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Positive Living Society of British Columbia (Formally BCPWA)

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #68 June 1993

Publication type: 
"QUIS CUSTODIET IPSOS CUSTODIET" Opinion piece on the politics of hypocrisy and the meaning of self-empowerment; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHTLIGHTS: ETHICS & HIV Testing for HIV; CD4+ TEST CELL COUNTS Ensuring access to CD4+ testing. INSOMNIA AND HIV. IS THE PRESENT FOCUS ON AIDS RESEARCH WRONG? Suppressing CD8 cells may result in uncontrolled replication of HIV. DNCB FOR KS. Dinitrochlorobenzene. CONVERGENT COMBINATION THERAPY Aiming carefully chosen drugs at a single target, reverse transcriptase, so that resistance to all the drugs would mean that the reverse transcriptase would not function. AIDS - LYMPH NODE INFECTION. ANOGENITAL WARTS. MOLLUSCUM CONTAGIOSUM. d4T LOOKS PROMISING. AZITHROMYCIN. STREPTOMYCIN. DOXIL FOR KS. TCM RIDES AGAIN Traditional Chinese Medicine Project now operating at the Gay and Lesbian Centre. PSYCHOSTIMULANTS. NUMBER OF CANADIAN WOMEN WITH HIV HAS REACHED "PANDEMIC PROPORTIONS"; NUTRITION Dietician writes on vitamins and mineral supplements; WOULD YOU KNOW A SAFE CUTTING BOARD? Wood cutting boards are safer than plastic ones; EAT, EAT, ALREADY. POLITICALLY INCORRECT CHILI; PWHIV/AIDS BILL OF RIGHTS; HEALTH SERVICES NEED REVIEW The Health Services Division of the Ministry of Social Services is unreasonable and punitive in the way it determines whether people are 'handicapped' and so qualify for Handicapped Benefits; AIDS CASES IN US JUMP Number of cases of AIDS increased at a surprising rate during the first three months of 1993; COPING WITH THE AIDS VIRUS! Personal reflection on visualization to fight HIV; RAVINGS OF A RENEGADE Report on a two weekend workshop studying the Silva Method Basic Lecture Series; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. FLESH AND BLOOD Playwright responds to concerns about the representation of mental illness in the play; SOCIETY BIZ. STRYKERNEWS: INCOME TAX More than 157 returns done, help needed to share the load. TWILIGHT ZONE REVISITED Getting your doctor to sign the Tax Credit Disability Certificate. FIGHT! FIGHT! Conflict resolution, the ombudsman, and the possibility that disruptive behaviour will result in being barred from the building; WALKATHON '92 RESULTS DISAPPOINTING Higher costs and fewer pledges result in review of programs that depend on the walk and the hiring of a fund development manager; BILLY'S CORNER Member proposes new column to help lay to rest rumours and gossip; 1993 CAS PWA FORUM AND AGM, PIGS DO IN FACT FLY Report from the Canadian AIDS Society Forum and Annual General Meeting held in Montreal May 18 to 23, 1993. PWA member questions the relevance and effectiveness of CAS for people who live with AIDS and HIV; VICTORIA EVENTS Support Meeting, Massage, Acupuncture Clinic, Food Bank, Financial Aid Consultant available; ANNOUNCEMENTS; TRIBUTES: DAN OCT. 21, 1953 - FEB. 28, 1993. GREGG C. DAGG; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS. ONGOING GOINGS ON. NOTICEBOARD. HELPLINE Volunteer Opportunities;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Obituary; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Women and HIV/AIDS

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #67 May 1993

Publication type: 
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Women and HIV/AIDS

