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Positive Living Society of British Columbia (Formally BCPWA)

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #88 February/March 1996

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4 NETWORK NEWS ...An Update of the Positive Women's Network. New staff include our Office Manager who will be taking over all the day-to-day administrative tasks and our Program Support Worker who will provide support, advocacy and referalls. The former Office Manager now moves into the role of Co-ordinator of Volunteers. Free yoga classes. Contact information. 5 HEY! COME BACK WITH THAT GURNEY The Holidays and BCPWA Support Services. More than 800 people received special holiday baskets or groceries. The holiday dinner was attended by more than 140 people. Many thanks to all who contributed to the Holidays at PWA. 6 NEWS Fight for AIDS Stamp Finally Pays Off. AIDS Quilt Hits 'Net. Skating Community Hit Hard by AIDS. AIDS: Threat is World-Wide. US: Top Court Backs AZT Patent. 8 3TC-AZT COMBINATION COVERED BY HEALTH MINISTRY The B C Centre For Excellence at St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver has agreed to cover the cost of the 3TC/AZT combination. The role of 3TC seems to be to reduce resistance to AZT. 10 TREATMENT UPDATE Women and HIV/AIDS-Traditional Chinese Medicine. Treatment Information Program Co-ordinator Hired. AIDS Medicine and Miracles: "What Holds Promise". Alternative Treatments, Avoiding Quackery: 1 Look for credible published studies, 2 beware the testimonial, 3 what is it, really?, 4 demand proof of "cures", 5 the "all-purpose" cure, 6 who is this person anyway?, 7 read and understand the literature. 14 CAPTAIN MIDNITE Column. AIDS and turning to crime. 16 THE LIBRARY CARD ...New Material at the PARC LIbrary. 18 IN MEMORIAM. PAUL DONALD PRITCHARD ROPER JUNE 2, 1952 - DECEMBER 24, 1995. FLOYD K. TROMANN JULY 18, 1961 - DECEMBER 16, 1995. BRENT D. KREPPS SEPTEMBER 1964 - NOVEMBER 23, 1995. 19 MEMBERSHIP DOES HAVE ITS PRVILEGES Discounts available to BCPWA members at Capers, Finlandia Pharmacy, Garden Health Foods, Genesis Nutrition, Kripps Pharmacy and Sunburst Natural Vita Foods. POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Calling the Pacfic AIDS Resource Centre, More Place to Call, Vancouver Services, Classified, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, BC Groups & Programs
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Women and HIV/AIDS;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #87 December 1995/January 1996

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2 WALK FOR AIDS The recent Walk netted $350,000 with over 9,000 participants. 4 IN MEMORIAM KEN BOUCHER AUG 28, 1946 - OCT 11, 1995. JOHN A WHITE JAN 1, 1956 - NOV 8, 1995. 4 KUDOS 5 POSITIVE WOMEN'S NETWORK NEWS ... An Update on the Positive Women's Network. Successful retreat held in October on Bowen Island. Free yoga classes available and thanks to our yoga instructor. Volunteer appreciation evening December 5th. Staff additions include an office manager and a support worker. There are several places open in the free counselling short-term counselling program. Drop in hours and how to connect with PWN. 6 NEWS. BC Leaders Promise Welfare Change. Cocaine Injections Boost Infections. Blood Watchdog Says It Wastn't His Job to Yank Suspect Products. 8 THE COST OF AIDS Government Restraint in the Age of AIDS. Part 3 of 3. ... for every Canadian man who dies of between teh ages of 25 and 64, there is a lifetime loss to the economy of $651,200. 12 TREATMENT UPDATE Naltrexone Stops HIV Progression. Castor Oil Update. Study Shows Efficacy of DNCB. 14 THE LIBRARY CARD ... New Material at the PARC Library. 15 CHF UPDATE Canadian Springs Water Company, AIDS Vancouver and BCPWA Society have teamed up to offer purified water to BCPWA members who are qualified for CHF. 16 RECOGNIZING CMV RETINITIS Early Screening and Warning Signs. Instructions and materials included to check for CMV at home. 18 STRYKER NEWS Column. Reality Island. The Visit. 18 WINGS HOUSING SOCIETY Wings is a non-profit Society which administers 102 portable housing subsidies for low income persons living with HIV/AIDS. Portable housing subsidies can be applied toward the rental accomodation of a person's choice anywhere in the province, as long as the accomodation meets BCHMC standards. How to apply. POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Calling the Pacfic AIDS Resource Centre, More Place to Call, Vancouver Services, Classified, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, BC Groups & Programs
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Women and HIV/AIDS;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #86 October/November 1995

