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Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre

DEW Drop-In Newsletter

Publication type: 
Andrews, Moonyne; Brenda; Suzanne; Keyespapamatao, Marie; Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Poems: Freedom Fighter by Moonyne Andrews; Love by author unknown; Brenda's poem; A Poem For Thought; Volunteer News' workshop on Conflict Resolution was not well attended by it was well accepted by the women who attended; more welfare regulations target poor say our advocates.
Spring Dinner; DEWC Steering Committee; The Unity Button; poetry; Volunteer News; Welfare;

DEW Drop-In Newsletter

Publication type: 
Andrews, Moonyne; Tannia; Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Calendar is found in the middle of issue; Moonyne Andrews' Poem "Crunching the Leaves"; Tannia's Poem "Kindness". Regular programming: Learning Group; Writing and Reading; Kathy the Nurse; Alcohol and Drug Support Group; Women's Voice; Women Surviving Together; Law Student; Raffles; Volunteer Nights; Dreamcathchers; Beading with Leona; Medicine Bags with Barb; Ceramic and Tile Painting; Fabric Arts with Freeda. Outings: BBQ Crab Park; Bowling; Arts Club 50's Rock and Roll musical Red Rock Diner; Science World exhibition. Food Safe Workshop; Guidelines for group norms; Legal Advocacy on Renting a Hotel in the Downtown Eastside (some common problems).
Poems; DEWC Calendar; Group Norms; Nurse; News from the Legal Advocate.

DEW Drop-In Newsletter

Publication type: 
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
September 21st is Autumn Equinox; Volunteer Programs; Camping at Camp Capilano October 27-29; Make Your Career Dreams A Reality - Delhia Nahanee from Employment Options; News From Your Advocates; Information on Guaranteed Available Income for Need; CPP; UIC and WCB; Poverty Living on Welfare; Mental Health; Regular Programming: Crafty Workshops of Beading with Leona, Medicine Bags with Barb, Ceramic and Tile Painting, Fabric Arts with Freeda. Outings: Aquarium, Bowling at the Commodore Lanes, OMNIMAX, Camp Capilano, Arts Club Theatre on Granville Island presentation of Still Born Lover; Celtic Magic and It's Uses Today; DTES Women's Centre Halloween Party; Harvest Dinner
Equinox; Volunteer News; Camping; Advocate News; Career Dreams; Mental Health; DEWC Schedule; Celtic Magic; Dates To Remember; Harvest Dinner

DEW Drop-In Newsletter

Publication type: 
Roberta; Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Celebrating Chinese New Year with a meal and some festivities. Outings: Toboganning, Planetarium, Brackendale Eagle Watch, Bowling at the Commodore Bowling Lanes. Constructive Criticism Workshop for volunteers - implies that the person who has a grievance has thought about the situation and is able to offer situations and full explanations about the grievance. The Untamed Beast - the clothing room - New Clothing Room Rules. New Advocate Roberta taking over for Kathleen; information about welfare, housing, health. Women will march through the streets and alleys in the Downtown Eastside in Memorial for our sisters who have been killed. The Indigenous Women's Caucus' of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) are inviting all people concerned about justice to join a vigil at the provincial court building steps. The vigil coincides with the sentencing of the man convicted of killing Pamela George, an Indigenous woman from Saskatchewan. Judge Ted Malone instructed the jury to take into account that because the accused was intoxicated he didn't really know what he was doing and also to "bear in mind that George indeed is a prostitute." Stand with us in solidarity with all women and with the First Nations struggle for equal treatment before the law.
Chinese New Year festivities; Outings; Constructive Criticism workshop; clothing room; New advocate; Valentine's Day march; Pamela George.

