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Positive Living Society of British Columbia (Formally BCPWA)

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #78 June/July 1994

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ON THE COVER Funding Crisis: The Premier of British Columbia has directed his Health Minister to meet with AIDS organizations following devastating funding cut-backs. A sample of what the Premier is hearing from the public these days. Pages 4, 5, 26, & 27 6 CHOICES The British Columbia Persons with AIDS Society takes position on Euthanasia 8 BILLY'S CORNER Column. Depression and loneliness 9 STRYKER NEWS Column. Threatening news from Social Assistance 10 OZONE THERAPY High concentrations of radicalized oxygen can kill bacteria and viruses under laboratory conditions, but there is still no medical evidence that it can kill bacteria and viruses inside the body. 12 HIV/AIDS & DISABILITIES Making the links: People with HIV disease and people with disabilities shared concerns, common agendas and partnership strategies at a National Stakeholders Workshop. A report on the coming together of communities. POSTIVELY HAPPENING. Across the Province, Vancouver Services, Vancouver Weekly, Societies, Resources, Classifieds, Announcements 16 LIVING & LOVING "He knows that I love being loved, and sometimes I think he makes love to me so I won't forget that I am the same person, despite our mutual confusion at what is happening to me, to us." HEALTH PROMOTION. 17 NUTRITION NOTE Nutritional Supplements. Polymeric Formulas. Elemental Formulas 18 HOLISTIC Staying healthy with HIV 19 TEETH Dental Health Month 20 STUDY UBC Study Seeking HIV+/AIDS People with Herpes Simplex 21 KUDOS 22 PWA RETREAT PLANNED FOR JUNE 23 JAMES HENRY MAHAN. JEN WEBSDALE. MIKAEL DRAGVIK. DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF JASON MURRAY 24 HEALTHY EATING MAKES A DIFFERENCE Advice and recipes
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Euthanasia; Dental Health;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #77 April 1994

Publication type: 
ENDING THE ISOLATION Peer support, positive self-image, knowledge of resources, and access to services are a big part of breaking the secrecy and stigma that isolates us from society and each other. Key findings and a framework for action from a federal workshop centred on HIV Disease and Mental Health in the Second Decade developed by Treatment and Care of Health Canada; THE LANGUAGE OF ART Disovering a new Language. A member's experience with the Art Therapy group and her invitation to others to give it a try; PWA REIKI PROGRAM How a member discovered Reiki and came to lead the PWA Reiki Program. Free sessions available and call for volunteers; HIV-, UB2 Dating and dealing with rejection because of a postive HIV status; PHILADELPHIA Review of the movie Philadelphia; POSITIVELY HAPPENING: ACROSS THE PROVINCE, SERVICES, EVENTS, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, RESOURCES, CLASSIFIEDS, ANNOUNCEMENTS; TREATMENT INFORMATION HEALTH PROMOTION IN THE 90s. TESTING CD8+ CELLS -- "GOOD" AND "BAD" Research on CD8 cell in HIV infection. NUTRITION TIPS; HIV AND MUSCLE BUILDING; KUDOS; FRIENDS ARE FOREVER Poetry; TRIBUTES. CHRISTOPHER GALEN BELL; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Newsletter for HIV+ people established in Hungary. Keep up the good work;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Art Theraphy

