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Positive Living Society of British Columbia (Formally BCPWA)

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #58 July/August 1992

Publication type: 
GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY Canadian AIDS Society Annual General Meeting Keynote Speech by Jon Gates, Canadian Council for International Cooperation. CATASTROPHIC RIGHTS: WHAT DO THE CRITICS SAY? In a recent paper John Russell of Cornell University critically examines John Dixon's book Catastrophic Rights; HOPE IS THE MAGIC BULLET Article from Xtra writing favourably about Celia Farber's "The HIV Myth"; PRISON NOTES This is the coming out speech of an HIV positive inmate of a federal prison in BC. He repeats - or tells - all our stories only more so; CANADIAN AIDS SOCIETY ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Report from Halifax on the PLHIV/AIDS forum and workshops and the AGM; KUDOS; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS: AZT SHADES OF GREY Extensive review of the testing of AZT and its benefits and drawbacks. PASSIVE IMMUNE THERAPY New Data Released, California Approval Possible. SELDANE/HISMANAL ALERT Potentially life threatening drug interactions Seldane or Hismanal with Ketoconazole or erythromycin. CD4 - PE40 Investigational drug thought to selectively destroy infected cells. CD8 CELL EXPANSION Research on feasibility and safety of the concept of CD8 expansion, extracting CD8 cells from an HIV positive person, treating them so they replicate in great numbers then reintroducing them. NEW BILL FAVOURS BIG DRUG FIRMS Federal government to introduce legislation that will give new brand name drugs greater protection against generic versions; BLOODWORK How often should bloodwork be done?; BIG ONES SMALL ONES SOME THE SIZE OF YOUR HEAD or DDI AND STUFF Advice on taking pills and how to take ddI; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: NORMANDY HOUSE Kudos to Normany Hospital and its repite program. PRISON NOTE HIV + inmate describes conditions inside; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS; AIDS MASTERY WORKSHOP Adverstisment. ON GOING GOINGS ON; THANK YOU! To the volunteers and businesses who contributed to the AIDS Resource Centre Volunteer Party; A FAMILY PORTRAIT Project to document what it means to be Gay/Lesbian in Canada; CORIGLIANO SYMPHONY NO. 1 Review of four movement symphony about AIDS; GET INVOLVED Feather of Hope Aboriginal AIDS Prevention Society, portrait of a volunteer; ABORIGINAL PEER COUNSELLORS Another peer counsellor peer training program completed; WOMEN AND ? Persons with AIDS rather than Women with AIDS; NEWS FROM NORMANDY Normandy Special Care Residence, the first community-based long term care facility in BC for people with AIDS opens; LIBRARY NEWS New audio and video materials; LIBRARY OUTREACH PROGRAM Outreach Service is a free service that assists sight-impaired and homebound persons to use the collections of the Vancouver Public Library; HUGS Poetry; OBITUARIES: IN CELEBRATION OF DANNY CLOWES. IN MEMORY OF GLEN DAVID SANDERSON; AIDS VANCOUVER EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE FUND How to apply; ADULT GUARDIANSHIP FORUM FOR THE HIV/AIDS COMMUNITY July 30, 1992; NOTICEBOARD; HELPLINE Volunteer Opportunities
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Catastrophic Rights; Women and HIV/AIDS; Obituary

