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Meeting the Challenge: Palliative Care for Injection Drug Users Living with HIV/AIDS: A Resource Tool for Caregivers
Facing Change: A Community Response to the New Realities of HIV/AIDS / Le mouvement c'est la VIHe!: Une reponse communautaire aux nouvelles realites du VIH-sida
Healthy Public Policy: Assessing the Impact of Law and Policy on Human Rights and HIV Prevention and Care: Summary Report
Community Mobilization against HIV/AIDS-Related Stigma and Discrimination: Workshop Report 31 January-1 February 2004
Report on the Evaluation of the Community Mobilization Workshop, Pre-Workshop Activities and Workshop Follow-up Activities
Ten Years of Action For Health and Human Rights: Presentations Made on the Occasion of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Annual General Meeting and Skills Building Workshops, Montreal, 13-15 September 2002
Second Annual Awards for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights / Prix de L'Action control le VIH/sida et pour les droits humains
VANDU Hep C. Support Group Doctors Questionnaire
Harm Reduction: Ideal to Nitty Gritty
Briefing Note for CBAOs: HIV Disclosure and the Criminal Law in Canada: Responding to the Media and the Public
Patents, International Trade Law and Access to Essential Medicines
Community Directions. Community "think-tank" on Drug and Alcohol Strategy: Two Community Workshops, March 2000
Living with Hep C and Liver Disease: Helping Patients and their Families
Greens make Massive Gains in Municipal Elections: Bowen Island Elects BC's First Green Mayor; Vancouver, Victoria Red-Green Alliances Deliver Victories
Consultation Results: "Priorities for Action in Managing the Epidemics" - ANKORS Submission on Draft Consultation
Out-patient Treatment for Heroin Addiction: a service-users' guide to rights and responsibilities
Carnegie Community Association Presents: International Symposium on Solutions to Drugs, Crime and Addiction in the Inner City, Friday, November 20, 1998
Raise your property values! Support Harm Reduction Services
Hepatitis C Between You and Me
Protecting global health and human rights: Why and how the Patent Act should be amended to allow generic drug exports to developing countries