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #76 March 1994

Publication type: 
COPING WITH HIV Preliminary report on the UBC Psychology Coping with HIV Study. This study looked at the experience of gay men with HIV with the goal to collect information that may be used to improve the quality of life among people living with HIV. Detailed reports of the data and findings are forthcoming; LIBERTY NET HATE TRIAL. AIDS Phobia Rears its Ugly Head. Canadian Human Rights Commission rules that Liberty Net contravenes the Canadian Human Rights Act sexual orientation provisions; STRYKERNEWS. TAX RETURNS ON-THE-SPOT Free tax return preparation. ALTERNATE MEDICINE Consumer Reports (Jan, 94) looks at alternative medicine. THE RORY SCOTT STORY 1960 - 1993. A young man's battle with AIDS and the criminal justice system where a well meaning medical parole policy is vindictive and cruel in its application; PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES TAKE THEIR ISSUE TO COURT The Canadian Disability Rights Council is a national, non-profit, legal advocacy organization formed to assist disabled Canadians to bring legal challenges under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and human rights statutes; BILLY'S CORNER Commentary on depression; "POSITIVE" Personal reflection on the impact on a family when a man's brother tests positive; YOUNG GAY MENT NOT HEEDING AIDS MESSAGE Rates of Infection Remain High. Report on research findings in San Francisco on infection rates in different groups of men; POSITIVELY HAPPENING. PROVINCIAL, SERVICES, EVENTS, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, RESOURCES CLASSIFIEDS, ANNOUNCEMENTS; TREATMENT INFORMATION. THALIDOMIDE AND HIV. CANDIDIASIS. PROPHYLAXIS New One-Day Sulfa Desensitization Procedure. ACUPUNCTURE TRIAL. FLU SHOT WARNING. ASPIRIN ACETAMINOPHEN AND AIDS; POETRY. JOHNNY JAN 19, 1994. SUE. IN MEMORY OF A GREAT UNCLE DAN POOLE; MHAC (MULTICULTURAL HIV/AIDS COALITION) IS BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS IN THE HIV COMMUNITY. MHAC is comprised of ATISH, Grupo VIDA, Black AIDS Network and Asian Support - AIDS Project which recently held a strategic planning retreat to refine its mission and goals and objectives; WAYNE MORGENSON NOVEMBER 24M 1993; FRANCIS RANDOLPH NASH DECEMBER 24, 1993; MICHAEL F. LADOUX SEPTEMBER 8, 1993; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letter writer takes Elizabeth Kubler-Ross to task over her position against doctor-assisted suicide accusing her of a frightening level of contempt for humanity;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Youth and HIV/AIDS;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #75 February 1994

Publication type: 
TREATMENT SCAM Another useless nad expensive treatment is being marketed for the treatment of HIV and AIDS. Don't waste you money on Factor R; ST. PAUL'S HOSPITAL: PART III OPPORTUNITIES AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Final section of the review of the organizational structure and operations of the HIV Disease Program of St. Paul's Hospital. From the conclusion, HIV/AIDS care needs to continue to shift towards increasing reliance on ambulatory services, and the pace of this shift should be accelerated. Whenevery possible, the hospital should seek out and cultivate community based partnerships; LIFECHOICE CANADA AND "FACTOR R" Community AIDS Treatment Information Exchange statement on Factor R; THERAPEUTIC TREATMENT STRATEGIES FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV. Biography of Lark Lands, MS, PhD, author of Positively Well: AIDS as a Chronic, Manageable, Survivable Disease. List of articles by Dr. Lark Lands available at the Treatment Information Project of the BC PWA; TREATMENT INFORMATION. A SPECIAL REPORT FROM "KEEP HOPE ALIVE". DIGESTIVE AIDS LEMON JUICE AND HERBS MAY BE BETTER THAN ENZYMES. A PRESCRIPTION FOR DIGESTIVE DISORDERS BAD ADVICE - "CONSUME MORE CALORIES" EVEN WHEN YOU ARE NOT HUNGRY. A PRESCRIPTION FOR HEALING Mild exercise (just plain walking) plus lemon juice and certain herbs with meals that stimulate appetite and aid digestion. "DOXIL" REPORTED 90% EFFECTIVE AGAINST KAPOSI'S SARCOMA; THE BEST CURRENT PRODUCTS TO BUILD UP YOUR T-CELLS AND OTHER IMMUNE MODULATORS; STRYKER NEWS. INCOME TAX. CRUISING Commentary on cruising at the BCPWA office; LONG TERM SURVIVORS SPEAK ON LIVING From "On a Postive Note" Newsletter of the People with AIDS Coalition of Plam Beach County, Florida, 10 points from a roundtable discussion on long term survival; KUDOS; RECLAIMING YOUR SEX LIFE. One man fought his way back from the extreme sexual anxiety that came with his positive HIV test; RICE PUDDING WITH FRUIT recipe; AND THE WINNER IS... Enter draw for a trip for two to Disneyland donated specifically for a PWA and guest; POSITIVELY HAPPENING ACROSS THE PROVINCE. SERVICES. SPECIAL EVENTS. POSITIVELY HAPPENING VANCOUVER. POSITIVELY HAPPENING VICTORIA. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES. CLASSIFIEDS. ANNOUNCEMENTS; AIDS VANCOUVER CALL FOR BOARD MEMBERS; POSITIVE YOUTH New support service; HIV+ AND STRAIGHT? Support group; POSITIVE WOMEN'S NETWORK Retreat for positive women, HIV Women's Caucus roaring to go; THANKS to all the volunteers who made the X-mass dinner a success!; GUY MAXWELL NOVEMBER 17, 1946 - DECEMBER 20, 1993. TIMOTHY GRANT GELA - DECEMBER 18, 1993. DON McCORMICK AUGUST 17, 1952 - DECEMBER 9, 1993. JOHN THEODORE (TED) ERICKSON JUNE 25, 1940 - DECEMBER 24, 1993. FRANCIS NASH 1952 - 1993. DEAN NESLAND - DECEMBER 14, 1993; ASIAN-SUPPORT AIDS PROJECT. ASIAN AIDS HELPLINE for the Asian Community. Various languages; LETTERS Elizabeth Kubler-Ross against doctor assisted suicide;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Women and HIV/AIDS; Youth and HIV/AIDS; Assisted Suicide;

