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Positive Living Society of British Columbia (Formally BCPWA)

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #98 August/September 1997

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4 WELCOME TO THE NEW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Ross Harvey has been appointed the Executive Director of the British Columbia Persons with AIDS Society 4 IN MEMORIAM GORDON DONALD GUSS JANUARY 24, 1946 - JUNE 13, 1997 5 VICTORIA HIV/AIDS CENTRE Victoria has a new tri-agency HIV/AIDS Centre. The Victoria Persons with AIDS Society, AIDS Vancouver Island and the Victoria AIDS Respite Care Society are the new Centre's three partner agencies. 6 TASTE ALTERATIONS How to enjoy the taste of foods more. Many people living with HIV/AIDS experience either a loss of taste acuity or abnormal taste sensations. Here is a primer on the taste function and tips to increase your enjoyment of foods when taste abnormalities are a problem. 7 BORDERS ON MADNESS American policy banning people with HIV from entering the USA. 9 BCPWA ADVOCACY UPDATE The CPP Crisis. New Hope with Schedule C. 13 SUMMER FICTION "Parting Gifts" by Kevin Isom 16 CARE AND FEEDING OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Better self-care -- psychological and physical -- might extend your life. 18 ATTENTION TO MAGNESIUM LEVELS Symptom of magnesium deficiency include muscle weakness, depression and vertigo/dizziness. Low magnesium levels appear to contribute to low calcium levels. 19 INTERPRETING YOUR LAB RESULTS Complete Blood Count (CBC). Red Blood Cell Count (RBC). White Blood Cell Count (WBC). Hemoglobin. Hematocrit. Mean Cell Volume (MCV). Platelets. White Cell Differential. Cholesterol. Amylase. CPK or CK. Liver Function Tests. Kidney Function Tests. Lymphocyte Subsets. 22 RE-ENTRY INTO THE WORKFORCE PROJECT At an International Conference in Amsterdam - a member's overview. BCPWA's Human Resources Coordinator attended the 3rd International Conference on Home and Community Care for People Living with HIV/AIDS and reports on the BCPWA's presentation and how the BCPWA benefits from the conference. POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Calling the Pacfic AIDS Resource Centre, More Place to Call, Vancouver Services, Classified, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, BC Groups & Programs
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #97 June/July 1997

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2 INTERVIEWS WITH ASIANS LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS. ASIA is currently looking into the needs of East and Southeast Asians and would like to find out more about their experiences and use of services 4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Remembrance of Bader Naja with thanks to the BCPWA Newsletter. BADER NAJA Aug 30, 1951 - Feb 29, 1996 4 IN MEMORIAM MARK ALCOCK - February 27, 1997. 5 LETTER TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Congratulations to you all on your recent election to the Board. 6 COMMUNITY FORUM ON THE NEW DRUG TREATMENTS Report on the February 12th, 1997 meeting held at PARC on emerging issues related to the new HIV drug treatments with presentations by Cherryl Brown and Glen Hillson and a faciliated discussion to identify and address key issues which included: Going back to work or school, Disclosure, Insurance and Disability Claims, Unknowns of treatments, CD4 markers, Lab value vs clinical value, Employment options, Time-consuming medical visits. 9 SAFER SEX FOR HIV POSITIVE MEN Reprinted from Postive Nation, Health First; London SE1 1996. Article focusing on the risks of unsafe sex for positive men with an aside about woman-to-woman transmission and a discussion of strategies to avoid transmission or infection focusing on condoms. 14 NUTRITION AND WEIGHT LOSS The importance of managing nutrition and weight loss as a part of a comprehensive treatment strategy for managing HIV/AIDS. Evaluate Nutrition and Exercise as a part of a comprehensive, early intervention strategy. Employ rigorous diagnosis and treatment for causes of weight loss. Consider nutritional and vitamin supplements to replenish defificiencies. Learn the pros and cons of various intervention options. 18 PSYCHIATRIC ASPECTS OF HIV. This article will attempt to summarize some of the latest developments in the study of psychiatric manifestations of HIV disease, review those manifestations associated with drugs commonly used to manage HIV disease, draw attention to the potential for drug interactions, and address treatment issues relevant to the psychatric care of people with HIV. 23 TREATMENT UPDATE Selenium and Lecithin Decrease Beta2 Microglobulin Levels. Concerns About Protease Inhibitors. More Facts about Genital Herpes. Currently Enrolling Trials in Vancouver (April 1997). Hearing Loss and Antiretroviral Therapy in Patients Infected with HIV-1. Laboratory Services Moving to Vancouver General Hospital. 27 RED RIBBON Poetry by Robert Domenic. POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Calling the Pacfic AIDS Resource Centre, More Place to Call, Vancouver Services, Classified, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, BC Groups & Programs
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #96 April/May 1997