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #57 June 1992

Publication type: 
EMPOWERMENT Commentary on the PWA Society as a self-help/self-empowerment organization and call for input on how the Society can remove barriers to empowerment rather than place barriers in the way; PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Update on the new AIDS Resource Centre; HOW YOUR SOCIETY WORKS: THE ORGANIZATION'S STRUCTURE, THE PROJECT SYSTEM; STRYKERNEWS CORRECTIONAL CENTRE SUPPORT PROGRAM Principles of the Prison Support Program, call for volunteers. INCOME TAX Tax advise, free preparation of tax returns; CATASTROPHIC RIGHTS Catastrophic rights are a particular form of patient's rights relating to the claim of Persons with AIDS to acquire and use experiemental drugs. "Catastrophic Rights" by John Dixon, available in the PWA Library, argues the case of catastrophic rights; CANDLELIGHT VIGIL Barry Budway's speech at the May 24th Candlelight Vigil; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS: CANDIDA (THRUSH) Symptoms and treatment of thrush, including drug interactions and nutritional considerations. SOME SUGGESTED HOLISTIC TREATMENTS FOR THRUSH. KNOW YOUR STUFF Verticle file reference system available. CD4 COUNTS AND TIME-FRAMES. KAPOSI'S SARCOMA (KS) Symptoms and treatment. NALTREXOME (TREXAN) Narcotic antagonist, potential immunemodulator; DISCOVERED REWORKING VIEW OF AIDS. RESEARCH STUDY WITH HERPES ZOSTER/SHINGLES. ADVISERS CONSIDER NEW AIDS COCKTAIL. RIFABUTIN OPEN LABEL TREATMENT PROTOCOL APPROVED. CHOOSING A PERSONAL PHYSICIAN. STORING MEDICINE. KEEPING FOOD SAFE. WOMEN AND AIDS Lack of recognition of the incidence of HIV among women; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Greetings from Amsterdam. Thank you to the Society for its strong stand against public prejudice. Concerns about the appearance of an attack against AA in article "Step 10". A thank you for printing the HIV and AA articles. Apology from the president regarding anguish caused by the article "Step 10." THE TWELVE STEPS OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. THE TWELVE TRADITIONS OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS. ONGOING GOINGS ON. OBITUARIES: WARREN ROBERTSON 1952 - 1992; PROJECT TO REVIEW ADULT GUARDIANSHIP The British Columbia Association for Community Living is hosting a series of forums as part of the project to review adult guardianship; NORMANDY HOSPITAL Rainbow Garden Club proposes new garden plan that would be both visually pleasing for the sighted and fragrant for the blind; WOMEN AND HIV/AIDS SUPPORT NETWORK COORDINATOR The Network introduces their first staff member; A LESSON IN DYING Poetry; DEDICATED TO C.C. Poetry; UPCOMING FUNDRAISING EVENTS; THE BIG MOVE Call for volunteers to help pack and unpack; PACIFIC AIDS RESOURCE CENTRE Demolition Part call for volunteers; PEER COUNSELLORS NEEDED; NOMINATIONS FOR OMBUDSMAN Call for applications; LIBRARY NEWS Thanks for donations. Talking books available: Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home. Lauren Bacall by Myself. Night Over Water. BOOK REVIEW: No Time for Nonsense: Self-Help for the Seriously Ill, by Ronna Fay Jevne, Ph.D and Alexander Levitan, M.D.; NOTICEBOARD; HELPLINE Volunteer Opportunities;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #56 May 1992