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #74 December 1993/January 1994

Publication type: 
IT'S OFFICIAL! At the last Annual General Meeting the Society decided to change the name of the Society to: Persons with AIDS Society of British Columbia. We have finally completed the legal technicalities and a modified logo will appear in the new year; PWA UPDATE News on the activies of the Board. An Executive Officer and Facilitator of Advocacy Communications should be hired soon, membership continutes to rise, some renovations are close to completion, new additions to the Board of Directors, and an Advisory Board has been implemented; STANDARDS OF CARE The Perspective of hte Consumers. A standard of care should accommodate health care professionals as advisors in motivating the self-care abilities of the person with HIV; SITE REVEIW OF THE HIV DISEASE PROGRAM ST. PAUL'S HOSPITAL Part 2 of an edited report with the Society received from St. Paul's. The reviewers encounted three different levels of problems: lack of a clear structure at the organizational level, no clear model of HIV/AIDS at the delivery of care level, and at the level of St. Paul's interaction with the community of infected and affected perople, there is a certain degree of ambivalence of commitment to reaching out to the community and developing partnerships; BC AIDS CONFERENCE Health Promotion: A Consumer's Perspective. Presentation to the BC AIDS Conference by Arn. Schilder. In my experience as a treatment advocate within my community, it has become patently obvious that all my efforts are diminished by the psychosocial and economic quarantine in the lives of HIV+ persons. Treatment information and advocacy are of little use if you are marginalized and if your energy is used up obtaining your sustaining needs; ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL Positive/Positive Couples May Still Want to Play Safe; TREATMENT INFORMATION. ANOTHER ROLE FOR NITRIC OXIDE: VIRUS FIGHTER. INTERLEUKIN-12: DUAL ROLE IN IMMUNITY; WHAT REALLY MATTERS Poetry; NUTRITION NOTE Zinc; BILLY'S CORNER Commentary of holiday season; A CRY FOR MERCY Is AIDS the Disease Which Makes the Case for Euthanasia? Report on the lack of research on euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide; KUDOS; GOURMET GOODIES High Fibre Fruit Crisp. Vegetaran Chili; VICTORIA PWA SOCIETY UPDATE Activities for December; TRIBUTES. ORVILLE GERMACK - SEPTEMBER 27, 1993. CHRIS COCKRILL - OCTOBER 22, 1993. RUSSELL "MEGAN" INKPEN - November 10, 1993; POSITIVE WOMEN'S NETWORK the Postive Women's Network is a support network, directed by women with HIV/AIDS, responding to the needs of women with HIV/AIDS; WOMEN'S HIV CAUCUS The HV Women's Caucus was formed to provide a time and a place for HIV+ women to discuss advocacy issues that affect us; JOIN US FOR CHRISTMAS! The Christmas committee is busy enjoying planning our annual social events, hamper and certificate distribution; FOOD PANTRY New hours, new name sought; ACTIVITIES FOR JANUARY - VICTORIA BRANCH; PARC BENCH NEWS: LIBRARY UPDATE The PARC Library is now complete, thanks to the volunteer crew; TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE PROJECT Patient run PWA organization; ART THERAPY Starting up in January; BC PWA SOCIETY INDIVIDUAL ADVOCACY VOLUNTEERS needed; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS. ONGOING GOINGS ON. NOTICEBOARD. CLASSIFIEDS.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Women and HIV/AIDS;