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #66 April 1993

Publication type: 
DR. BERNARD BIHARI The largest medical forum in the history of the Vancouver PWA Society was recently held with close to a hundred people who came to listen to Dr. Bihari on his approach to the management of HIV disease. Dr. Bihari also met privately with several of Vancouver AIDS Care practitioners; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS: NEW IDEAS AND DARK HOLES Three new approaches to AIDS treatment. RIFABUTIN APPROVED FOR MAC PROPHYLASIS. HAIRY LEUKOPLAKIA. TRIMETREXATE AND PCP. DIDANOSINE AND ACTG 166A. DENTAL HEALTH MONTH HIV Associated Periodontitis. ATOVAQUONE FOR PCP. TUBERCULOSIS The Connection Between TB and HIV. What Is Tuberculosis? Why Is It Important to Know If I Have TB and HIV Infections? What Is a TB Skin Test? What Must I do If I have TB Infection?; WORDS OF WISDOM Poem by Pei Hsien Lim on being asked to consider delivering a keynote address at the Canadian AIDS Society's AGM; FOR LIM Poetry; HIV & LIFE IN THE INTERIOR Personal reflection DYING PLEA FOR DRUG FUNDING Report on a video of one of Ontario's more prominent AIDS activists delivering a stinging indictment of Provinces's refusal to help with the high cost of of many drugs prescribed for patients with AIDS or HIV; POSITIVE ATTITUDES AND SURVIVAL. DEAD ISSUE? National Association for the Posthumous; U.S. TURF BATTLES Are We Guity of Some of the Same? AIDS activists and service providers and the medical establishment; A LITTLE IGNORANCE Commentary on Kim Campbell's position on AIDS; EAT EAT ALREADY. Myterious Cheese and Nut Loaf. Impossible Leftover Quiche. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. SFU researcher thanks the PWA for its support of his research on euthanasia and assisted suicide; SOCIETY BIZ: CANDIDATES FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Biographies of the people running for the Board of Directors. MEMBERS' VIEWS For Consideration and Discussion by Other Members: commentary from the instigator of the Extraordinary General Meeting. VIEWS ON A WORKING BOARD Commentary on the duties, responsibilities and issues that must be taken up by the new Board of Directors, the qualities of an effective Board member and a call to vote for people who use action and skills as substitutes for a political soapbox; STRYKERNEWS: INCOME TAX TIME Free tax preparation. RED FACE DEPARTMENT Board term is two years. WARTS WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE Treatments for anal warts. THE TWILIGHT ZONE Issues surrounding leaving work due to HIV disease; THE CARE SURVEY A project of the Vancouver PWA Society and the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS to determine what kind of care we are really getting from the health care establishment in order to plan and lobby for the future HIV/AIDS support, treatment and care demands of our membership; LIBRARY NEWS "P.A.R.C. BENCH GOSSIP" Library cards will be in place soon. Please check for overdue books. Office hours, call for good quality VHS video tapes and new additions; MEMBERSHIP SURVEY Results of the survey sent with the February issue of the Newsletter on accepting donations from drug companies, the main thrust of PWA activity, voting membership, confidentiality our most sacred principle, hacking it (Board Member Performance) and Medical: where to we stand; TRIBUTES: GARNET MCCLURE MACDONALD AUGUST 21, 1947 - OCTOBER 31, 1992. ROB BERTRAM - MARCH 4, 1993. BRAD CROWE JUNE 21, 1962 - OCTOBER 28, 1992. TRACEY LEE SINCLAIR; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA; ONGOING GOINGS ON. ANNOUNCEMENTS; PERSONNEL MANAGER HIRED; CLASSIFIEDS; NOTICEBOARD;HELPLINE;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Poetry;

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #65 March 1993

Publication type: 
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Media Reviews; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #64 February 1993