Publication type: 
AIDS RESOURCE CENTRE A NEW ERA OF COOPERATION. AIDS Vancouver, the Vancouver Women and HIV/AIDS Support Network and the Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society are in the process of finalizing lease on building at Seymour and Helmcken. "One stop shopping" for people requiring information or support related to AIDS and HIV infection due to open July 1st; CANADIAN AIDS SOCIETY: AN OVERVIEW; NO MORE FEAR, NO MORE IGNORANCE is the theme of the Canadian AIDS Society's second National AIDS Awareness Week OCTOBER 5 - 11, 1992; WORLD AIDS DAY DECEMBER 1ST, 1992. AIDS: A Community Committment. Event announcement; IT'S ALL IN THE TOP RIGHTHAND DRAWER. PART TWO: Your File of Documents. Documents your executor will need, information on CPP Death Benefits, furneral preparations; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS: STRESS REDUCTION STUDY. PCP PROPHYLAXIS NEW GUIDELINES. SWOLLEN LYMPH NODES. NEW DEVELOPMENT IN CMV TREATMENT. RESEARCH STUDY WITH HERPES ZOSTER/SHINGLES. CANADA INVITED TO JOIN DELTA COMBINATION TRIAL. STUDY OF CHEMOTHERAPY FOR MAC APPROVED. ddI & HEART FAILURE. GP 160 TRIAL GETS OFF THE GROUND. AZT PLUS OR MINUS INTRON-A TRAIL SET TO GO AHEAD. CANFAR NEWS Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research awards 44 grants. CIMETIDINE Immune modulator. NOTES ON THE PSYCHOSOCIAL NEEDS OF PEOPLE WITH AIDS/HIV. TREATMENT INFO PACKAGES UPDATE. NEWLETTERS AND TREATMENT ISSUES. OPEN FORUM ON HIV CLINICAL TRIALS; KUDOS; WE'RE OPEN; OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS; ONGOING GOING'S ON; MY VICTORY GARDEN OF LIFE Poetry; POSITIVE LIVING Non-facilitated support group for mutual support and empowerment; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: GOOD INTENTIONS Re: "AIDS: Why Science is Failing" recommending "Good Intentions: How Big Business and the Medical Establishment are Corrupting the Fight Against AIDS" by Bruce Nussbaum. I NEVER SAID GOODBYE A woman who loast her son to AIDS is calling for submissions to a book "I Never Said Goodbye to Nat"; STEP 10 HIV and AA; HOME/HOSPITAL VISITING PROJECT HAS STARTED! Any members who are isolated in their homes or in hospital are encouraged to call the office and contact the visiting project. Support group for volunteer visitors; HOME/HOSPITAL VISITNG PROJECT ORIENTATION DAY: WED. APRIL 8TH, 1992. Description of the process of creating the Home/Hospital Visiting Project and the orientation day; RECIPES: SUGAR FREE, YEAST-FREE EASY CHICKEN AND RICE. POTATO PANCAKES. 9th INTERNATIONAL AIDS CANDLELIGHT VIGIL SUNDAY MAY 24TH, 1992 Event announcement; ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. AIDS Vancouver will be holding their AGM on Tuesday May 12, 1992; OBITUARIES: MAURICE LUCIEN COURTEMANCHE FEBRUARY 1957 - MARCH 1992. JOE FORD 1955 - 1992; NOTICEBOARD; HELPLINE Volunteers needed;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #55 April 1992

Publication type: 
129,000 AND COUNTING Condensed version of Larry Kramers keynote speech at "A Gathering of Remembrance & Renewal" in New York City; PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE The major theme this y ear is "LEADING THE WAY"; REPORT FROM THE 1992 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING; DENTAL HEALTH MONTH: XEROSTOMIA Dealing with drymouth; OUT IN AFRICA: A NEW PWA/HIV SUPPORT GROUP IN AFRICA Vancouver PWA Board member traveled to Rwanda to help start PWA/HIV coalition; CAREGIVER TRAINING "COMPASSIONATE CARING IS HEALING" Course for Caregiver Care Training; IT'S ALL IN THE TOP RIGHTHAND DRAWER Part One: Detailed explanation of Powers of Attorney, Living Wills, and Wills; HOME/HOSPITAL VISITING PROJECT Call for volunteers; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS: KAPOSI'S SARCOMA AND ALPHA INTERFERON. CLINICAL TRIAL HIGHLIGHTS; ANAL CANCER STUDY IN SAN FRANCISCO. DAPSONE DESENSITIZATION. 566C80 PART TWO: TOXOPLASMOSIS & CRYPTOSPORIDOSIS. ACCESS TO NON-APPROVED TREATMENTS The Emergency Drug Release Program should help you and your doctor access new or experimental treatments for HIV/AIDS from anywhere in the world on a humanitarian basis. ERRATA Omission from last month's article "Does HIV Alone Directly Cause AIDS?"; KUDOS; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS. ONGOING GOINGS ON; IF Poetry; SAME-SEX COUPLES RECOGNIZED. Court orders MSP to offer joint medical coverage to same-sex couples; STEP 8. STEP 9. HIV and AA; RECIPES. PORRIDGE BURGERS, VEGETABLE STEW-SOUP; PWA POSTIVE LIVING New non-facilitated group for mutual support and empowerment; WOMEN & CHILDREN WITH HIV NEWSLETTERS; LIBRARY NEWS All new books are in circulation and the catalogue is up-to-date. Volunteers needed; NOTICEBOARD; HELPLINE Volunteers needed;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Gay Rights;

