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Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users

The Next Steps: BC Youths' Response to the AHS III and Ideas for Action: A Project of the Adolescent Health Survey III

Publication type: 
Research Paper / Project Report
The McCreary Centre Society
The Government of Canada's National Crime Prevention Strategy; The Vancouver Foundation
A report on a workshop held with youth, as follow-up to the 2003 Adolescent Health Survey (AHS). The AHS was a large-scale survey conducted in grades 7-12 in British Columbia . The workshop had three components: discussing AHS III research results; exploring the meaning and importance of "protective factors" in youth health; and developing ideas for action. Youth's top four health priorities were alcohol and drug use; mental health and suicide; racism and discrimination; and sexual health. The report summarizes youth's perspectives on each of the four issues; their ideas for action; and examples of unique and creative projects that they suggested for addressing these issues.
The McCreary Centre Society; survey; Adolescent Health Survey (AHS); British Columbia; youth; adolescents; health; social determinants of health

Raven's Children II: Aboriginal Youth Health in B.C.

Publication type: 
Research Paper / Project Report
The McCreary Centre Society
British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development
This report combines the data from responses of over 4,800 Aboriginal students who took part in the Adolescent Health Survey (AHS) in 1992, 1998 and 2003. Athe AHS is a large-scale survey of grades 7-12. Trends and changes over time in the areas of physical, emotional and sexual health, and on issues such as family connectedness, attitudes towards education, and community involvement, are described and represented in a series of tables. Key findings are that overall, Aboriginal students are in good health and some sexual and substance use risk behaviours are on the decline. Key issues that need to be addressed include lack of safety at school, abuse, racial discrimination, and suicide among Aboriginal youth.
The McCreary Centre Society; survey; Adolescent Health Survey (AHS); British Columbia; youth; adolescents; aboriginal; aboriginal youth; health; social determinants of health

Building Resilience in Vulnerable Youth

Publication type: 
Research Paper / Project Report
The McCreary Centre Society
British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development
This report is based on the 2003 Adolescent Health Survey (AHS). AHS is a large-cale survey of grades 7-12. The AHS is a large-scale survey conducted in grades 7-12 in British Columbia. This report focuses specifically on "vulnerable youth" (those who have experienced abuse and those who have had challenging, unstable home life). The report describes an array of health risks and challenges facing vulnerable youth. It identifies a number of "protective factors" in youth health, including: the existence of family support and a sense of connectedness to family and people at school; feeling safe and welcome at school; having friends who have healthy attitudes about risk behaviours; and spending time with parents, in the home, at key times in the day. The report concludes with recommendations for school and community interventions that help promote these protective factors in the lives of vulnerable youth.
The McCreary Centre Society; survey; Adolescent Health Survey (AHS); British Columbia; youth; adolescents; social support networks; health vulnerabilities; risk behaviours; health risks; health; social determinants of health

Healthy Youth Development: Highlights from the 2003 Adolescent Health Survey

Publication type: 
Research Paper / Project Report
The McCreary Centre Society
British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development; British Columbia Ministry of Health Se
A summary of key findings from the 2003 Adolescent Health Survey (AHS), a large-scale survey conducted in grades 7-12 in British Columbia. Data tables and descriptions are provided on the topics of youth's family background; smoking; substance use; sexual behaviour; physical and emotional health; injuries, violence and safety. The 2003 AHS found a dramatic decrease in smoking since the 1998 survey, a slight decline in substance use, fewer injuries, and a decline in physical and sexual abuse. Ongoing risk areas where preventative education and health promotion should be targeted include school safety, internet safety, diet, discrimination and harassment.
The McCreary Centre Society; survey; Adolescent Health Survey (AHS); adolescents; British Columbia; youth; health; social determinants of health

British Columbia Youth Health Trends: A Retrospective, 1992-2003

Publication type: 
Research Paper / Project Report
The McCreary Centre Society
British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development; British Columbia Ministry of Health Se
This report provides an overview of adolescent health trends in British Columbia, identified in results from the Adolescent Health Survey (AHS), a large-scale survey conducted in grades 7-12 in 1992, 1998 and 2003. The report tracks what has improved over the years in youth health status, and identifies remaining problems and challenges. Positive trends are a decreases in risky sexual behaviour; decreases in physical fighting and experiences of physical and sexual abuse; decreases in cigarette smoking; and stability in patterns of weight and growth. Negative trends include mental health issues and teen suicide; and increases in marijuana use and binge drinking. Focused analyses on specific health topics are given in the areas of health status; age and developmental stage; gender; ethnicity; region of residence; chronic illness and abuse; risk and resilience.
The McCreary Centre Society; survey; Adolescent Health Survey (AHS); adolescents; British Columbia; youth; health; social determinants of health