Publication type: 
RAGE AND RESENTMENT When unjustly attacked, we can draw on righteous anger for refuge and strenght. Rage can make us fearless and invincible--we awe our attackers and vanquish them with sudden strength. Our anger thus becomes a force for good: righteous rage rings true, restores order, hastens justice; KRAMER VS. THE WORLD In what he calls his last interview, author-activist Larry Kramer passes judgement on America's cultural, political, and medical elite. Excerpted from Victor Zonana's interview in The Advocate December 16, 1992; COMFORT, CONTROL & DIGNITY Proposed Clinical Criteria for Physician-Assisted Suicide. Extracted from "Care for the Hopelessly Ill" by Timothy E. Quill, MD, Christine, K. Cassel, MD and Diane E. Meler in Last Rights Issue #7; RIGHT TO ASSISTED SUICIDE Sue Rodriguez is challenging the law prohibiting assisted suicide. The British Columbia Coalition of People with Disabilities, of which the Vancouver Persons with AIDS Society is a member, has been granted intervenor status and maintains that people with disabilities have "a right to have a choice on all matters relating to their own person, including the right to die"; HEALTH CARE "CHANGING VIEWS" Summary document of the Royal Commission on Health Care and Costs available; HOUSING OPTIONS Recommendations from "The Report of the Provincial Commission on Affordable Housing Options" regarding PWAs; KUDOS; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. NEWS FROM THE KOOTENAYS West Kootenay/Boundary AIDS Network Outreach Support Society formed. AYE, THERE'S THE RUB reminder that only Registered Massage Therapists are legally entitled to practise or offer to practise massage. OOPS AGAIN Right to Die Society clarifies stance; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS. D4T OVERVIEW: Test Tube Data, Clinical Trials, Access, Where Does d4T Fit In? WOMEN AND HIV UPDATE Opportunistic Infections & Immune Function in Women, Menstrual Problems in HIV, Risk for Cervical Cancer in HIV-Positive Women. A LANDMARD IN QUEST FOR AIDS VACCINE Weakened and killed virus in vaccine research. COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES SURVEY. HEPATITIS C New findings; STRYKERNEWS: Board Membership, Income Tax Time, Bridge. Health and Welfare Canada Warning on neglected filters in water purifiers. Call to complete questionnaire on accepting drug company money. Blood testing is back. Punch Lines, sharing the news that one is HIV+ with those who are not near and dear; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS. ONGOING GOINGS ON; THE QUILT: A SPREAD OF HOPE Impact of the Names Project Foundation's AIDS Memorial Quilt and announcement of Vancouver showing; CHARACTERISTICS OF LONG-TERM SURVIVORS OF AIDS Extracted from Surviving AIDS by Michael Callen. HIV - A PROBLEM? HIV-free: Although spared AIDS, some men are ridden with guilt adn depression as they watch their friends die around them; OXFAM - CANADA Development agency on AIDS and poverty in developing nations and the role of international financial structures that spread rather than combat poverty; THE HEALING CIRCLE Personal reflection on the experience of the Healing Circle; REACHING THE DEAF ABOUT AIDS A group of concerned people are attempting to form a project similar to the Toronto Deaf Outreach Project and are hoping to increase access to AIDS prevention education in the Deaf Community and to create a support system for people who are HIV+ and Deaf; STEPPING OUT. ARIAS FOR AIDS Pacific AIDS Resource Centre Capital Campaign is underway including a benefit concert of opera's greatest hits entitled "Arias for AIDS"; THE VANCOUVER THEATRE COMMUNITY PRESENTS THEATRE CARES WEEK FEBRUARY 28 TO MARCH 6 Fundraising announcements; IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT BEING ALIVE This spring a compelling Movement-Drama about living with HIV is coming your way; THE BALTIMORE WALTZ Pink Ink Theatre Productions presents the hilarious and deeply moving play about death and loss The Baltimore Walk by Paula Vogel; LOVING AND LIVING WITH THE AIDS VIRUS Personal reflection; PIN MEMORY OF GREGG D. DEDICATED TO BRUCE A. Poetry; IN FETAL CURL Poetry; VOCATION I Poetry; P.A.R.C. BENCH GOSSIP Library news; PEER COUNSELLORS CORNER New training program for future counsellors. Call for volunteers; CLASSIFIEDS. WHO YOU GONNA CALL? FREQUENTLY CALLED NUMBERS. NOTICE BOARD. HELPLINE Volunteer Opportunities;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Right to Die; Assisted Suicide;