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2 THE 1995 GAY PRIDE PARADE Event report. 4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Money will extend your life. 4 KUDOS 5 NETWORK NEWS An Update on the Postive Women's Network. Report on the Women, Children and Youth HIV/AIDS Conference. Next retreat scheduled. Peer support training, speaker's training and how to be your own advocate workshops upcoming. Free short term counselling available. PWN newsletter and magazine available. 6 NEWS Treating STDs and Reducing AIDS Risk. New Drug Cripples AIDS Virus. AIDS Virus Spreading Fast in SE Asia. Cover-up Denied in Tapes Erasure. 8 THE COST OF AIDS Part 2 of 3. Recent studes have concluded that proper nutrition, stable housing, and reduced stress will substantially prolong the live of an HIV-positive individual... a long term strategy on the side of income suport would have payback in reduced and delayed use of expensive public facilities. Where that money comes from will be a matter of public policy. How that money is distributed is, apparently, a matter of life and death. 10 TREATMENT INFORMATION Medication for the Treatment of Shingles Approved for Use in Canada. The Role of CD8 Cells. Reducing the Toxicity of Sulpha Drugs. Getting a Flu Vaccine? Think Twice. Community Trial Shows Promise. 12 TAKE A LOAD OFF People who follow their CD4 count intently and put a lot of stock in its rises and falls should know the count alone is not the whole story. It remains to be seen whether in the long run more aggressive management of viral turn-over will improve long term survival. 14 CAPTAIN MIDNITE Column. On cooperation between service organizations. 16 ONE POSITIVE, ONE NEGATIVE ...Does not a balance make. Serodiscordant couples. 18 THE LIBRARY CARD... New Material at the PARC Library. 19 IN MEMORIAM LENORE OSCAR SANDERSON OCTOBER 29, 1962 - JULY 31, 1995 POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Dialing into PARC, More Place to Call, Vancouver Services, Classified, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, BC Groups & Programs
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Women and HIV/AIDS;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #85 August/September 1995

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4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Thank yous for the Newsletter. 5 POSITIVE WOMEN'S NETWORK NEWS The PWN has formed a Medical Education Committee as increasing numbers of women report that their family doctors are not well educated regarding HIV. Women, Children and Youth HIV/AIDS Conference info. Call for Volunteers at PWN. Counselling intern has finished but still available on a phone line. More and more moms are bringing in their children now that we have a kid's room. 6 NEWS Hunt for AIDS Virus Takes a Promising Step. MDs Fail to Counsel Teens on Sex. Vancouver MD Tests Drug He Hopes will Help Fight AIDS. Negative AIDS Test "Not Definite All-Clear." 8 THE COST OF AIDS Spending has to reflect the reality of PWA's lives in the '90s First in a three-part series. 10 TREATMENT UPDATE Foscarnet Effective for Kaposi's Sarcoma. Saquinavir (Invirase) from Hoffmann-La Roche. Aspergillosis. 11 PHOTO ARCHIVE PROJECT The BCPWA Photo Archive Project continues to collect, sort and identify the many photographs, pictures and cards that document our decade of existence. Picture Party scheduled, additions welcome. 12 CAPTAIN MIDNITE "I'm not a victim; I'm a survivor" 13 PWA RETREATS September retreat will be geared around activities such as board games, talent night, horseback riding, hiking and day outings. The October retreat is being planned as a spiritual/healing retreat. 16 POWER THROUGH PARTNERSHIP Arn Schilder's nomination speech tot he Canadian AIDS Society Annual General Meeting 18 STRYKERNEWS Well Done, Arn. The Diagnosis of AIDS. On Turning 50. 19 CHF UPDATE 20 IN MEMORIAM REMI CYRENNE JULY 1959 - MAY 1995. ROBERT JOHN FULLER JULY 1, 1956 - JUNE 7, 1995. 21 PRIDE DAY 1995. Plans for the parade and Pride Concert. POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Dialing into PARC, Vancouver Services, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, Classified, Across the Province.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Women and HIV/AIDS; Youth and HIV/AIDS;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #84 June/July 1984