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #54 March 1992

Publication type: 
AIDS: WHY IS SCIENCE FAILING? English translation of an article in the Jornal da Tarde, Sao Paulo, Brazil suggesting that AIDS is more of an auto-immune disease than deficiency; PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Notice of the Annual General Meeting and a proposal to change the name of the Society to "The Persons With AIDS Society of British Columbia". PWA will be moving to new offices which will be shared with AIDS Vancouver and the Women and AIDS Network in a building to be known as the AIDS Resource Centre; HOMEMAKERS NOT ACCESSED Home Support Canada is hosting a forum to address the underutilization of homemaking services for PWAs; ON THE HORIZON AT AIDS VANCOUVER New PWA Caucus of members, staff and volunteers to be formed and integrated into all aspects of AIDS Vancouver's work; AIDS - OVER A MILLION NEW INFECTIONS IN 8 MONTHS Report from the World Health Organization on the global spread of HIV/AIDS; ARBUTUS STREET RESIDENCE (FOR PWAs) 10 beds will open for the Intermediate care of Persons with AIDS, first of its kind in Canada; THE VANCOUVER MEALS SOCIETY now has their own office and are recruiting volunteers. While continuing to provide daily meals to PWAs, they hope to grow and develop more services; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS: NEW PATIENT REGISTRY FOR BC for identifying people who may be eligible for clinical trials. ST. PAUL'S MEDICAL SHORT-STAY ADVISORY GROUP to address patient and staff concerns about problems arising from budget limitations and increasing demand for short-stay treatments. CMV Support group formed. DOES HIV ALONE DIRECTLY CAUSE AIDS? 566C80 PART ONE: PCP. 566c80 manufactured originally to treat malaria has been discovered to be potentially effective in treating Pneumocystis Carinii (PCP), Toxoplasmosis gondii, and Cryptosporidosis. RIFABUTIN STUDY SUSPENDS RECRUITMENT. NEW REGISTRY OF CANADIAN HIV TRIALS. ddI JITTERS. ddC NOT AS EFFECTIVE AS AZT OR ddI. FLUCONAZOLE FOR CRYPTOCOCCAL MENINGITIS. PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OPTIONS. CAREGIVER TRAINING "COMPASSIONATE CARING IS HEALING" A course for Caregiver Care Training is being offered for six consecutive Tuesday evenings; ARE YOU ON A HEALING JOURNEY? Call for volunteers for graduate student's research; LIVE ON - AN INSPIRATIONAL PROGRAM FOR CANCER AND PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS; KUDOS; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS. ONGOING GOING'S ON; HELLO FROM RONALD P. STEP 6. HIV and HIV; STEP 7. HIV and AA; DO YOU HAVE CHILDREN? We often receive donations of children's furniture, etc. and would like to include your child in our donation programs; STRYKERNEWS Free income tax preparation.Need counsellors to visit inmates and volunteers for Prison Liaison Project. Looking for people who use ground extract of grapefruit seeds to control mouth ulcers, thrush and herpes; OUR HEARTS OF LOVE FOR LIFE Fundraiser report; MARVEL COMICS SUPERHERO COMES OUT OF THE CLOSET; QUITA'S QUOTE Volunteer relates how she came to volunteer for PWA; CELEBRITIES BENEFIT SHOW Fundraiser announcement; BOOKWORM BOOGIE Library news; RECIPES Nothing Bread, Lentil Loaf; PSYCHIC SENSIBILITIES Palmistry and Astrology Survey; OBITUARIES: DIETMAR BOLLE NOVEMBER 1960 - JANUARY 1992. MARCUS ERICH MAY 11, 1960 - JANUARY 1992. BRIAN JULIUS GUSTAFSON; UPCOMING PROJECTS IN HIV/AIDS COMMUNITY Section 25 job postings; NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING; NOTICEBOARD; CLASSIFIEDS; HELPLINE Volunteers needed;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Obituary; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Women and HIV/AIDS