Promoting Healthy Bodies: Physical Activity, weight and tobacco use among B.C. Youth

Publication type: 
Research Paper / Project Report
The McCreary Centre Society
British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development; British Columbia Ministry of Health Se
A report based on data from the 2003 Adolescent Health Survey (AHS), a large-scale survey conducted in grades 7-12 in British Columbia. It provides prevalence information as well as data on risk factors for youth being underweight, obese, overweight, a smoker, or physically inactive. High self-rated health status; high level of connected to school and family; good eating habits, good weight control strategies; and non-engagement in high risk behaviours, are identified as "protective factors" that decrease poor health outcomes among youth. Prevalence data is stratified by health region; both prevalence and risk factor data is stratified by gender and age.
The McCreary Centre Society; survey; Adolescent Health Survey (AHS); adolescents; British Columbia; youth; health; social determinants of health; tobacco; diet; weight; exercise; physical activity

Vancouver Housing Forum: assorted documents - letters, meeting minutes

Publication type: 
Conference / Meeting Proceedings
Vancouver Housing Forum
Three Letters and two sets of meeting minutes between January and April 1998 by the Vancouver Housing Forum. These concerned the need to push the federal government for a national housing program, in the wake of the 1998 federal budget. Priority issues, objectives, and strategies for effective political organizing around social housing are listed in the minutes. Two letters are correspondence between members of the Housing Forum; one is from the Housing Forum to the provincial health ministers, calling on them to pressure for federal participation in the provision of new social housing.
Vancouver Housing Forum; Housing Forum; housing; housing demands; housing projects; social housing; affordable housing; housing programs; minutes

3 Ways to Home: Regional Homelessness Plan for Greater Vancouver: Update: November 2003

Publication type: 
Research Paper / Project Report
Greater Vancouver Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness
Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI) of the National Homelessness Initiative (NHI) o
An updated version (November, 2003) of the Regional Homelessness Plan for Greater Vancouver. The purpose of the updated plan is to confirm and update priorities, policies and actions. It incorporates new demographic information about the homeless and updates the inventory of services and facilities in the GVRD. It reflects policy changes affecting income assistance, child welfare, and social housing. It provides information concerning the plan's sustainability and its evaluation. There are new chapters devoted specifically to gaps and priorities concerning Aboriginal people and youth who are homeless. Analysis of financial expenditures under phase one of SCPI funding is provided.
Greater Vancouver Regional District; GVRD; Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI); National Homelessness Initiative (NHI); Greater Vancouver Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness (RSCH); Regional Homelessness Unit; Regional Homelessness Plan; aboriginal homelessness; homeless youth; income assistance; housing; housing policy; housing need; homelessness; Vancouver; policy; social programs; social housing; affordable housing; SROs; single room occupancy; support services; community supports; community-based services; services

The Crow's Eye Newsletter Vol 1, No. 1

Publication type: 
The Crow's Eye
First issue of the alternative newsletter, "The Crow's Eye". Articles include: "Squat if you Support Housing"; "Halfway River First Nation Prevents Access Along North Road to Protect Sacred Hunting Areas"; "Tear down the Walls: Anti Capitalist Convergence against the IMF/World Bank Sept 26-Oct 1, 2001"; "Argentina's Death by IMF"; "World Bank 'losing support'"; "Class War and Murder in Ontario"; "Ontario justice is two-faced"; "No Disciplinary Action Against Police Involved in Death of Anthony Dawson"; "Stories of Police Abuse During G8 in Genoa Leak Out"; "Say 'I Do?' I Don't"; "Police Stories: The Not So New Repression of Dissent"; "Safe Shooting Rooms".
The Crow's Eye; newsletter; housing; squatting; squatters; aboriginal; First Nations; World Bank; International Monetary Fund (IMF); protest; demonstration; activism; activists; justice system; safe injection site; safe shooting rooms; same-sex marriage; police; Montreal; Argentina; Alberta; British Columbia; Ontario; Italy; Toronto; Vancouver

Homelessness in Vancouver: We Can Do Something

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
An activist pamphlet advocating for anti-homelessness by-law that protects residents of single room occupancy hotels and rooming houses from displacement and homelessness. It is written in the context of increasing closures of residential hotels and rooming houses and the eviction of tenants due to conversion of buildings to hostels and tourist hotels.
Carnegie Centre; Carnegie Community Action Project (CCAP); Urban Youth Alliance; newsletter; homelessness; housing; SROs; single room occupancy hotels; activism; activists; Vancouver; urban development


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