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ON THE COVER: TOWARDS 2000 BCPWA envisions the Future. 4 NEWS. AIDS Activist Receives Award. HIV Trial Scheduled. Euthanasia Story Tops 1994 Newspaper Awards. Paddling for Dolalrs. University Professor Floats New AIDS Treatment Theory. HIV Epidemic Threatening Health Budget. Canada's Blood Scandal Inquiry Continues. 6 TOWARDS 2000 The British Columbia Persons with AIDS Society details a Strategic Plan to guide it towards the end of the century. Experpts from Towards 2000, a Strategic Plan for BCPWA. 10 MICHAEL EATON SEPTEMBER 29, 1957 - APRIL 2, 1994. 11 PICTURE PARTY The Archival Photo Project plans to collect and display our history in a meaningful, coherent format and will be holding another picture party to review photographs and identify and locate the scenes that were previously unknown. 12 PEACHY BAKED BEANS Recipe 12 PWA RETREATS The retreat Committee is planning three retreats and the August retreat will be a spiritual/healing retreat. Apply in writing on an official retreat application. POSTIVELY HAPPENING. Across the Province, Vancouver Services, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, Societies, Classifieds, Contacts & Announcements 13 CAPITAL REPORT BY CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT Column. Finding that one never had to leave home to get support. 14 CHEESY MACARONI AND BEAN BAKE Recipe 17 LIVER STRESS TREATMENTS Treatment approaches to HIV/AIDS should revolve around boosting the liver's ability to process toxins and transform medications. 17 3TC EXPANDED ACCESS New Requirement for CD4 Less than 100. 17 ACYCLOVIR RESISTANT HERPES Clinical trial enrolling. 18 BAKED BEANS WITH CHOPS Recipe 18 IMPROVING YOUR WELL BEING Some Practical Tips. 19 WHOLE LEMON DRINK Promotes rapid weight gain by detoxifying the liver and normalizing saliva pH values. 20 KUDOS 21 MUSIC THERAPY ...What a sound idea! Three groups will be offered one day a week each with a slightly different tilt. 22 LETTERS Pain management and the problem of malabsorbtion of pain medications, other malabsortion issues. Thanks to BCPWA for all the invaluable services. 23 THE STUDY CONTINUES Clinical psychology research, call for participants. 23 TOMATO BEAN SOUP WITH CHEDDAR Recipe
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Euthanasia;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #82 April/May 1995 [SIC]

Publication type: 
ON THE COVER: WILL THE BRIDGE STAND? 4 NEWS St. Paul's Hotline Opens. Viatical Settlements Cause a Stir. Doctors Guide to AIDS. Teens Teach "Safer Sex." AIDS Estimates May be Lowered. HIV-Test Calls Flood B.C. Lab. Downtown Clinic will Aid Community Health. HIV Infection Leads to Criminal Charges. 6 THE BRIDGING YEAR One year ago the ax dropped on funding for AIDS groups in British Columbia
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #82 February/March 1995