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #53 February 1992

Publication type: 
VANCOUVER ISLAND PROJECT! A group of PWAs from the Victoria area develop a Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society chapter for the Souther Vancouver Island; PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Thanks to everyone for their efforts on the last newsletter. Thanks to Angles for printing clarification of the Province newspaper's misquote. Thanks to the gay community who have always been at the forefront of fundraising for the Society. And a reaffirmation of the Society as a "grassroot" organization; REMEMBER THE AGM The fifth Annual General Meeting is scheduled for March 29, 1992; THE CONTINUING CARE DIVISION OF THE VANCOUVER HEALTH DEPARTMENT This division funded by the Provincial Ministry of Health includes visiting Home Care Nursing and Rehabilitation Therapy Services, Long Term Care, Home Support Services and L. T. C. Residential Facility Care. Information and eligibility; COMPLEMENTARY HEALTH FUND POLICY; ADVOCACY ISSUES New projects include an Individual Advocacy Project, a Prison liaison Project, and an Aboriginal Outreach Project. Ongoing issues include amendments to the Privacy Act and Human Rights Code legislations and the Treatment Information Project; "CONTACTS": AIDS RESOURCES GUIDE. AIDS Vancouver has created a special resource guide, CONTACTS, to help you find out exactly who does what in the area of HIV/AIDS support services and education; THE MAGIC FOUNTAIN PROJECT The objective of this art project is to promote HIV/AIDS awareness through the "DESIGN VANCOUVER WEEK" celebration; STEP 5 AA and HIV; HELP FOR HIV+ PHYSICIANS MEDICAL EXPERTISE RETENTION PROGRAM The American Association of Physicians for Human Rights has launched a program to salvage the personal and professional expertise and investment of those physicians who are reevaluating their current practices or who are forced to restrict them; G.A.I.N. PROBLEMS You may appeal any decision affecting your benefits and full benefits must be reinstated until the appeal is heard; GYPSY MOTH SPRAYING Biological product to be used with no pesticides or insecticides, no evidence of harm to humans, birds, pets, etc.; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS. NEW MEDICATIONS FOR OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTIONS. AZT NOTICE; VACCINES FOR HIV - AN UPDATE: Preventative Vaccines, Restorative Vaccines, GP160 Update, Salk HIV-Immunogen. NOTICE TO MEMBERS regarding missing appointments for T-4 cell count testing. HOME IV THERAPY British Columbia does not provide home IV therapy for Foscarnet and a number of other drugs. CMV RETINITIS: CHECKING YOUR VISION Description of CMV infections and instructions to check peripheral vision. PROPHYLAXIS PROTOCOL. CHANGES TO THE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM FOR HIV INFECTION. DNCB (1-cloro-2,4-dinitrochlorbenzene). ACYCLOVIR AND THE MEDIA. PCR TESTING ARRIVES AT ST. PAUL'S. ACCESS TO NON-APPROVED THERAPIES? Plans are underway at St. Paul's to use the Infectious Disease Clinic as a setting for administering non-approved therapies. Individuals will be able to be monitored and data will be collected that would provide clinical insight into the adminstration of experimental treatments. THE TREATMENT INFORMATION PROJECT NEEDS YOU! Call for volunteers. DDI. KNOW YOUR STUFF The Treatment Information Project vertical file system covers 1200 subjects with about 100,000 documents; BOARD NEWS Advisory Committee of retired PWA Board members established to offer continuity, advice and expertise. Board resignations and appointments; STRYKERNEWS PART TIME WORK PLUS CANADA DISABILITY PENSION Rules for working and collecting CPP. INCOME TAX TIME Free tax returns done. ANTIVIRALS: TO TAKE OR NOT TO TAKE Commentary on things to take into account when considering antiviral therapy; KUDOS; WE'RE OPEN: CALENDAR AND ONGOING EVENTS; BON APPETIT High fibre, economic and nutritious recipes, Carot and Ginger Soup adn Beef Lentil Curry; TRUE CONFESSIONS Society member is interviewed for a full page article in the Cariboo Observer in Quesnel, BC and talks about the reactions in his community; FOOD BAG NOTICE Food bags will now be available every week for delivery and pickup at AIDS Vancouver including the last Wednesday of the month; FEARLESS COMMENT Comment on the article "Choosing to Go and Saying Goodbye"; PEER COUNSELLORS NEEDED!!; HOW'S WORK? AIDS Vancouver is looking for examples of HIV-based discrimination in the workplace; LAW STUDENTS' LEGAL ADVICE PROGRAM Free legal advice from law students under the supervision of practicing lawyers; NOTICEBOARD; CLASSIFIEDS; OBITUARY: JAMES STEVENSON McINTYRE; HELPLINE Volunteers needed;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Long Term Care; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; First Nations; Obituary

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #52 December 1991/January 1992

