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Safety First: A Reality-Based Approach to Teens and Drugs
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Examining how the Lack of Universal Childcare Impacts Marginalized Women's Equality
When Love is Not Enough: A Parent's Perspective
Federal Government Responds to the HIV/AIDS Crisis Among Injection Drug Users in Vancouver
Downtown Eastside/Strathcona Coalition Meeting
Upcoming AIDSVAX Trial Results: What Will They Mean? Media Briefing.
AIDSVAX Trial Results: Canadian Organizations Ask Canadian Government to Step up HIV Vaccine Efforts - For Immediate Release
For Your Information - AIDSVAX Clinical Trial Results: 2 Scenarios
3rd National Harm Reduction Conference - Miami, Florida, October 22-25 2000. What was discussed and how Vancouver could benefit
Global Health is a Human Right! A Civil Society Common Platform for Action on HIV/AIDS and Global Health
Looking at a Decade of Drug Courts
Out of Harms Way - International Symposium on Solutions to Drugs, Crime and Addiction in the Inner City
Best Practice Number Nine: processing Non-violent Drug Offenders Through Treatment Oriented Drug Courts
Drug Court is in Session
Drug Treatment Courts: Substance Abuse Intervention within the Justice System
A Banner Year for Drug Courts
Feds, Others Scrutinize Drug Courts
Critical Issues for Defenders in the Design and Operation of a Drug Court
Position Paper on Direct to Consumer Advertising (DTCA) of Prescription Medications; Declaration de Principes sur la Publicite Destinee Directement aux Consommateurs (PDDC) en Matiere de Medicaments de Prescription
Making Treatments Accessible: A Policy Paper on Determining Appropriate Pricing for Brand-name Pharmaceutical Treatments for HIV/AIDS in Canada/Vers un meilleur acc