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ON THE COVER: SLASHING SOCIAL SECURITY As the Federal Canadian government moves to make major budgetary cuts, BCPWA NEWS details what these cuts will mean for people living with HIV disease and AIDS. 4 SOCIAL SECURITY: II The second instalment on the Canadian Society Security reforms explores the emerging issues of income security and launches a discussion paper which proposes a National Catastrophic Disability Program. Presented to the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development. 11 CAPTAIN MIDNITE Column. 12 YOUTHCO Youth can tell "why some brochures are cool and some aren't, why some information is heard by young people and some is not." Petra Fisher explains that this makes YouthCo a valuable new group in dealing with HIV disease and AIDS. 13 A LATE CHRISTMAS CONTEMPLATION Hopes for reconciling estranged family. 14 STRYKER NEWS Column. "Income Tax & Laughter." Creating a personal Medical Transcript for those times, often emergencies, when you can't remember all the medications, therapies, etc. POSTIVELY HAPPENING. Across the Province, Vancouver Services, Vancouver Weekly, Societies, Resources, Classifieds, Announcements 15 POSITIVE WOMEN'S NETWORK 1995 Retreats 16 KUDOS 19 RESPITE COMMITTEE A Provincial Advisory Committee has been established in support of unpaid caregivers. 21 3TC-AZT Report on clinical trials of AZT versus AZT-3TC 22 PROPHYLAXIS AGAINST PCP 60% of AIDS fatalities are due to PCP while clinical trials demonstrate that appropriate prophylaxis can prevent over 90% of cases. Study launched to find out who is and is not using PCP prophylaxis in the community at large, the reasons why the eligible persons are not using prophylaxis and to develop an educational technique for dissemination of information to target populations. 23 TREATMENT NOTES. National Herpes Hotline. Trials: THF and Zidovudine, Oral Gancylovir, Delavirdine, Traditional Chinese Medicine. Pharmacy Options. Herpes Virus May be Linked to Kaposi's Sarcomo. 27 LETTER TO THE EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Inmate gives kudos for assistance with his medical care and asks to correspond with other HIV/AIDS survivors. 28 TAKING CARE OF OURSELVES -- A SURVEY. BCPWA adn the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS is undertaking a groundbreaking survey to explore quality of life issues for people living with HIV disease aned AIDS. Please take the time to reponsd to the survey.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Women and HIV/AIDS; Youth and HIV/AIDS;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #81 December 1994/January 1995

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ON THE COVER Seasons Greetings 4 SOCIAL SECURITY Recent Social Security hearings are gearing up for major cuts to the Social Security Net in Canada. At the Vancouver hearings, BCPWA's Chair drove home the point that Money=Life. Part one of a presentation to the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development. 8 BILLY'S CORNER Column 9 PET PALS The Pet Pal Program, jointly established by AIDS Vancouver and the Vancouver SPCA, offers temporary domestic pet care assistance to those who are unable because of infirmity, disability or illness to provide care for their own pets. 10 THE CARE TEAM The Care team Program at AIDS Vancouver is designed to assist in situations where community homemakers and nurses cannot fill all of a person's needs or cannot be offered during the hours desired. 11 POSITIVE WOMEN'S NETWORK. PWN's Expanding Services: One on one counselling available, new space will be ready by December, and an Information Series designed to respond to the specific needs of women infected and affected by HIV/AIDS is in production. Letter to PWN on working with men. 12 HEROS Facing day-to-day challenges and living with HIV is an act of heroism according to one woman living with HIV disease. 13 WORLD AIDS DAY Our World Our Family Our Struggle 14 BUS PASSES An annual bus pass is available to those receiving Handicapped Benefits from the Ministry of Social Services. 14 DAY TRIPS Retreat Committee has formed a Day Trip planning group to organize trips and tours. POSTIVELY HAPPENING. Across the Province, Vancouver Services, Vancouver Weekly, Societies, Resources, Classifieds, Announcements 15 CHRISTMAS HAMPERS 400 hampers to be distributed to individuals and families of people living with HIV/AIDS. 15 BCPWA XMAS EVENTS. Volunteers/donations needed as well. 16 RETREATS Report on two retreats to the UBC Lodge at Whistler in June and September. Thank you letter from retreat participant. 17 STRYKER NEWS Column. Wills, Living Wills, Medical Powers of Attorney and Regular Powers of Attorney. 19 GILLES MARTIN Obituary 19 IN LOVING MEMORY MICHAEL ROBERT MCDAID FEB. 22, 1947 - SEPT. 8, 1994 19 WILLIAM (WAYNE) MATTOCK Obituary 20 KUDOS 21 AIDS WALK '94 Thanks to the hundreds of volunteers who made AIDS Walk '94 a success 22 DIET Eating Well. The important thing is just to eat. 23 RECIPES 24 "STAYING HEALTHY WITH HIV" SEMINAR NEWS The seminar dealt with a "Comprehensive Treatment Approach" consisting of healty diet, nutritional supplements, stress management, energy/touch/sex/massage, positive thinking and psychoimmunity, support systems and medications. 25 YOUR HEALTH News from teh Canadian AIDS Society's National HIV Therapies Commitee. Protease Inhibitor Ro 31-3959. Ocular Gancyclovir Implant. Ozone Therapy. Anti-fungals. 27 THE WHALES & JOHN WILKINS Remembrance.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Women and HIV/AIDS;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #80 October/November 1994

