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Roadmap for Addressing the Epidemic of HIV and Hepatitis C Co-Infection in Canada: Issuses, Recommendations, Priorities and Next Steps/Plan de route pour affronter l'
Timeliness and Transparency: Assessing the Review Process of HIV Drugs/Rapidit
HIV Vaccines in Canada
Occupational Exposure to HBV, HCV, or HIV
Injection Drug Use and HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS in Prisons
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Annual Report, 2000/2001 / Reseau Juridique Canadien VIH/SIDA Rapport annuel, 2000/2001
Pros and Cons: A Guide to Creating Successful Community-Based HIV/AIDS Programs for Prisoners
We are Part of a Tradition: A Guide on Two-Spirited People for First Nations Communities
A Practical Guide to HAART (Highly Active AntiRetroviral Therapy) for People Living with HIV/AIDS
Unlocking our Futures: A National Study on Women, Prisons, HIV, and Hepatitis C
Complementary/Alternative Health Care and HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS and Discrimination
Uptown, Downtown: The Drug Handbook
Hepatitis C: A Nursing Guide
Occupational Exposure to HIV and Forced HIV Testing: Questions and Answers
Human Rights, Global Responsibility and Access to Treatments in the Developing World: Presentations Made on the Occasion of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Annual General Meet and Skills Building Workshops, Montreal, 21-23 September 2001
A Comprehensive Guide for the Care of Persons with HIV Disease: Rehabilitation Services, Module 7
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Annual Report, 2002/2003
Stories of Community Mobilization