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2 FOR YOUR INFORMATION. CHF Cheques available on after 10am on Thursdays. 4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Uninihibited laughs for Victor Vancouver. 4 DHEA IS A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE IN CANADA 4 IN MEMORIAM. DAN POOLE - FEBRUARY 28, 1993. 5 SAFER WATER: REDUCING THE RISK. Water safety tips for the immune compromised. 6 HIV/AIDS RELATED FATIGUE. In depth article on causes and treament of HIV/AIDS related fatigue. 10 BCPWA ADVOCACY UPDATE For recent information on CPP and Schedule F as well as other court cases and collective advocacy issues, please call the Advocacy Information Line. If you are receiving BC Benefits Disability you may be eligible for a variety of different types of assistance with your transportation costs. 12 THE LUNCH CLUB FEEDS A GROWING NEED Reprinted from the West Ender. Call it the most popular lunch spot in town. The Lunch Club hosts free lunches for people with HIV, as many as 160 each Wednesday and is growing fast. "At the same table, you can find a person from a rooming house in the downtown eastside, a member of the West End gay community, and a young native woman. To these people, the Lunch Club is much more than a free meal." 14 INCREASING L-GLUTATHIONE LEVELS Proper protein supplements containing glutamycysteine raise levels of glutathione and help people regain weight. 15 TREATMENT UPDATE. FDA Issues Warning about Drug for KS. Interactions with Delavirdine and Protease Inhibitors. More Medical Marijuana Research Urged. Enrolling in CTN Trials. Soon to be Enrolling Trials. ALX40-4C Developement Halted. 18 VICTOR VANCOUVER Comic. POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Calling the Pacfic AIDS Resource Centre, More Place to Call, Vancouver Services, Classified, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, BC Groups & Programs
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #95 February/March 1997

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2 BCPWA SOCIETY APPOINTS ACTING EXECUTIVE OFFICER 4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Thanks to the Society from parents of a member. Macrobiotic diets may not work for everyone. Thanks from Jackie for the 10 year celebration. 5 TREATMENT ISSUES FOR 1997 The next step in diagnostic technology: access to viral resistance testing. Problems of poor absorption and other causes leading to resistance need to be addressed with better formulations of medications. Immune restoration therapy should have renewed emphasis. 6 PASSAGE THROUGH INDIA: HIV MAPS A DEADLY COURSE Reprinted from the Harvard AIDS Review. In depth coverage of HIV in India. 13 TREATMENT UPDATE. Antiretrovirals Update, a brief overview of the state of antiretroviral HIV treatments in BC and a look at some developments expected in the near future. Can Supplements of Vitamins and Minerals Increase Survival? Research report. Report of the Advisory Committee on Drug Evaluation and Therapy. 17 JACKIE HAYWOOD'S 10TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Commentary from Jackie. 18 VICTOR VANCOUVER Comic. 20 CANADIAN DECLARATION OF RIGHTS FOR PWAS Draft of a Canadian Declaration of Rights for People Living with HIV/AIDS developed by the participants in the 1996 HIV forum of the Canadian AIDS Society in Toronto on 4 June 1996. 21 RADIO FREE PWA Commentary on the nutritional value of processed foods and supplements recommended in a previous issue with recommendations on whole foods with the proper nutrient make up for PWAs. 22 NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING 23 IN MEMORIAM. MYLES INGRAM - DECEMBER 30, 1996. POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Calling the Pacfic AIDS Resource Centre, More Place to Call, Vancouver Services, Classified, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, BC Groups & Programs
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #94 December 1996/January 1997

