENTION! HEALTH FUND CHANGES Changes in the Complementary Heath Fund; OFFICE FUNITURE Thank you BC Hydro for donation of furniture; BOARD DISCUSSIONS Report from Board of Directors. Complete meeting minutes available in the office; ADVOCACY REPORT Committee inundated with reports of HIV/AIDS related discrimination; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS. ORAL INTERERON - ALPHA. 99 AIDS Patients Claimed to be symptom free. AZT = POISON = DEATH? NEOPTERIN AND HIV REPLICATION; ddI QUESIONNAIRE All people taking ddI are asked to participate; CATASTROPHIC RIGHTS by John Dixon, Book review; THIRD ANNUAL AIDS, MEDICINE AND MIRACLES CONFERENCE Conference report; DECISIONS Four personal accounts of decisions taken by Vancouver PWAs who have considered switching from AZT to ddI; ONGOING EVENTS; HOW AIDS CHANGED MY LIFE Excepts from talk delivered by the Reverend Neil Gray as a part of a Conference held in Calgary for AIDS Caregivers; EDWARD ROSS BAKER March 23, 1944 - April 1, 1990; LIVING & DYING IN EACH MOMENT Personal reflection on changes in reactions towards someone is dying, toward death itself; KUDOS OF THE MONTH Thank yous; TELL US! Funding received from Health and Welfare Canada to conduct a Program Review. Call for participation; ddI MEMBER QUESTIONNAIRE Please participate in monthly side-effects questionnaire; EATING HINTS Are You Just Not Hungry?; WISHES FULFILLED Leather Star raises funds to grant "last wishes." Call to apply or for more information; STOP SMOKING! The PWA Smoking Cessation Program, 8 weeks long, call to register; LEGAL, MEDICAL ISSUES FOCUS OF MONTHLY FORUM; MEDICAL FORUMS ON AUDIO TAPE available; EUTHANASIA: CHOICE IN DYING Guest from the National Hemlock Society to speak at Monthly Forum; ON OUR SHELVES New Books in the PWA Library; HELPLINE; 'LOUNGE LIZARDS' Needed to Look after the PWA Living Room Lounge; NOTICEBOARD;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #33 January 1990

Publication type: 
NO TO TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS Vancouver PWA Society resolution on VI International Conference on AIDS. The Society will not be officially represented at the VI International Conference on AIDS unless the [US] border crossing discrimination is ended; IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR PEOPLE WITH HIV/AIDS Madrid, Spain, May 23-27, 1990 Event announcement; FREEDOM TO MOVE? Despite repeated protests, there has been no change in the US waiver policy which forces people to declare their HIV status in order to enter the country, growing number of groups withdraw their participation from the San Francisco Conference; CONFERENCE COMMITTEE MEETS Members who are interested in attending conferences should attend meetings; INTERNATIONAL BOYCOTT URGED Internationally, people with HIV/AIDS urge organizations to withdraw participation from the VI International Conference on AIDS; ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MARCH 25, 1990 Board Member Nominations Sought; NEW YEAR MESSAGE from the Chairperson; TRACKING THE VIRUS Tests for Monitoring HIV Disease Progression and the Effectiveness of Treatment(s) T4 or T-Helper Test, p24 Antigen Test, Beta 2 Microglobulin Test, Neopterin; CAUTION URGED IN ALTERNATIVE THERAPY Disclaimer; ANTI-AIDS CHEMICALS FOUND IN ALGAE? Research news article and testimonial on Super Blue Green Algae; ONGOING EVENTS; A NOTE FROM YOUR FRIENDLY FUNDRAISER Fundraiser announcements, call for volunteers; FUNDRAISING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED; THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Thanks to all those who helped create Christmas gift baskets; MUNCHIES AND FINE FOOD OVER THE HOLIDAYS Thanks to businesses who provided food at special events ; EASTER SUNDAY AT CHRISTMAS EVE??? Thanks to Christmas Eve open house volunteers; UNDER THE MISTLETOE FOR THE PWA CHRISTMAS COMMITTEE thanks to the Committee volunteers; MORNING'S RIDE Poetry; PEER COUNSELLING AT THE PWA OFFICES Group of PWA members complete first part of a Peer Counselling Training Program. Call for information, sign up for training, or to make a referral or appointment; SURVIVING AND THRIVING WITH HIV/AIDS Personal reflection; AS I LOOK AT YOUR NOW In Memory of Colin: Colin Regan January 19, 1962 - September 17, 1989; HELP FOR STREET KIDS Thanks to the Society for donation to AIDS Counselling Services for Street Kids; DON CAIRNS February 10, 1960 - January 8, 1990; NEW BOOKS Recent Additions to Library Shelves; CATASTROPHIC RIGHTS TO BE SUBJECT OF FEBRUARY MONTHLY MEDICAL FORUM Event announcement; CAROL LOWEN JOINS PWA STAFF; STEVEN W. SCRIBAILO 1951 - 1990; GET INVOLVED! Advocacy Report; MEMBER "CAUCUS" TO BE HELD BI-WEEKLY All members are invited and encouraged to attend caucus meetings to express the directions and ideas for the Board to implement for PWA Society; NOTICE BOARD; FUN! GAMES! PARTY! Valentine's Potluck Dinner;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver PWA Coalition Newsletter Issue #34 February/March 1990