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #73 November 1993

Publication type: 
GLOBAL QUESTIONS The BCPWA Society declines to attend the global conference for persons with HIV and AIDS and forwards by telephone its concerns and issues in the form of 10 questions; SITE REVIEW HIV DISEASE PROGRAM ST. PAUL'S HOSPITAL Part one of an edited report which the Society received from St. Paul's Hospital. This report follows two days of interviews and visits of St. Paul's facilities with the mandate from the administration to review the organizational structure and operations of the HIV Disease Program; OUR APOLOGIES FROM THE EDITOR FOR JAMES, THE CORRECT WORDING SHOULD OF READ FEBRUARY 27, 1968 - AUGUST 14, 1993; OBITURARY: DENNIS J. QUON; WORLD AIDS DAY DECEMBER 1, 1993. AIDS Vancouver World AIDS Day Coordinator discusses World AIDS Day and this year's theme and events; AND THE BAND PLAYED ON Film Review for PWA Newsletter; B.A.N. The Best of B.A.N. Fundraiser report, call for culturally sensitive resource material that may be of use to the Black AIDS Network, and upcoming events; TREATMENT INFORMATION: WASTING SYNDROME "SLIM" DISEASE Combating HIV related weight loss. WHEN YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE EATING. WHEN YOU FEEL NAUSEA. TREATEMENT NEWS CD4s DISPUTED AS PRIMARY TARGETS OF HIV. SCREENING TESTS USE P24 TO DETECT NEW HIV INFECTIONS. PROGRESSION OF HIV DISEASE IN MEN. HIV INFECTS IMMUNE CELLS ORIGINATING IN THE THYMUS; [MISSING PP. 21 - 28 IN ORIGINAL] ACTIVITIES FOR NOVEMBER - PERSONS WITH AIDS SOCIETY - VICTORIA BRANCH Programs and events; MISSING DOUGLAS Poetry; BILLY'S CORNER Commentary and description of the Society's finances; KUDOS; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT NETWORKS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS. ONGOING GOINGS ON; LONELY TOMORROW Poetry; TREATMENT INFORMATION PROJECT UPDATE Activities of the project, call for volunteers; ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC; LIBRARY NEWS The Society's and AIDS Vancouver Libraries will be joing into one unified space. New aquisitions; HOUSING UPDATE The City of Vancouver will be reopening The Old Continental Hotel for those over 45 or on GAIN For Handicapped; HIDDEN LEGACIES On World AIDS Day, the Vancouver Men's Chorus will be performing the seven movement work entitled "Hidden Legacies" which was commissioned by the Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles to "address the AIDS crisis in clear and unequivocal terms"; NOTICEBOARD. CLASSIFIEDS.
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary;

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #72 October 1993

Publication type: 
MULTIPLE DIAGNOSIS - WHOSE PROBLEM? Canadian AIDS Society and Candian HIV Therapies Committee submit concerns regarding the issues of HIV/AIDS and its impact related to the issues of dual diagnosis and multiple diagnosis; EXECUTIVE AND BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE; PERSONNEL VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES; 2001: AN AIDS ODDITY Correcting the lack of credit for the article "AIDS in America: 2001"; PATTERNS OF MIGRATION FOR PERSONS WITH HIV/AIDS Report on a joint project of the Vancouver PWA Society and the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS whose objective is to examine how the need for treatment and care affects where persons with HIV/AIDS in British Columbia choose to live; AIDS STATISTICS Numbers from the WHO and the US; STRYKERNEWS. Commentary on the responsibility for spreading AIDS; THE HEARTBREAK CONTINUES Psoriasis; ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS: AVOIDING QUACKERY Guidelines that can help you determine what is valid and what is fraud; FOR JAMES Poetry; LONG-TERM SURVIVORS Some research on the physical, psychological and lifestyle factors that may be involved in why some people continue to have high CD4 counts 10 to 14 years after becoming infected; TREATMENT ACTIVISTS WORKSHOP Report from a meeting of treatment activsts held in Toronto with guidelines on basic research and clinical trials research; US TO TEST MICROGENESYS AIDS VACCINE AFTER FIRM TORPEDOES BROADER STUDY The politics of vaccine development in the USA. News from the FDA on ddC and adverse effects of nucleoside analogues. New formulation of Interleukin-2 in Phase I trails; VANCOUVER PARKS & RECREATION LEISURE ACCESS CARD Free and discounted access to Parks & Recreation facilities; NUTRITION NOTE VITAMIN E; HEALTH AND NUTRITION Nutrients and herbs to fortify the immune system; EAT, EAT, ALREADY Whole Meal Tuna Salad; BILLY'S CORNER Commentary; YOU MAKE ME FEEL SOMETHING NEW Poetry; WHEN I'M OLD AND WISE Poetry, a note of appreciation; EIGHTH ANNUAL GRIEF CONFERENCE Extending Life/Prolonging Death-Medical Ethics at the End of Life. Event annoucement; HAROLD MENDL AUG 20, 1956 - AUG 30, 1993; KUDOS; A-ASAP: THE ASIAN-SUPPORT AIDS PROJECT Focusing on community education and resource developement to support the gay Asian community then the general Asian community; WOMEN'S HIV CAUCUS The HIV Women's Caucus was formed to provide a time and place for HIV+ women to discuss advocacy issues; PERSONS WITH AIDS SOCIETY - VICTORIA BRANCH Activities for October, call for nominations and election of management committee, job opportunity; DR. TERRY TAFOYA: BIOGRAPHY Dr. Tafoya will be speaking as part of the AIDS Awareness Week Lecture Series on the topic of "Traveller's Tales: Cultural and Communication Issues in HIV Management"; THE 7TH ANNUAL BRITISH COLUMBIA AIDS CONFERENCE Event announcement, special rate for persons living with HIV/AIDS; CLASSIFIEDS; NEW PEER COUNSELLING TRAINING; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS. ONGOING GOINGS ON. NOTICEBOARD. PWA WANTS YOU! Newsletter volunteers needed; BOARD ANNOUNCES NEW DIRECTORS, CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR ONE VACANCY;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Grief; End of Life; Women and HIV/AIDS;