DEW Drop-In Newsletter

Publication type: 
Kathleen; Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
DTES Women's Centre June Schedule; June is the beginning of BBQ Season; June Workshops; Regular Programming; Outings; Groups Update; Life Skills Support; Learning Group; Battered Women Support Services; Alcohol and Drug Support; Women Surviving Together; Legal Advocate; BC Benefits; Family Bonus; Child Support; New Disability Benefits Form; Human Rights; Immigration; Welfare; Residential Tenancy; Child Apprehension by Ministry Social Services; June Volunteer News Letter; Dates to Remember; Receptionist Workshop; Appreciation Dinner; Centre Cleaning; Red Book Workshop; Creative Cultures; Mental Health; AIDS Workshop; Grief and Grieving; Pride Presentation; New Group is Women's Support Group For Women Living With HIV and AIDS
DEWC Schedule; June Regular Programming; June Workshops; June Outings; Groups Updates; Legal Advocate; BC Benefits; Family Bonus; Child Support; New Disability Benefits Form; Human Rights; Immigration; Welfare; Residential Tenancy; Apprehended Children; Volunteer News; Creative Cultures; Pride Presentation; Support Group For Women Living With HIV/AIDS

DEW Drop-In Newsletter

Publication type: 
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Workshops: HIV/AIDS; Alcohol and other substances and pregnancy; Eating Disorders; Holistic Healing; Workshop on menopause. Regular programming: AIDS; Life Skills; Learning Group; ESL; Battered Women Support Services; Nurse; Law Student; Alcohol and Drug Support Group; Women's Voice; Women Surving Together; Raffles; Volunteer Nights; HIV/AIDS Women's Support Group; Bingo. Crafty Workshops: Woodworking, Dreamcatchers; First Nations wood carving; Ceramics. Outings: Aquarium; swimming; Theatre Outing to the Arts Club; Vancouver Folk Fest; Burnaby Lake Nature Walk; NLHA'7KAPMX Healing Gathering; BBQ and Games at Crab Park. There is money available for volunteers to take courses and training. The Centre will not be opening on Saturdays, if there are any concerns please come to Women's Voice. List of Steering Committee members 1996/97. There will be a "People's Gathering for Community Health" held in the Downtown Eastside. An independent peer group is now meeting around the issues of child apprehension.
Workshops; Regular workshops; Crafty workshops; Outings; Volunteer News; Women's centre guidelines; Women's Voice; Steering Committee Members; Advocate News; Apprehension Support Group; Legal Advocate

DEW Drop-In Newsletter

Publication type: 
Josette; AIDS Vancouver Women's Outreach; Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
New Support Group for women 45 and over; Julie Cyr craft workshops every other week; Hedy Fry Minister responsible for status of women is coming to centre for meeing with women; Workshops: First Nations Drumming; Autism- short video handouts and discussion what is autism and how does it affect us; Breast Self Examination. Regular Programming: Margareth from AIDS Vancouver will be here Mon; Lifeskills; Learning Group; Kathy Nurse; Law Student with legal help including welfare, MSS, handicapped etc.; Alcohol and Drug Support Group; Women's Voice - let us know what you think of the centre; Women Surviving Together; Raffles; Volunteer Nights every friday; HIV/ AIDS Women's Support Group; Bingo; Crafty Workshops; Dreamcatchers; Ceramics Painting. Outings: Boundary Bay Picnic; Canoeing and picnic Deep Cove; Mission Medicine Wheel trip to medicine wheel gathering; BBQ and Games at Strathcona Park. Four Corners Community Savings Bank needs to change how to handle low-income clients; Money Mart charging fee for cashing govenment cheques; Bank Act under review; changes to G.A.I.N.; low-income families and Leisure Access Passes; Canadian Assoc. of Anorexia Nervosa workshops at Mount Pleasant Community Centre; Cottonwood Gardens 10am clearing bushes to make space for Sweat Lodge; HIV/AIDS information and resources; Poem on drinking; Advocate says theft is occurring in center.
workshops; lifeskills; learning group; Kathy the nurse; law students; Alcohol and Drug Support Group; women's voice; raffles; volunteer nights; HIV/AIDS women's support group; crafty workshops; dreamcatchers; Julie's craft corner; ceramics painting; Outings; Bank Discrimination; poor; BC Family Bonus; Guaranteed Available Income for Need; Parks leisure access pass cuts; Fraud Squad; Eating disorders workshops; Volunteer News; Community Outreach; Cottonwood Gardens and Sweat Lodge; HIV/AIDS; Legal Advocate