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4 NETWORK NEWS ...An Update of the Positive Women's Network. Information and reports from the XI International Conference on AIDS available in the September issue of the PWN newsletter and at the PWN office. Joint project with Big Sisters to match children of our members with a big sister begun. Videos and resource manuals produced from the Physician Education Project are being distributed. 5 COMMUNITY HEALTH RESOURCE PROJECT New study to examine the economic impact of HIV and AIDS for people living with HIV in British Columbia's Lower Mainland. The study will gather information on the types of resources needed and used by persons living with HIV and will enable community agencies and governments to plan more effectively to provide the best care possible for people living with HIV. 6 LET'S TALK ABOUT CHRISTMAS. New initiatives and enhancements of traditional BCPWA activities are being planned. List of holiday events and services. 7 AN INTERVIEW WITH MARK. Years after starting and stopping AZT, Mark credits his excellent health to his macrobiotic diet. 10 TV FREE PWA. Commentary on the sport of channel surfing. 11 TREATMENT UPDATE. SEES-2000 for PCP Prevention and Treatment. Nutritional Supplements: What are They? Who Needs Them? Olives, Olive Leaves and HIV. 14 THE ILLUSION OF INCLUSION The Sexual Abuse of gay men in childhood, leading to the escalation of the HIV vulnerability, and the implications for the HIV epidemic. Adapted from a draft prepared for the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health, Sub-committee on HIV and AIDS. 17 COMMITMENT (or how some things work). Commentary on volunteerism. 18 ALL ABOUT PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY Types and causes of neuropathy and conventional and alternative treatments. 21 RADIO FREE P.W.A. Wake up Sheldon! We Wuz robbed. More commentary on the Annual General Meeting. 23 IN MEMORIAM ALAN WAYNE LAROCQUE KENNARD - SEPTEMBER 27, 1996. POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Calling the Pacfic AIDS Resource Centre, More Place to Call, Vancouver Services, Classified, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, BC Groups & Programs
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Women and HIV/AIDS;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #93 October 1996

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4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Comments and observations on the 1996 BCPWA Society's Annual General Meeting. 5 CANADIAN AIDS SOCIETY PILL BOTTLE CAMPAIGN Advocacy campaign aimed at showing support for the renewal of the National AIDS Strategy targeted to coincide with the opening of parliament on September 16th. 6 AIDS: A HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE The Canadian Human Rights Commission. AIDS is considered a disability under the Canadian Human Rights Act. That means it is illegal for anyone within federal jurisdiction to discriminate against people because they have AIDS or are HIV positive. The Canadian Human Rights Commission investigates complaints of discrimination against people with AIDS and HIV and where there is evidence of discrimination, tries to end the discrimination and make sure the victime receives some form of compensation. 8 RUNNING THE WALK. 80 per cent of the funds required by the Complementary Health Fund (CHF) come from Walk pledges. Consider what would happen if nobody remembered to get the permits the city requires. 11 NATIONAL PLANNING FORUMS FOR AIDS/HIV RESEARCH. A consensus Statement on the Directions and Essential Requirements of HIV/AIDS Research in Canada. Summary of Recommendations. 13 BCPWA ADVOCACY UPDATE.New Developements in the Advocacy Department. Advocacy Information Line provides the latest updates on several of the major legal cases impacting the membership. Details of some more Ministry of Social Services benefits you may be entitled to including crisis grants, moving allowances and security deposits. 15 VIRAL LOAD TESTS - INTERPRETING THE RESULTS Information on the viral load tests and what the results mean. 17 TREATMENT UPDATE Weekly Fluconazole to Prevent Candida in Women. Collective Kitchens. A Natural Approach to Viral Reduction and Immunostimulation. Flu Vaccinations - The Debate Continues. Clinical Trials. Clinical Trials Looking for Participants: NAC Septra Reaction (prevention of PCP). Delavirdine + AZT. Atovaquone, pentamidine. VACOP-B chemotherapy. Fluconazole. Fluconozole vs. itraconazole. Mixed carotenoids. Nevirapine, 3TC. 22 RADIO FREE P.W.A. Humans, What a species. A look at this year's AGM ... and beyond? POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Calling the Pacfic AIDS Resource Centre, More Place to Call, Vancouver Services, Classified, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, BC Groups & Programs
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Human Rights;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #92 August 1996