Publication type: 
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE; LETTER FROM THE VICE-PRESIDENT Thank yous and call for volunteers; LETTER TO THE EDITOR OF THE PROVINCE Correction of article "Gay Group backs M.D. disciplined over sex."; AN EPIDEMIC OF A.C.R.O.N.Y.M.S. Call for clear and careful speech and avoiding acronyms; FROM THE EDITOR Apology for distribution delay and change in appearance of the newsletter; PASSIVE EUTHANASIA Private members bill to protect a physician from criminal liability where the physician does not initiate or continue treatment or where they physician does not prolong life; TAXI SAVER PROGRAM For holders of a Handy Pass, half price taxis; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS. NEW TESTING PROCEDURES AT ST. PAUL'S! CLINICAL TRIALS: CANADIAN HIV CLINICAL TRIALS NETWORK COMMUNITY GROUPS PRESENTATION. BUYER'S CLUBS. CHINESE HERBS STUDY; IMMUNE MODULATOR FLOPS! STATEMENT ON IMUTHIOL BY THE MANUFACTURER. MEXILETINE: NEW DRUG FOR SYMPTOMS OF PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY. NAC: N-ACETYL-L-CYSTEINE. LYMPHOMA: NEW AGENT UNDER STUDY. FOSCARNET VS. GANCYCLOVIR IN CMV RETINITIS TREATMENT. DHEA: PROGRESSION TO AIDS ASSOCIATED WITH ADRENAL HORMONE. HYPERICIN UPDATE. NOTICE TO MEMBERS Members who have had problems accessing drugs or problems with Pharmacare paying for drugs are asked to write down the details for the Treatment Information Project. A DROP IN HELPER CELL COUNT! New testing methods result in 17% drop but not clinically significant. HELP! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HELPERS? More on new T4 cells testing. VIDEX (ddI) AVAILABILITY. ddI/DAPSONE ABSORBTION NOTICE. COMBINATION THERAPY New treatment handout available at the office. LIVING WITH HIV: CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS An alternative arts magazine, FUSE, is planning special issue. ANGIOGENESIS INHIBITORS NEW APPROACH TO CANCER, K.S. TREATMENT. NOTICE TO WOMEN MEMBERS Up-to-date treatment and drug trial information and answers to specific questions on clinical manifestations available. 3TC QUESTIONS Information on new antiretroviral available. HEPATITIS-A UPDATE DOUBLED HEPATITIS-A INFECTIONS REPORTED IN TORONTO; WE'RE OPEN: CALENDAR, ONGOING EVENTS; KUDOS; BOARD ACTIVE! News from the "working" board of directors: budget task force preparing the 1992 budget, staffing an information table at the 5th Annual UBC AIDS 1991 Conference "Sharing the Challenge", attending board development meetings on weekends and developing a Policies and Procedures Manual, a Mission Statement, portfolios for each director and engaging in Strategic Planning. Also a report on Walk For AIDS '91, further fundraising efforsts and well earned staff commendations; STEP 4 AA and HIV; BELATED THANKS to Gary Gilbertson and his great crew of volunteers for hte excellent work they did during the Walk for AIDS '91; CHRISTMAS THANKS; OBITUARY: DOUGLAS STARRATT, 1946 - 1991; OBITUARY: GREIG LAYNE; AIDS, WOMEN AND SOUTH AFRICA. South African AIDS eductor describes her involvement in AIDS education and the issues faced by the people in one of the poorest areas of Soweto; LITTLE SISTER'S BOMBED At approximately 10:20 pm on Tuesday January 7, 1992 an explosive device was thrown into the stairwell of Little Sister's Book and Art Emporium, no one was hurt and only minor structural damage occurred; HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Eight week session presents a positive approach in dealing with AIDS; ART THERAPY GROUP A members describes the Art Theraphy group; MEN IN TOUCH WITH SEQUOIA Workshop; AIDS VANCOUVER LIBRARY INVITES YOU Members of the Vancouver PWA Society are welcome to borrow material from the AIDS Vancouver Library; SUNDAYS AT FOUR A program of spiritual discovery for those touched in any way by HIV and AIDS; NOTICEBOARD; HELPLINE Volunteers needed;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Passive Euthanasia; Obituary;