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #63 January 1993

Publication type: 
THE DENVER PRINCIPLES We condemn attempts to label us as "victim", a term which implies defeat, and we are only occasionally "patients", a term which implies passivity, helplessness, and dependence upon the care of others. We are "People with AIDS". Rights of People with AIDS. Recommendations for People with AIDS. Recommendations for all People. Recommendations for Health Care Professionals; THE IMPORTANT VOICE THE REAL NEED Reflections of a community activists turned AIDS professionals; PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE New Year's message; IN THE DARK ABOUT AIDS Laws Against Discrimination. Excerpted from J. Gallagher, The Advocate, July 30/92; ENDING THE ISOLATION: HIV Disease and Mental Health in the Second Decade. Extracted from "Issues in Care: Ending teh Isolation: A Framework for Action" by J. Browne, B. Mills & N. Nera; Conference Syllabus, 6th Annual BC AIDS Conference 1992; HOW TO DEAL WITH LOSS? HOW TO EXPLAIN IT. From Psychology Today August 1992; AAN! SPEAKER. Report of a visit Martin Delaney of Project Inform to AIDS Action Now! in Toronto where he spoke stressing a proactive approach to treatment based on rational, informed decisions; STRESS REDUCTION WORKSHOP Call for participants in the workshop which is a part of a study funded by Health and Welfare Canada; FEDERAL INQUIRY FINDS MISCONDUCT [US] Federal Office of Research Integrity finds Dr. Robert C. Gallo, the American co-discoverer of [HIV] had committed scientific misconduct. From the New York Times; KUDOS; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Memories of Lim. Thanks from Appalachian Ohio for the Newsletter. Long Distance Greetings! from Latvia; VPWAS CAPITAL REGION Announcements from the Victoria office; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS. UNDERSTANDING ANTIVIRALS: HIV Life Cycle, Chronically and Acutely Infected Cells, AZT ddI DDC: the Current Generation of Antivirals, Combination Antiviral Therapy, TAT Inhibitors: One of the Next Generation of Antivirals. GETTING INVESTIGATIONAL or EMERGENCY DRUGS. ORAL GANCICLOVIR CLINICAL STUDIES NOVEMBER 1992. NATUROPATHY A Brief Overview: What is Naturopathic Medicine? How are Naturopathic Physicians Trained? Why did Naturopathy Evolve as a Separate Branch of Health Care? HIV HEALTH WATCH These are some of the common HIV-related infections taht the US Centers for Disease Control designates as a diagnosis for AIDS. HUMAN TESTS OF AIDS VACCINES. AZT-RESISTANT STRIAN. BUYER'S CLUB New buyer's club in Ontario; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROJECTS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS. ONGOING GOINGS ON; GET FAT, DON'T DIE Review of Diseased Pariah News, a "cranky and irreverent little magazine of, by, and fro people who are HIV+"; FLESH & BLOOD Review of the play Flesh & Blood by Colin Thomas which will be performed at the Vancouver East Cultural Centre with each performance followed by a discussion led by the playwright and a representative of AIDS Vancouver, Vancouver Persons with AIDS Society or the Postive Women's Network; OBITUARIES. JON GATES DECEMBER 9, 1992. JUST BECAUSE OF WHO YOU ARE Poetry. IN REMEMBRANCE OF DOUGLAS STARRATT; SFU RESEARCH ON HIV/AIDS & END-OF-LIFE DECISIONS If you have HIV or AIDS, or have provided care to somebody with AIDS, your views, perspectives and experiences regarding end-of-life decisions are needed; EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Personnel Manager, Fund Development Manager; AIDS TRADING CARDS PLANNED by Eclipse Comics in Forestville CA; 'MEMBERS HELPING MEMBERS' Peer Counsellors Corner; RAINBOW BAND seeks players; CHOICE, VOICE & DIGNITY Housing for PWAs. Excerpt of a report on the gaps in housing provision and housing policy for PWAs; POSTIVE WOMEN Bowen Island Women Retreat; REMINDER: MIGRATION SURVEY from the BC Centre for Excellence, call for participation; BUDDIES AVAILABLE! AIDS Vancouver Buddy Program has volunteer buddies available to provide practical and emotional support; AN OPEN LETTER to thank the person(s) who donated the Canada Goose Quilt; P.A.R.C. BENCH GOSSIP Libary News; CANADA CONSIDERS NEW AIDS DEFINITION Canada will consider whether to adopt a new AIDS definition that will almost double the number of North Americans diagnosed; IXth INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AIDS Event announcement; CLASSIFIEDS. WHO YOU GONNA CALL? FREQUENTLY CALLED NUMBERS. NOTICEBOARD. HELPLINE Volunteer Opportunities.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Mental Health; Obituary