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4 BCPWA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE 5 BECOMING AWARE Advice to those newly diagnosed from an HIV+ straight addict. 5 LAW STUDENTS' LEGAL ADVICE PROGRAM Free legal advise and representation to those who cannot afford a lawyer. 6 ERADICATING HIV: COULD IT BE TRUE? Commentary on reports from the XI International AIDS Conference on the possibility of eradicating HIV from an infected person's body, problems and questions to think about. 8 IN THE EYES OF THE WORLD Report on the media coverage of the XI International AIDS Conference. What did people outside of our community learn from the Conference? 12 BCPWA ADVOCACY UPDATE Information about Ministry of Social Services benefits you may be entitled to if you are on income assistance. Disability benefits, $40 high protein diet allowance and a $30 blender, BC Transit bus pass, Ensure Plus food supplement and Schedule F request for money to pay for ongoing health needs. Call for volunteers. 15 NETWORK NEWS ...An Update on the Positive Women's Network. PWN's experiences at the XI International Conference on AIDS highlight importance of renewed support of the National AIDS Strategy. PWN is facilitating a Downtown Eastside Support Group. 16 PUTTING COMPLEMENTARY/ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES ON THE AGENDA. 80% of PWAs worldwide use traditional medicine. 18 TREATMENT UPDATE Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs). First Controlled Trial, Positive Results: N-acetyl-cysteine. D4T and 3TC: A Possible Alternative to AZT/3TC? SPV-30 (Boxwood Evergreen) Looks Promising. Echinacea and Other Immune System Stimulants. 22 RADIO FREE P.W.A. Commentary. POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Calling the Pacfic AIDS Resource Centre, More Place to Call, Vancouver Services, Classified, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, BC Groups & Programs
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #91 July 1996

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SPECIAL EDITION XI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AIDS 4 A LETTER TO THE PRIME MINISTER re: "One World. One Hope." An HIV+ grandmother writes to express disappointment that the PM will not attend the Opening Ceremonies of the XI International AIDS Conference. 6 A HOMETOWN CONFERENCE The Opportunities for PARC "Let's see what other people are doing and not reinvent the wheel because there is so much to do." "...there is also the potential for incredibly renewed drive and I think that is the great opportunity." 8 GRADUATES OF THE VOLUNTEER LEADERSHIP CERTIFICATE COURSE LEVEL 1. Report. 9 BCPWA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE 10 A FUNNY THING HAPPENED AFTER THE FORUM - Canadian AIDS Activists Woke Up. This train is called WAKE UP CANADA. We need another strategy - not another tragedgy. 12 "THE ALTERNATIVE CONFERENCE" The People's Gather of Community Health is scheduled to coincide with the XI International Conference on AIDS and is planned to be both a learning experience and a wake up call to the danger of ignoring community health and a chance to come out and celebrate community. 12 NETWORK NEWS ...An Update on the Positive Women's Network. PWN will be part of the team that welcomes thousands of visitors to PARC during the International Conference on AIDS and the PWN drop-in will be open to positive women from around the world. The PWN will also be presenting the results of our Physician Education Project at the Conference. Several new support groups are now in progress. 13 THE LIBRARY CARD ...New Material at the PARC Library. 14 CONFERENCE ENTERTAINMENT & INFORMATION EVENTS GUIDE 16 TREATMENT UPDATE. HHV-6A -- Is It a Co-factor or Maybe the Cause? Echinacea & HIV. Seagoenone Community Trial. From the Front Lines, a member reports on his experience in a combination therapy trial, AZT and 3TC and either a protease inhibitor or placebo. 20 RADIO FREE P.W.A. "No Fence Too Sharp To Sit Upon..." Commentary on the National AIDS Strategy. 23 IN MEMORIAM. ALLAN RICHARD MACKENZIE OCTOBER 13, 1954 - MAY 30, 1996. MARK TURRELL JULY 31, 1965 - JUNE 19, 1996. POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Calling the Pacfic AIDS Resource Centre, More Place to Call, Vancouver Services, Classified, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, BC Groups & Programs
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #90 June 1996