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #51 October/November 1991

Publication type: 
PLHIV/AIDS CONFERENCE 5th International Conference for People With HIV/AIDS - HIV and Human Rights. A FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT The Role of PLHIV/AIDS in Health Promotion. Access to treatment and research is a fundamental human right; PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Change in officers on the Board of Directors, kudos to volunteers, call for volunteers; MARKETING APPROVAL FOR ddI Didanosine is the second antiretroviral to be issued a Notice of Compliance (marketing approval) in Canada for treatment of HIV; LONG TERM CARE Exploring home care models and creating alliances to fill gaps which exist in homecare. Call for ideas; PEER COUNSELLING UPDATE Pamphlets have now been produced and are becoming available throughout British Columbia. Kudos to volunteers and call for volunteers; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS. FLORENCE TREATMENT UPDATE Conference report. AZT RESISTANCE. COMBINATION AZT/ddi, AZT ddC. PCP - PNEUMOCYSTIS CARINII PREVENTION. PROTEASE INHIBITORS. MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUM INTRACELLULARE. TUBERCULOSIS. FUNGAL PROPHYLAXIS. CMV - CYTOMEGALOVIRUS INFECTION. TREATING HIV DISEASE EARLY INTERVENTION AND ACCERLATED CARE.WARNING: HYDROGEN PEROXIDE MAY STIMULATE HIV GROWTH. CANDIDA INFECTIONS OF THE MOUTH. CRYPTOCOCCAL MENINGITIS. DRUG INTERACTIONS: WARNING!!! RIFAMPIN FLUCONOZOLE; WE'RE OPEN CALENDAR; ONGOING EVENTS; EXPLORING HEALING POTENTIALS The art of healing and little understood traditional treatments; DENTISTS AND HIV Dentist writes about Mandatory Universal Testing of Health Care Workers which was discussed in depth at a conference of the American Dental Association; CHOOSING TO GO AND SAY GOODBYE It has been a few months since my most intimate friend chose to end his battle with AIDS. And I chose to be with him. After attending an AIDS related support group for those in grief, I was asked to write about it...; MINDPOWER Personal reflection on the power of the mind and taking control of your health; DRIED FLOWERS An Inexpensive Craft and Hobby. Tips and techniques to dry flowers; TCM PROGRAM: New and Improved! The Vancouver PWA's Traditional Chinese Medicine Program is expanding; KUDOS OF THE MONTH; THANE BRYENTON - August 18, 1991; DOUGLAS GARDNER October 15, 1991; IN LOVING MEMORY JOHN TROMBLEY August 29, 1991; PWA LIBRARY CORNER Thanks for donations of books and audio cassettes. Book reviews: Sweet As You Are, drama made for TV 1987. Final Exit, The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for teh Dying by Derek Humphrey. Dance of Anger: A Woman's Guide to Changing the Patterns of Intimate Relationship by Harriet Goldhor Lenner, Ph.D. And the Band Played On by Randy Shilts; WORLD AIDS DAY SUNDAY DECEMBER 1st Events listing; NOTES FROM STRYKER Tell Me A Story. Treatment Committee wants your stories on unorthodox treatments. Income Tax deadlines, Income tax returns done free, blood test dates, bridge club; CHRISTMAS TREES call for donations; WELCOME PRINCE GEORGE SUPPORT GROUP New group forming; THANKS to outgoing Associate Editor; AIDS VANCOUVER LIBRARY INVITES YOU. Vancouver PWA Society members are welcome to borrow material from the AIDS Vancouver Library; SAFE SEX SURVEY Call for volunteers; NOTICEBOARD; HELPLINE Volunteers needed;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Dental Health; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary;