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #62 December 1992

Publication type: 
AIDS AND HUMAN RIGHTS Renee Sabatier, Director, Southern African Development Coordination Conference Canadian AIDS Program, appearing in "Introduction to AIDS and Human Rights: Sharing the Challenge", Ginette Dube and Angela Smailes, eds, a project of Vancouver World AIDS Group with IDERA and the OXFAM Health Project; WORLD AIDS AWARENESS DAY "TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE" More history of World AIDS Day and the Vancouver World AIDS Group, a unique coalition of diverse agencies and groups formed to organize local public awareness around World AIDS DAy and to educate Canadians about the global impact of HIV/AIDS; PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Report from the Extraordinary General Meeting where the board was given a vote of confidence and a report on a meeting with the Minister of Health, Elizabeth Cull; DR. PETER AIDS FOUNDATION Mission of the foundation; BASIC NEEDS Address to the 6th Annual B.C. AIDS Conference. We must develop models of education and support that impact on government and community at a relatively low cost by providing and facilitating resources and services with more community and higher direct health promotion ot the person living with HIV; RAIN & THE QUILT Personal Thoughts from Washinton, DC; POSITIVE WOMEN'S NETWORK The Positive Women's Network is a support network for HIV positive women and women with AIDS; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. AIDS Vancouver Writes in complete support of the principles and the foundation upon which the Vancouver PWA Society is based. MD writes a Caveat On BW566C80. Woman writes Dear PWA and asks that her poem be published. Oops! Last issue erroneously placed information for the Right to Die Sociey Under VPWAS Capital Region: Notices; KUDOS; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS. DON'T BE A POTATO HEAD: Protect Against Infections. NEW PCP TREATMENT APPROVED Health Protection Branch approved Mepron (566C80) as second line PCP therapy. D4T AVAILABILITY New antiretroviral being studied. WORKSHOP REPORTS: CMV WORKSHOP, TOXO WORKSHOP. DENTAL TRANSMISSION "Probability of AIDS Virus Transmission at Dentist Office Zero". REPORT ON GP160 from 4 phase I clinical studies. TUBERCULOSIS: WHO IS SUPPOSED TO RESPOND? To screen routinely in certain settings fro active or quiescent TB is not invasive of fundamental rights. AIDS INFORMATION SERVICE (ATIS) Progress in establishing ATIS. COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITEEE Presented to the Canadian HIV Trials Network by the Canadian AIDS Society; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PRJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS. ONGOING GOINGS ON; PROJECT SUSTAIN The Remodelling of Support Services at AIDS Vancouver. The goal of Project Sustain is to facilitate the empowerment and enablement of PLWHIV/AIDS; FREE INSURANCE Rating of a vehicle is automatically extended and upgraded to cover extra use on behalf of a charitible organization without extra cost; HOUSING UPDATE from the Housing Committee; OBITUARIES. ROBERT WEST. BRAD CROWE JUN 21/62 - OCT 28/92. TRACEY LEE SINCLAIR OCT 29/61 - NOV 17/92. MATTHEW JOHN CROSS SEP 22/55 - NOV 15/92. DR. PETER JEPSON-YOUNG; SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS Advice for the bereaved; LIBRARY NEWS New AIDS Vancouver librarian. New additions; NUTRITION COUNSELLING Every Wednesday evening at the PWA Office; WOMEN WOMYN WOMEN Retreat hosted by the Women and AIDS Project and co-sponsored by the Positive Women's Network; TO ALL PEER COUNSELLORS: Need all shifts to be covered during holiday season; CLASSIFIEDS; WHO YOU GONNA CALL? Frequently Called Numbers; NOTICEBOARD; HELPLINE Volunteer Opportunities;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Human Rights; World AIDS Day; Women and HIV/AIDS; Obituary;