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4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Thanks for supporting researcher. Thanks for the newsletter in particular "One Postive, One Negative." Nueva Carta Informativa publicada en Espa
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Women and HIV/AIDS;

British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society Newsletter Issue #89 April/May 1996

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2 The issue of BCPWA News is dedicated to the contributions and lives of Ray Massie and Bader Naja. 4 NEWS. Feds Probe AIDS "Cure". Tribunal to Examine Incident at Vancouver Airport. New Red Cross Test for HIV Branded a Waste of Money. HIV Deaths Take Lead. Residency Change HIV Sufferers. AIDS Afflicted Refugee Wants Welfare from BC. Clinic Suffers Staff Cuts. Canada Gets Low Mark On Survey on Blood Crisis. Some Children Purge Bodies of HIV Virus, Doctors Say. 8 POP - YOUTHCO'S POSITIVE OUTREACH PROGRAM It is a project for HIV+ youth by HIV+ youth. When people say you are not going to live long, you answer: 'I am going to be living my life right now, just watch me.' 10 PROTEASE INHIBITORS What are they? How do they work? Why have protease inhibitors been so long coming? Saquinavir. Ritonavir. Indinavir. Resistance Issues. 12 SOUNDING BOARD ...Notes from the BCPWA Board. Date for the Annual General Meeting has been set. The Board has adopted the PARC suspension policy. Internal Liaison position created. New Board member appointed. 12 THE LIBRARY CARD ...New Material at the PARC Library. 13 NETWORK NEWS ...An Update on the Positive Women's Network. Another retreat to Bowan Island is being prepared, details to follow. The Physician Education Project has completed a successful round of presentations in hospitals in the Lower Mainland about the medical and psycho-social issues in HIV+ women's lives. The Surrey Connection is a peer-driven support group for positive women who gather to discuss treatment choices, healthissues and to connect with other positive women. All PWN members are invited to attend. PWN contact information. 16 TREATMENT UPDATE Third Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Washinton DC, January 28 - February 1, 1996, report. The Ten Commandments of Living Long and Well with HIV. 19 SELF MONITORING FOR OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTIONS Symptoms and actions to take for a list of opportunistic infections. 20 CAPTAIN MIDNITE Column. Letter to the virus. 21 COMPLEMENTARY HEALTH FUND CHANGES The limit of allowable income to qualify for the CHF program has been raised to $1600 per month net. CHF cheques will be issued weekly on Wednesday. 22 DELICIOUS CREATIONS! Recipes. A Quick and Easy Supper Dish. Barley and Cheese Casserole. 23 IN MEMORIAM. GASTON NADEAU - MARCH 1, 1996. RAY MASSIE - FEBRUARY 1996. BADER NAJA AUGUST 30, 1951 - FEBRUARY 29, 1996. POSITIVELY HAPPENING. Centre pull-out section. Calling the Pacfic AIDS Resource Centre, More Place to Call, Vancouver Services, Classified, Volunteer Opportunities, Vancouver Weekly, BC Groups & Programs
HIV/AIDS; BC Persons with AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS Therapies; Peer Support; Social Support; Alternative Therapy; Advocacy; Government Policy; Disability; Spirituality; Volunteerism; Housing; Nutrition; Obituary; Youth and HIV/AIDS; Women and HIV/AIDS


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