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #71 September 1993

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WALK or run FOR AIDS '93 Sunday September 26, 1993. LOVE AND COMPASSION ONE VOICE, ONE MESSAGE, ONE HOPE WALK/RUN FOR AIDS '93 Event announcement. WALK/RUN FOR AIDS '93 UPDATE Frequenty asked questions; FROM THE BOARD Board member resignations and appointment, call for nominations for three vacant positions, consultant's interim report on how persons were feeling at this time in the Society, board development meeting results in posting of vacant employee positions, monitoring of financial management, public relations and a future strategic planning day; CALL FOR NOMINATIONS; EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Key Management Position, Advocacy and Communications Manager; PERSONNEL Volunteer Opportunities, Human Resourse Development; AIDS TREATMENT HIGHLIGHTS: EYE IMPLANT RELEASES DRUG. EARLY INTERVENTION FAILS: NEW AZT GUIDELINES. PROGRESS ON THE GENETICS OF AIDS. DENTAL TREATMENT OF HIV/AIDS PATIENTS Memo from the BC College of Dental Surgeons to practitioners on the moral and ethical requirement to treat all members of the public. DNCB TREATMENT INFORMATION. VALUE OF SKIN TESTX FOR TB IN HIV+ PEOPLE. OUTSIDE THE TEST TUBE: AIDS AWARENESS WEEK Strong Lives Strong Communities is the theme which has been chosen to focus this year's events on the issue of health promotion for people living with HIV/AIDS. Call for participation, event calendar; NUTRITION. NUTRITION NOTE VITAMIN C. EAT, EAT, ALREADY Borscht Krazny Oktyabr; BILLY'S CORNER Commentary; STRYKER NEWS Where the Line is Drawn: What peer counsellors don't do and do do. Resignation from the Board; AIDS IN AMERICA: 2001 More commentary on the dehomosexualization of AIDS; SURVIVAL AT ANY COST Commentary on the ninth anniversary of a PCP diagnosis; PARC BENCH GOSSIP Library news; ART THERAPY Group and individual sessions available; NEW PEER COUNSELLING TRAINING Apply now; PERSONS WITH AIDS SOCIETY - VICTORIA BRANCH Office hours, Programs and Events, kudos; B.A.N. (BLACK AIDS NETWORK) The Black AIDS Network is an organization operated by and for the Black community of BC; DOUG G. SHERMAN FEBRUARY 23, 1956 - AUGUST 4, 1993; FEELINGS FROM THE CANDLELIGHT MEMORIAL Personal reflection; TOGETHER FOREVER Poetry; KUDOS. WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS. ONGOING GOINGS ON. NOTICEBOARD; APPLYING FOR EMERGENCY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IN GREATER VANCOUVER REGIONAL DISTRICT AND WEST VANCOUVER at AIDS Vancouver; WE WANT YOU! PWA is looking for help with the Newsletter;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Dental Health