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ON THE COVER Recent research studies indicate that exercise can help HIV-positive men increase strength and fitness with no declined in key immune cells 4 YOKOHAMA News from the 10th International Conference on AIDS. CONSIDERATIONS IN EARLY HIV THERAPY. 5 LONG-TERM NON-PROGRESSORS. 6 UPDATE ON ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY: MONOTHERAPY VERSUS A COMBINATION OF ANTIRETROVIRAL DRUGS. 7 REKART SETS TONE FOR 1996 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AIDS. 8 BILLY'S CORNER Column. Feedback received on Multiple Loss and grief, and the "gift of AIDS". 10 POSTIVE WOMEN How do the issues of positive women differ from the issues of positive men? Janet Madsen of the PWN explains. 12 WALK OUR WALK Over 10,000 people are expected to turn out for Walk '94. You can count on BCPWA 265 days a year. Can BCPWA count on you for just one of them? 14 EXERCISE BENEFITS TO HIV+ MEN POSTIVELY HAPPENING. Across the Province, Vancouver Services, Vancouver Weekly, Societies, Resources, Classifieds, Announcements 15 STRYKER NEWS Column. Talk given at the August 6 rally of the Prisoner Justice Day Society whose purpose is commemorate those who have died as inmate of Canadian Jails. 17 WINGS HOUSEING SOCIETY The mission of the society is to promote a psotive attitude, improve quality of life and engender a feeling of hope in persons living with HIV/AIDS by providing options for adequate and affordable housing. 18 KUDOS HEATLH PROMOTION IN THE '90s. TREATMENT INFORMATION 19 ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS Acemannan. Bitter melon. Curcumin. DNCB. Glycyrrhizin. Homeopathy. Hypericin. Iscador. Shark cartilage. Traditional Chinese Medicine. 21 ACYLOVIR INCREASES SURVIVAL! 22 TO ALEX Poetry in remembrance 22 DEAN RUSSELL MAY 21, 1963 - JULY 4, 1994 23 NEW BEGINNING Poetry 24 FREE LEGAL CLINIC Law Students Legal Advice for BCPWA Members. Appointment necessary! 27 DEAR EDITOR Introducing the new Creative Writing Therapy Project. Advance registration is recommended.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Women and HIV/AIDS;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #79 August/September 1994

Publication type: 
ON THE COVER. THE WALK: The British Columbia Persons with AIDS Society gears up for the largest event of the year. Thousands are expected to participate and hundreds are needed to help out. Pages 9, 12 & 27 4 RESEARCH A new research study shows that poor people living with HIV disease die faster. Report from the Vancouver Lymphadenopathy AIDS Study 6 CONSTRUCTION The Final Phase: The Pacific AIDS Resource Centre calls on the community to help pound the final nails into place. 7 WOMEN'S NETWORK Making a Difference: The Positive Women's Network plans for the year include a galaxy of services and retreats. 8 BILLY'S CORNER Column. Multiple Loss Syndrome. 10 HOUSING Moving into the 20th Century: BC's NDP Government introduces new rental legislation that bolsters the rights of tenants and makes discrimination and harrasment in housing a human rights offence. 13 TB & HIV 14 RADICAL DAMAGE Preliminary report on "free radicals" and the use of Pycnogenol to eliminate their disastrous effects on the membranes of living cells POSTIVELY HAPPENING. Across the Province, Vancouver Services, Vancouver Weekly, Societies, Resources, Classifieds, Announcements 16 MEPRON WARNING. Absorption problems with PCP treatment 17 OPPORTUNISITIC INFECTIONS & LOW BODY TEMPERATURE 19 SEMINAR "Staying Healthy with HIV" 21 KUDOS 22 CARY BOBIER Poetry in remembrance 22 WILLIAM KIRK MENARD Poetry in remembrance
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Women and HIV/AIDS;


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