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #61 November 1992

Publication type: 
DECEMBER 1ST, 1992 DAY WITHOUT ART. This is an international day of action and mourning in response to the AIDS crisis. History and background of World AIDS Day and Day Without Art and this year's events in Vancouver; WHEN A FRIEND HAS AIDS Advise for friends of PWAs from Gay Men's Health Crisis; PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Member information meeting to be held. Extraordinary General Meeting to be responding to a petition to remove the board. Whether the Society should accept donations from drug companies will also be on the agenda. DEAR BENOIT, CANADAIN AIDS SOCIETY WRITES TO THE MINISTER OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Excerpt from a letter from the Chair and Executive Director of CAS to the minister of Health and Welfare about the depth of the government's commitment to confront AIDS; RED HOT & BLUE Report on the distribution of profits from the sale of the album RED HOT AND BLUE; UGANDA AND HIV Report on the situation in Uganda; HIV AND THE SEX TRADES IN THAILAND Economic impact of the AIDS epidemic; AIDS NOW A TOP KILLER IN THE U.S.A. AIDS has moved into the US top 10 causes of death; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Re: AIDS Walk '92 kudos from volunteers. Re: Current crisis of confidence in the leadership of the Society. Re: Personal reflection on the impact of HIV and the nature of denial. Re: Sympathy on learning of the death of Pei Lim; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS: 566C80 APPROVAL FDA's Antiviral Drug Advisory Committee has recommended the FDA approve Atavaquone (566C80) as a treatment for PCP. COMBO THERAPY: STACK 'EM UP Research reports on combination therapies. CURRENT NETWORK TRIALS. STRESS REDUCTION WORKSHOP. TUBERCULOSIS. CMV DETECTION TEST APPROVED. SURVIVING. The Treatment Project is looking for members and associates who have experienced dramatic improvement in the health and immune function. HEALTH CARE WORKERS WITH HIV Canadian AIDS Society Statement "The Right of Health Care Workers to Practice Their Profession Without Restrictions". NO MANDATORY DISCLOSURE - THE U.S.A. VIEW National Commission on AIDS says HIV-positive health-care workers should not be required to reveal their status to their patients; EDUCATORS - LET KIDS MEET AIDS PATIENTS A successful means to educate teenagers about AIDS is to allow them to meet young people with the disease, International AIDS Conference recommendation. INSURANCE BUY-OUTS New Companies are Forming to Buy Insurance Policies of AIDS Patients - regulation may become necessary; GOD THE DOCTOR... Humour. "i've never seen god" Poetry. "still" Poetry; OBITUARIES GREGG DAGG JUNE 9, 1962 - SEPTEMBER 25, 1991. INSEPARABLE To Bruce Love Always, Gregg. DOUG WILSON AIDS Action Now! Toronto; HEALING OUR SPIRIT Aboriginal AIDS Prevention Project New organization offering a traditional approach to healing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual self relative to living with HIV/AIDS and to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in the aboriginal communities of BC; HIV+ WORKSHOP Event annoucement; EAST END FOOD CO-OP Long established, cooperatively owned grocery store is engaged in an education and outreach program focussing on the special needs of its members, beginning with the specific needs of those living with HIV; PRIME TIMERS Social, educational and recreational organization for men over forty; HOME/HOSPITAL VISITATION PROJECT Seeking volunteers to help coordinate the project; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS. DON'T QUIT Poetry. ONGOING GOINGS ON; FRIDAY 5/3/91 BOULDER, CO Do not patronize me, no gooey sentimentality. Excerpt from an AIDS activists journal; SFU RESEARCH ON HIV/AIDS AND END-OF-LIFE DECISIONS Call for participation in research. If you have HIV or AIDS, or have provided care to somebody with AIDS, your views, perspectives and experiences regarding end-of-life decisions are needed; VANCOUVER WORLD AIDS GROUP MURAL PROJECT The Vancouver World AIDS Group defines itself as a coalition of agencies working to educate Canadians about the global impact of AIDS and thereby stimulate individuals and groups to work in their own communities; CLASSIFIEDS; NOTICEBOARD; HELPLINE Volunteer Opportunities;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; World AIDS Day; Obituary; HIV Disclosure; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Workers' Rights; End of Life