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #70 August 1993

Publication type: 
BEYOND THE BARRICADE Opinion; TREATMENT. HIV & TUBERCULOSIS CONFERENCE, TORONTO COMMUNITY WORKSHOP PRESENTATION HEALTH PROMOTION FOR PERSONS LIVING WITH HIV AND AIDS: THE TB INTERACTION. SHINGLES STUDY. DIRECTIVE ON HEALTH CARE: A SUMMARY Issued by Archbishop Adam Exner and widely distributed throughout St. Paul's Hospital, this instruction to catholic health care facilities appears to violate the Health Act of BC and are not acceptable to the majority of patients who utilize catholic run hospitals. SUSTAINING SUPPORT AND ATTITUDES OF CARE All the talk about standards of care and experimental drugs to the PWA in a Welfare Office is nothing but fluff. Until a such a person has adequate housing, sufficient income, and meaningful support the individual will be isolated from any care. THALIDOMIDE. U.S. CLAIM - WE CAN STOP HIV; NUTRITION Nutrition Note. Vitamin A. Carotene. Sources Of Vitamine A. Basic Food-Safety Principles for Avoiding Food-Borne Illness. EAT, EAT, ALREADY. The Original Wabbit's Stew; ARTICLES. HOMOSEXUAL ACTIVE MEN AND THE EVOLVING EPIDEMIC OF HIV On the dehomosexualization of AIDS. THE TONY AWARDS, A NIGHT FOR CANADIANS, QUEERS AND AIDS June 6, 1993 was a fabulous night for gay culture and the AIDS cause. HOMOPHOBIA AND HETEROSEXISM: TERMINOLOGY. GAY COMMUNITY SHOWS ITS COLOURS, AIDS Vancouver's Man to Man health promotion initiative for men who have sex with men. VOLUNTEER MOTIVATION AND RETENTION IN A VOLUNTARY AIDS SERVICE ORGANIZATION Research on the relationship between the initial motivation of volunteers with the length of time they spent with the organization. WALKEY & COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECTORS OPENS Associate member of PWA opens his own funeral company; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: LANCE PEN PAL CLUB Ten year old who lost his father to AIDS offers to be a pen pal to kids who may lose or who have lost someone to AIDS. DEYAS ON BERLIN Requesting information on AIDS and IV involved persons. ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH ON BERLIN And on the Anglican response to HIV/AIDS in Vancouver. MOVING TO THE MOON: SHARING THE STORY OF HIV Personal letters telling others about postive HIV status are sought for a book tentatively tittle "Moving to the Moon"; TRIBUTES: ROBERT ARNOLD CHAMPAGNE DECEMBER 12, 1968 - JULY 6, 1993. LAURIE 1960 - 1993. MAN IN THE MOUNTAIN Dedicated to the Love of My Life - Bruce. PETER THEODORE PRINS MAY 25, 1961 - JUNE 15, 1993. JACQUES PETERIS VEIPANS 1958 - 1993. FOR JACQUES. IN MEMORY OF JAMES (JAMIE) H. MAHAN. HARRY MENDEZ-BOYLE APRIL 9, 1946 - JUNE 22, 1993. GARY ALBERT GILBERTSON 1954 - 1993; SOCIETY BIZ: PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE - AUGUST 1993 Answering the oft-asked "what does the Society do?" VANCOUVER PWA TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS Difficult issues dealt with at Board Meeting: Removal of board member, Society revokes its membership in the Canadian AIDS Society, problems with the Capital Campaign, the Society's financial situation, board member resignation and board member appointment; KUDOS FOR JACKIE Support Manager at the BC Persons with AIDS Society nominated for the recent YWCA Women of Distinction Award; STRYKER NEWS: INCOME TAX GST Refund, paying taxes owed. TELEPHONE TAG. HARASSMENT Personnel committee to draft a harassment policy; THANKS TO; ONGOING GOING'S ON. ANNOUNCEMENTS. VICTORIA ACTIVITIES & SCHEDULE FOR AUGUST. NOTICEBOARD. HELPLINE Volunteer Opportunities;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Religion;