Publication type: 
AZT A MORAL VICTORY Report on the Vancouver Persons with AIDS Society case charging the provincial government with discrimination on its policy requiring payment for HIV; ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Announcement; A YEAR OF RAPID CHANGE Annual report from the Chair of the Vancouver Persons with AIDS Society; AIDS ACTIVISM TAKES ATLANTA AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power held 2 days of actions in Atlanta Georgia against the Centres for Disease Control demanding an HIV inclusive definition of AIDS; ddI PATIENTS QUESTIONNAIRE We are collecting data on the side effects of ddI. Share your experience; MARCH 25TH 1 PM ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING; INFORMING OURSELVES Should the Vancouver PWA Coalition Advise and Inform Members about Treatments? Commentary; A ROOF OVER MY HEAD! Housing Needs Project formed to identify the housing needs of PWAs and to work toward the provision of more affordable housing suitable to meet those needs; FOCUS ON WOMEN FOR WORLD AIDS DAY 1990 World Health Organization announces theme for World AIDS Day; WOMEN AND AIDS NETWORK Drop in space to share and obtain information; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS RESEARCH NEWS: ACYCLOVIR MAY HELP DELAY DISEASE PROGRESSION, HOW AZT & ddI WORK, LITHIUM MAY REDUCE AZT SIDE EFFECTS, ddI PRODUCES SIDE EFFECTS IN HIGH DOSES; ONGOING EVENTS; PASSIVE IMMUNOTHERAPY (PATH) PROMISING NEW AIDS TREATMENT Plasma rich in antibodies against HIV is drawn from seropositive donors, treated to inactivate the HIV and transfused to patients with advanced HIV disease; PATH PASSIVE IMMUNOTHERAPHY TRIAL IN VANCOUVER? Canadian PATH Task Force set up working towards establishing multi-centre PATH trial. Call for volunteers. Information pack available; BC FUNDING SOON FOR TESTS? HIV P24 Antigen (P24) and Beta 2 Microglobulin (B2M) Meetings held to work toward funding tests; TESTS FUNDED IN FEBRUARY P24/B2M testing is now available; A TAROT IN TRANSITION: The transformative Power of the Heart. Personal reflection; THOUGHTS ALONG THE WAY Reflection on freedom; DISCRIMINATION Have you been discriminated against because of your HIV/AIDS status? Contact the Advocacy Committee with details; THE HERO DEED Personal reflection; ON THE SHELVES New acquisitions to the PWA Library; TALKING BOOKS available; "THE NORMAL HEART" March 11th Fundraiser Performance; "SLAVE AUCTION" Fundraiser announcement; DEBT ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE BC Government Debtor Assistance Service; DISABILITY BENEFITS: GETTING YOUR FAIR SHARE The BC Coalition of the Disabled's Advocacy Access has advocates to help people with a disability get their fair share of benefits; PWAs LIVING LONGER Health Study Reveals Reprinted from the Bay Area Reporter; SHELLFISH POISONING Medic Alert to PWAs Cook shellfish thoroughly, avoid mixing cooked shellfish with raw in the same container; CHUCK GROCHMAL 1952 - 1990; VOLUNTEERS Program Well under Way. Systems are now in place and new volunteers are currently being screened, trained and placed in various programs; HELPLINE Volunteer Opportunities at PWA Get Involved!; NOTICE BOARD;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #35 April 1990

Publication type: 
THE TIME HAS COME National Network Starting. National network of groups of persons living with HIV established; WARM WELCOME FOR DELEGATES At National Meeting of PWA/HIV Groups The first national meeting of representatives from groups of persons living with HIV began with reception at Vancouver PWA Society; FOUNDING PRINCIPLES New Network to Act Nationally for Persons Living with HIV. Mandate and structure of the network; GET INVOLVED! Advocacy Report; ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP FEE LEVIED; MADRID CONFERENCE IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR PEOPLE WITH HIV/AIDS Final preparations are underway; EDMONTON ORGANIZES Message from Edmonton PLWHIV; NEUROPATHY Diagnosis now available; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHTLIGHTS: RESEARCH NEWS: SUNLIGHT HARMFUL TO PERSONS WITH HIV? SUPPORT FOR AEROSOL PENTAMIDINE PROPHYLAXIS AGAINST PCP. AZT: EARLIER IS BETTER. HIV INFECTION CAN REMAIN LATENT FOR THREE YEARS OR LONGER; ONE MAN'S OPINION ON LOUISE HAY; THE RATE OF INCREASE OF AIDS IN THE UNITED STATES SLOWED LAST YEAR; KEEP ON SMILING April is Dental Health Month. Dental health advise; AEROSOL PENTAMIDINE Topic of April Forum; HEALTHY DATE WALNUT COOKIES Recipe; THE POWER OF MEGA-C Commentary on Vitamin C; ONGOING EVENTS; OTHER EVENTS, GROUPS AND COMMITTEES; THE ENEMY Poetry; COME OUT, COME OUT, WHEREVER YOU ARE Commentary excerpted from "Being Alive" February 1990; QUIT SMOKING NOW! PWA SMOKING CESSATION PROGRAM to be held at Vancouver PWA offices, sign up now; BUNNY HOP Fundraiser for Easter's Sundays who provide meals to PWAs; COMING ATTRACTIONS Friday Movie Night; INSIDE STORIES: JOURNEY INTO SELF-ESTEEM Knowledge Network; VISUALIZATION WITH A DIFFERENCE Immune specific visualizations; A DAY TO REMEMBER AT YOUTH AND AIDS CONFERENCE IN GENEVA Excerpted from Hemophilia Today. Report on World AIDS Day 89 "Youth and AIDS"; ERIC DELAQUAIZE 1947 - 1990; BARRY GODDARD 1947 - 1990; ddI PATIENTS QUESTIONNAIRE We are collecting data on the side effects of ddI; HEALING GROUP supporting each other in making positive lifestyle changes; LOVE-LY TIME Potluck report and thank yous; LIBRARY New Acquisitions; HELPLINE Volunteer Opportunities at PWA; NOTICE BOARD;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition


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