Living + May/June 2009 - Issue 60

Publication type: 
2009 - 06
02 THINK + Opinion & Editorial. The Work We Do. Empowering British Columbians living with HIV/AIDS. 03 REALITY BITES News from home & around the world. Prezista Approved by Health Canada. Kaletra Might Cause Heart Rhythm Disturbances. Phase 1 Trial on ABT-450. US Launches AIDS Campaign Aimed at Most Affected. HIV Detectable in Semen of Men with Undetectable Viral Loads. Process Proposed to Expedtie Export of Low-Cost HIV Drugs. HIV Treatment Alone is Often Enough if Catch KS Early. Thousands in Uganda, Kenya Misdiagnosed as Positive. 05 GENERATION NEXT An Emotional Roller Coaster. Personal accounts from people who are recently diagnosed with HIV. 07 ACCOLAIDS BCPWA
BCPWA, AIDS Service Organizations, Treatment Information, Gay Men, Women, Complementary and Alternative Treatments, Advocacy, Nutrition, Antiretrovirals (ARVs), IVDUs, Immunology, Criminal Law, Human Rights, Public Health, Positive Prevention, Serosorting, Doctors, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Conference Reports, HPV, Catastrophic Drug Plan, Prostate, Skin Cancer, HSV-2, Blood Tests

Living + March/April 2009 - Issue 59

Publication type: 
02 THINK + Opinion & Editorial. Get Out and Vote! 03 REALITY BITES News from home & around the world. Downtown Eastside Crackdown will Increase HIV Risk, Groups Warn. New Norvir Formulation. HIV Infection and Use of ARV Both Can Have Negative Effects on Arteries: Study. Judge Admits Inappropriate Treatment of HIV-Positve Witness. HIV Treatment Boosts Lung Cancer Survival in PWAs. 05 FIGHTING WORDS Grill 'Em! During the upcoming election campaign, ask the political parties where they stand on key issues facing PWAs. Glaxo to Cut Prices for Poor Countries. New HIV Social Marketing Campaign. HIV Incidence High and Unchanged in Rural South African Community Over Five-Year Period. 06 HOUSING Up, Up, And Away. Escalating rents coupled with low vacancy rates are squeezing out even middle-income earners 07 SURVEYS Beast of Burden. A national survey reveals that HIV continues to carry a huge stigma for PWAs. 09 HIV/AIDS MOVEMENT What the future holds for the HIV movement and AIDS service organizations in British Columbia, as the community faces a new stage in its health disease continuum. Looking Ahead. The Future of AIDS Service Organizations in BC. HIV's Emerging Cohorts and Blurred Identities. 13 GENERATION NEXT: NEWLY DIAGNOSED Personal accounts from people who are recently diagnosed with The bridge from fear to acceptance. 14 ROAD MAP FOR THE FUTURE. BCPWA is Undergoing Strategic Planning for Our Organization. Meeting the needs of increasing complex populations. Adapting programs and services for newly diagnosed people. Engaging our in the direction of the Society. 16 PREVENTION A Troublesome Trend. Syphilis is still rising among gay and bisexual men. 17 OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTIONS When You're Better, Yet Worse. An update on immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. Worsening symptoms and relapses. Mild cases go away without special treatment. 20 FATIGUE Energy Crisis. HIV-related fatigue is surprisingly common, affecting 50 to 80 percent of PWAs throughout the course of their illness. But it is manageable. Opportunistic infections. Anemia. Hormonal Imbalance. Medication Side Effects. Mood Disorders. 24 ADHERENCE Sticking To It. A recent study looks at how antiretroviral therapy adherence affects viral load. 25 COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES Living Well. A study by Friends for Life shows that complementary therapies improve quality of life. Finding your path to healing by letting go of the past and creating space in your life. 28 NUTRITION Close to the Bone. Make some nutrition and lifestyle changes to protect your bones. Get nutrition working for your bones. Don't forget supplements. Healthy bones need a healthy weight. Other lifestyle tips to consider. 30 DIAGNOSTICS Organ Grinder. Get your blood values regularly monitored to manage your health. In this issue: kidneys and liver. 33 STRAIGHT FROM THE SOURCE The Canadian Observational Cohort Collaboration. Nationwide cohort to examine the effectiveness of antriretroviral therapy on a population's health. 34 LET
BCPWA, AIDS Service Organizations, Treatment Information, Gay Men, Women, Complementary and Alternative Treatments, Advocacy, Nutrition, Antiretrovirals (ARVs), IVDUs, Immunology, Provincial Election, Housing, Stigma, HIV/AIDS Movement, Newly Diagnosed, Strategic Planning, Complex Populations, Syphilis, Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome, Fatigue, Adherence, Bone Health, Health Monitoring, HPV Vaccine,


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