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Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users

Raise your property values! Support Harm Reduction Services

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU)
A pamphlet directed at property owners in the Downtown Eastside and Strathcona areas of Vancouver. It makes the argument that supporting harm reduction services is in their interest if they believe that drug use in the neighbourhoods lower property values. It is comprised of a list of social myths surrounding drug use and provides facts that counter these myths. For example, it counters the myths that drug use causes crime and violence, and that more police are needed to solve the problem. It argues that the criminalization of drugs and the policing of drug users is what leads people to do drugs in the street and to use the black market, which produces impure and dangerous drugs. Harm reduction services like safe injection sites and having illegal drugs available on prescription can reduce the problems a community faces with regard to drug use.
Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU); safe injection sites; methadone; harm reduction; IDU; injection drug use; Vancouver; Downtown Eastside; DTES; Strathcona

Carnegie Community Association Presents: International Symposium on Solutions to Drugs, Crime and Addiction in the Inner City, Friday, November 20, 1998

Publication type: 
Conference / Meeting Proceedings
1998 Pamphlet announcing an upcoming symposium, "Out of Harm's Way", being organized by the Carnegie Community Association of Vancouver. The symposium was to be a response to the fact that drugs, crime and addiction continue to present a major challenge in Canada and yet there is still no consensus on a comprehensive plan to tackle the situation. The Symposium was to include presentations by scholars and researchers from Germany, the US, Canada and Switzerland, on issues of drug courts and treatment options; harm reduction programs; and public policy strategies in relation to drugs, crime and addiction.
Carnegie Community Association; drugs; IDU; injection drug users; harm reduction; public policy; crime; addiction; Canada; United States; Germany; Switzerland

Out-patient Treatment for Heroin Addiction: a service-users' guide to rights and responsibilities

Publication type: 
Training / Education Manual
Lifeline Publications
Lifeline Publications
An educational booklet intended for heroin addicts, on their treatment options. Its purpose is to educate readers about the principles underlying drug treatment; how they can identify the services that best meet their needs; and how to make the most of drug treatment services that are available. Specific topics covered include methadone maintenance treatment; how to get into treatment and access services; existing resources and supports; and how patients can negotiate with health care workers about their treatment and challenge bad health care practices.
addiction; drug treatment; methadone; heroin; activism; access to services; drug programs; UK; United Kingdom; Britain; injection drug use; injection drug users

Community Directions. Community "think-tank" on Drug and Alcohol Strategy: Two Community Workshops, March 2000

Publication type: 
Conference / Meeting Proceedings
Community Directions
Reports on two community workshops held by a Downtown Eastside Vancouver coalition in 2000 (Community Directions). Community groups involved in the issue of drug use participated. Workshop participants agreed that there needs to be a coordinated strategy with a continuum of services, operating from a 4-Pillar Approach, and with sensitivity to age, gender and culture. Harm reduction strategies like safe injection sites, as well as detox and treatment, are needed. A public education strategy and more lobbying for resources are also priorities.
Community Directions; community development; community consultations; public education; harm reduction; drugs; alcohol; drug users; drug programs; 4-Pillar approach; four pillar approach; Vancouver; DTES; Downtown Eastside

Living with Hep C and Liver Disease: Helping Patients and their Families

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
Canadian Liver Foundation
Leaflet/poster by the Canadian Liver Foundation announcing that it will be hosting a free 7-week wellness and educational program for patients with Hep C and their families. The seven workshops are on maintaining good health and are headed up by doctors and other health experts.
Canadian Liver Foundation; Hepatitis C; Hep C; HCV; health care; health; educational program

Greens make Massive Gains in Municipal Elections: Bowen Island Elects BC's First Green Mayor; Vancouver, Victoria Red-Green Alliances Deliver Victories

Publication type: 
Media Release
The Green Party of British Columbia
1999 media release by The Green Party of British Columbia. It provides a partial list of Green municipal results from the recent elections, and highlights "unprecedented gains" for the Party including the elections of a Green Party City Councillor in Victoria; a Parks Commissioner in Vancouver; and Mayor on Bowen Island. It announces an upcoming meeting of the Party to discuss nominations for the Provincial elections.
The Green Party of British Columbia; environment; politics; environmental organizations; Vancouver; Victoria; elections - municipal; elections - provincial

Consultation Results: "Priorities for Action in Managing the Epidemics" - ANKORS Submission on Draft Consultation

Publication type: 
Conference / Meeting Proceedings
Document written by ANKORS of BC. It gives editorial feedback and commentary on an initial draft of the BC government report, "Priorities for Action in Managing the Epidemics: HIV/AIDS in British Columbia". ANKORS argues that the final version of the report should base its approach more firmly within a broad harm reduction perspective. ANKORS expresses dismay that there was a lack of community input and expertise informing the draft report. The report lacks strategies for action and implementation; discussion on the need for action to address HIV in women, Aboriginal, gay men, injection drug users, and youth; and does not acknowledge issues of HIV in rural BC. To fill these gaps, ANKORS provides a list of specific recommendations of how the BC government can improve the report and its overall strategy on HIV/AIDS.
ANKORS; British Columbia; HIV/AIDS; HIV; AIDS; BC; harm reduction; East Kootenay; West Kootenay; rural; rural health; action plan; community consultation; HCV; injection drug use; IDU; Hep C; Hepatitis C

Harm Reduction: Ideal to Nitty Gritty

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
PowerPoint presentation by unknown source about harm reduction in the area of substance use. Slides include point form information about the philosophy and principles of harm reduction; harm reduction practices; and issues and barriers that need to be considered in the practice of harm reduction.
harm reduction; drugs; drug users; risk reduction; substance use

Briefing Note for CBAOs: HIV Disclosure and the Criminal Law in Canada: Responding to the Media and the Public

Publication type: 
Position Paper
Canadian AIDS Society; Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
The media often sensationalizes and gives negative messages about people living with HIV who are charged or found guilty of Criminal Code offences related to HIV transmission or non-disclosure to partners. This briefing note to community-based AIDS organizations (CBAOs) gives facts about the criminal law and HIV transmission, including information on key court cases (R vs. Williams and the Cuerrier decision). It gives a series of suggested responses for CBAOs on how to respond to the media, journalists, and members of the public on these issues in ways that advocate for the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS and which counter the stereotypes and myths propagated by the media.
Canadian AIDS Society; HIV disclosure; AIDS organizations; community-based AIDS organizations (CBAOs); criminal law; Williams; Cuerrier; law; legal system; criminal justice system; community-based organizations; criminal liability; Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; HIV/AIDS;

Patents, International Trade Law and Access to Essential Medicines

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; Medecins Sans Frontieres
An educational brochure that answers some common questions about patents and international trade agreements. The rules on drug patents in international trade agreements and domestic laws affect the availability and affordability of medicines. This document explains the connection between patent issues and access to affordable drugs, to help inform advocates for the health and human rights of people in developing countries
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; HIV/AIDS; HIV; AIDS; HIV treatment; HIV/AIDS therapies; patents; international law; international trade law; international trade; developing countries; access to treatment; human rights


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