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #60 October 1992

Publication type: 
2ND NATIONAL AIDS AWARENESS WEEK October 5th to 11th, 1992 "No More Fear -- No More Ignorance" PWA Society is one of the organizers of a rally at noon on Monday, October 5th in Robson Square to urge politicians in Ottawa to work for a substantial increase in federal funding for AIDS research, treatment and community-based education, prevention, and support programs. Event announcements; NEW APPROACHES TO CARE Further reports from the VIII International Conference on AIDS/III STD World Congress; AIDS: A DIFFERENT VIEW Report on 'alternate' AIDS conference in Amsterdam organized by the Foundation for Alternative AIDS Research, a group of Dutch homeopaths; WANTED: SPEAKERS WHO'LL DARE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE Excerpts from letters written by kids at Eastside Alternate School responding to a Speaker's Bureau presentation; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Two people thank the Society for the Newsletter; KUDOS; FILM FUNDRAISER "THE LIVING END" Movie review; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS. A LITTLE BIT OF THIS, A LITTLE BIT OF THAT Information on the Treatment Information Project. VANCOUVER LYMPHADENOPATHY AIDS STUDY (VLAS) Description of one of the world's longest running studies including objectives and results. BC CENTRE FOR EXCELLENCE IN HIV/AIDS Strategic plan of the Centre. HERPES ZOSTER/SHINGLES STUDY. LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 6TH ANNUAL BC AIDS CONFERENCE. PAAC LAUNCHES NUTRITION PROGRAM. INTERDISCIPLINARY AIDS CARE ROUNDS 3rd Thursday of each month at St. Paul's Hospital. 3TC STUDY INFORMATION; STRYKERNEWS. Trials and tribulations of a board member; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS; A NOTE FROM CARE MONTREAL. AIDS Community Care Montreal has recently received a grant to write a cookbook focusing on nutritional needs of people living with HIV/AIDS and is calling for submissions; ON GOING GOINGS ON; HEALTH COLLECTIVE ANNIVERSARY The Vancouver Women's Health Collective celebrates 20 years with performances and workshops; LIVING & DYING: THE HUMAN JOURNEY Multifaceted program offered by the Open Learning Institute based on a series of eight documentary television programs; OUTRIGHTS/LES DROITS VISIBLES 2nd Pan-Canadian Conference on Lesbian and Gay Rights; LIFE GOES ON: INTERVIEWS WITH VANCOUVER PWAs -- 1990 Video production; ANOTHER RISK BEHAVIOUR? AIDS IS KILLING OFF THE WORLD'S VAMPIRES! From the SUN October 92. REFORM AND RENEWAL IN THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM: GETTING COMMUNITIES INVOLVED Consultative workshop sponsored by BDC Health Communities and the Associated Boards of Health of BC; LIBRARY NEWS; HELLO FROM PRINCE GEORGE AIDS SOCIETY (PGAS)! Support group meeting every second and fourth Thursday; PEER COUNSELLOR PROJECT Report on recent training session and the move to PARC; OBITUARIES. ROBERT PAUL CAMPBELL-GRAHAM APR 15/64 - AUG 21/92. PEI HSIEN LIM JUNE 12, 1953 - SEPTEMBER 8, 1992; FOR LIM A WALK BEFORE BREAKFAST Poetry; SEEING WITH NEW EYE Poetry; FYI: MINISTRY OF SOCIAL SERIVCES EMERGENCY MOVING ALLOWANCE ELIGIBILITY; VPWAS - CAPITAL REGION: NOTICES; CLASSIFIEDS; NOTICEBOARD; HELPLINE Volunteer Opportunities;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Media Reviews; Obituary; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #59 September 1992