Vancouver Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #69 July 1993

Publication type: 
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE On the responsibility and accountability of people who choose to represent people living with HIV/AIDS; BERLIN CONFERENCE OVERVIEWS: GENERAL OVERVIEWS POSITIVES 1. Aldon McKeans opening speech on the theme "tear down the walls" 2 The presentation of the Concorde Study on AZT usage 3 Pioneer work of Flossie Wong-Staal on gene therapy 4 Pioneer work of Alexandra Levine with J. Salk on the development of the Salk vaccine 5 Pioneer work of Guy Levy on the importance of cell mediation on disease progression 6 Pioneer work of L. Montagnier on the co-factors in HIV 7 M. Horton's closing speech on homosexual active men and the evolving global epidemic 8 The PWA Lounge 9 Useful and practical information on many OIs 10 Hope. Despite the fact that a cure was not announced there were many encouraging discoveries of lesser magnitude 11 Berlin NEGATIVES 1 The role of GNP+. If this is the group that is supposed to represent the concerns of PWAs at the International Conference, the failed. 2 The Conference site was not user-friendly 3 The large numbers of workshops, roundtables, etc. that evidenced an inordinate amount of medical jargon nonspeak, bad science and psychobabble 4 The lack of effective PWA participation in most of the workshops and sessions 5 The scope of the conference was overwhelming. 6 The American media's coverage of the conference was problematic 7 ACT UP for some of their pranks had fairly serious side effects 8 The costs associated with this conference were excessive; NOVEL ANTIVIRALS New drugs in basic research or Phase I testing in humans; TWO VIEWS ON THE LONG-TERM SURVIVOR ASPECT OF THE CONFERENCE; GENE THERAPY; VACCINES; DO GPs NEED COUNSELLING; INJECTION DRUG USE (MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE); MULTIDIAGNOSIS: CONSPICUOUS IN ITS ABSENCE; BERLIN: THE COST The costs associated with the Society's attendance at the Berlin Conference; TOPICS COVERED IN THE BERLIN SUMMARY SECTION; BERLIN - DAY 1 - SUNDAY. Arrival, Registration and Reception; BERLIN - DAY 2 - MONDAY. The Opening And Press Conferences. Pathogenesis Of HIV Infection-Dr. Fauci. HIV Attachment And Penetration. Oral And Gastrointestinal Manifestations. Vaccines. HIV Transcription, Integration And RNA Processing. Pulmonary Manifestations. Wasting Syndrome; BERLIN - DAY 3 - TUESDAY. Molecular Targets For Resistance With Viral Replication-F. Wong-Staal. Antiretroviral Treatment. Gallo Overview. The Concorde Study-M. Seligmann: Is AZT Dead Yet? Nutrition. Neuropsychiatric Manifestations. Psychosocial Care and Community Support. Community Based Research-Delaney. Bacterial Opportunistic Infections (BOI). Hospice and Palliative Care. Opportunistic & Other Infections: Mycobacteria Other Than TB; BERLIN - DAY 4 - WEDNESDAY. Development of Human HIV Vaccines-D. Bolognesi. Mechanisms of Pathogenesis and Long Term Survival with HIV/AIDS-J. Levi. Future HIV Vaccine Policy and Implications for Efficacy Trials-W. Dowdle. Living with HIV and AIDS. Methodology and Quality Assurance: Design, Evaluation and Ethical issues in Clinical Trials. Immunotherapeutics. Protozoal Opportunistic Infections (POIs). Distribution, Patterns of Spread in Population at Risk for the Spread of TB. Societal Response: Access to Prevention and Care in Socio-Economically Deprived Populations. Nursing Standards and Quality of Care. Course of Infection: Markers of Non-Progression; BERLIN - DAY 5 - THURSDAY. Progress in Therapy and Prophylaxis of Opportunistic Infections-I. Weller. Mycotic Infections in Patients Infected with HIV-T. Sirisanthana. HIV, Cofactors and AIDS-L. Montagnier. Lymphoma and Other Neoplasias. Kaposi Sarcoma. Burnout Strategies for Coping in Care Providers. Concepts and Models of Care. Viral and Opportunistic Infections. Fungal Opportunistic Infections. Antiretroviral Therapies. Antiretroviral (Other Substances). BERLIN - DAY 6 - FRIDAY. The Closing Plenary; ANNOUNCEMENTS; VICTORIA ACTIVITIES AND SCHEDULE FOR JULY; WE'RE OPEN. OTHER PROGRAMS/SUPPORT PROJECTS OFFERED BY PWA AND OTHERS. NOTICEBOARD. HELPLINE Volunteer Opportunities;
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary


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