DEW Drop-In Newsletter

Publication type: 
Biddau, Pat; Larose, Dorothy; Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Canoeing in Deep Cove; Summer Send-Off BBQ; Camping Trip; Take back the Night Dinner and March; DEWC Annual Camping Trip; Video and discussions on Hepatitis C; Video and discussions on My Body's My Business; Regular Programming; Crafty Workshops; Outings; Notes on Sundays at the Centre; BINGO News; October is Women's History Month the theme being Women and the Arts; New group "No Name" 45+ Group; DTES Women's Centre Co-op Radio Show; News From the Legal Advocate; What to do if your ID is Stolen; Consumer Awareness; Effective Complaining; Federal Anti-Poverty Groups 25th Conference; Volunteer News; Sign In Sheet; Meeting Report; This Is My Story; Labour Day Schedule
DTES Women's Center Schedule; Programming; Workshops; Outings; Notes on Sundays; Bingo; Women's History Month; No-Name 45+ Group; Co-op Radio Show; News from the Legal Advocate; Federal Anti-Poverty Group; Volunteer News; Meeting Report; My Story; Labour Day Schedule

DEW Drop-In Newsletter

Publication type: 
Kathleen; Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
The Women Centre is planning an action to draw attention to the increasing number of children living in poverty. Reta Blind leading a Drum Making Workshop. Julie's Craft Corner - something new every week. Outings: Bowling at the Commodore Lanes; Botanical Gardens and the Japanese Garden; theater outing to the Arts Club; Aquarium visits; swimming at the Aquatic Centre. The Volunteer BOOO Bash was a success and about 30 people attended. Christmas events. Would you like to make some extra money for Christmas? Join the Women's Centre Craft Collective. The Downtown Eastside Women's Centre is a member of FAPG - Federated Anti-Poverty Groups of B.C. The Ministry of Social Services has changed to the Ministry of Human Resources. Welfare Laws in B.C. are in the process of changing. Anyone interested in activism regarding the issue Child Poverty please attend a meeting at the centre. Cathy Churchill from Native Health will be co-facilitating the Grief Support Group. Melanie from Four Corners Bank Community Savings will be coming to the centre to explain the services available at the bank. The Bank is for the people in the Downtown Eastside and it offers services completely free to low income people. Advocacy news: B.C. Benefits - Are there alternatives to B.C. Benefits? Who is against BC Benefits? Virtually all advocacy groups who work with people on welfare. There will be a T-Shirt Painting session at the Women's centre to create a personal tribute to survivors or victims of violence. All supplies will be provided.
Drum Making Workshop; Child Poverty Day; Crafty Workshops; Julie's Craft Corner; Outings; Swimming; Volunteer News; Christmas; Pancake Breakfast; Incentive Programs; Ministry of Education; Skills and Training; Women's Centre Craft Collective; Advocacy News; Federated Anti-Poverty Groups of BC (FAPC); Ministry of Social Services; Ministry of Human Resources; Welfare Laws in BC; Guaranteed Available Income for Need Act; Grief Support Group; Four Corners Bank Community Savings; BC Benefits; WHOA; The Clotheslines Project

DEW Drop-In Newsletter

Publication type: 
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
Downtown Eastside Women's Centre
It's a busy month at the center. Volunteers are wrapping gifts to hand out to women in need. If you are missing someone dear, pay your respect at a candle light vigil. Tired of being in doors, go and enjoy yourself at one of our many Christmas outings; and don't forget the many Christmas dinners offered by many non-profit organizations.
Christmas at the centre; volunteer christmas dinner; christmas giving ; candle light vigil; christmas activities; outings christmas dinners


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