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VIII INTERNATIONAL AIDS CONFERENCE "A World United Against AIDS" Conference report; ROLES: FROM DISCUSSION TO ACTION During the Amsterdam conference a round table was held discussing the role of PWA/HIVs in support, education and fighting for the human rights of PWA/HIVs; GLOBAL AGENDA. Some items for an international agenda for people with HIV/AIDS: Research, International Conferences, International Cooperation, Roles for PWA/HIVs; POSITIVE WOMEN SUPPORT & VISION. 55 women living with HIV from 30 countries gathered in Holland for a three day workshop and explored barriers and challenges to living with HIV and developed some concrete strategies to change the situation for women, signficantly the International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS; ACT UP IN AMSTERDAM Global meeting of nearly 1000 AIDS activists, public health officials and members of the international AIDS Community; MEGACONFERENCES Lancet Editorial Decries Waste; AFTER FEAR, DENIAL? Why Western Governments Fail to Act; ELIZABETH TAYLOR URGES UNITY Founder of American Foundation for AIDS Research reinforced her commitment to the battle against AIDS; DEFINING AIDS Proposed definition change is still on hold at the CDC; U.S. CLOSED US Immigration policy forces Internation Conference to move to Amsterdam from Boston; ENTRY TO CANADA DENIED Man with AIDS is suing the Canadian government claiming that border officials illegally prevented him from entering Canada; MAGIC BULLET Magic Johnson announces he will resign from the president's National Commission on AIDS unless more funding is allotted to fight AIDS; KUDOS; WALK FOR AIDS '92 Sunday September 27, 1992; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS: PATHOGENESIS THE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS. ANTIVIRAL RESISTANCE. CD4 CELL INFECTION. MAC PROPHYLAXIS. 566C80 LOOKS PROMISING FOR PCP. BRITS FIND DRUG Derivative of AZT shows great promise. TAT ANTAGONIST Drug targetting HIV replication by a mechanism different from existing drugs undergoing Phase I study. NUTRIENT ABNORMALITIES IN ASYMPTOMATIC HIV INFECTION. VITAMIN B12 & COGNITIVE ABILITY. CORE LIST OF NUTRIENTS for people with HIV. SALK'S VACCINE THEORY. UNORTHODOX BREAKTHROUGH? Letter to the Vancouver Sun on Salk's AIDS vaccine. BREAST-FEEDING UPDATE. INCURABLE TB STRAIN HITS HOME Multiple-drug-resistant tuberculosis has appeared in Canada. HOPES FOR IMMUNOTHERAPY. HOOZIEWHATIZIT IS GOOD FOR THE IMMUNE SYSTEM!!!; NEW TEST FOR DETECTION OF HIV. 10 MINUTE HIV TEST; SUPPORT GROUPS General list of groups meeting in BC [4 page insert]; STRYKER NEWS. Bridge night. Blood testing update. In Camera: why the Board has secret sessions. Help Wanted - Computer Programmer. Say It Gently, first of two parts on revealing HIV status; PRINCE GEORGE AIDS SOCIETY Newly certified!; WHERE'S THE LIFT? Managing Director explains the Capital Campaign for the Pacific AIDS Resource Centre and the process of funding and installing an elevator; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS. ONGOING GOING'S ON; OMBUDS INTRO From the Office of the Ombudsman. Explanation of the role of the Ombudsman and how to access his services; THE EARTH MOVED Report from the National Lesbian and Gay Health Conference in Los Angeles from staff member who focussed on renewal and support for people working in the HIV/AIDS field; HIV-T SUPPORT & INFO SERVICE for people who contracted HIV though blood transfusion (non-hemophilia); LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 6th Annual BC AIDS Conference Nov. 1-3/92. OBITUARIES: TOM H. LONG. DANA KING. "FOR BRIAN"; HEALING HEART AND MIND Poetry; A PERSONAL COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE Poetry; LIBRARY NEWS Move to new quarters accomplished and the combining of the libraries still has to take place. New additions include: AIDS Research in the Netherlands, Positive Women - Voices of Women Living with AIDS, The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs, 1991. Call for donations; EVENT CALENDAR: September 1992. Day adventures and being organized for members; POLY & ESTHER'S CLOSET Open for Business! Free used clothes and small household items; FILM FUNDRAISER "The Living End"; VANCOUVER PWA SOCIETY - CAPITAL REGION Traditional Chinese Herbs and acupuncture can be offered in Victoria; CLASSIFIEDS; NOTICEBOARD; HELPLINE Volunteer opportunities;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; TB; Vaccines; Obituary; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition


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