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Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users

Excerpt from: Housing and Homelessness: Still an Un-Natural Disaster - A Report by NDP Housing Spokesperson Libby Davies on the National Crisis in Housing and Homelessness

Publication type: 
Position Paper
Excerpt from a report written by Member of Parliament Libby Davies following a cross-Canada housing campaign in Fall, 2001. Davies found that the extent of the housing crisis in Canada has deepened, leaving millions of Canadians' personal security, health and future in jeopardy. Failed public policies and misguided reliance on market-driven "solutions" are to blame for the deepening homelessness and housing crisis. The federal Liberals' policy solutions are inadequate and fail to address the root causes of the crisis - these include the Supporting Community Partnership Initiative (SCPI) and the National Housing Framework Agreement announced in 2001. Davies recommends a fully funded National Housing Strategy; an increase in income supports for low-income Canadians; more emergency and social housing; federal government support for the First Nations Housing Agenda and for Davies' own Bill C-416 calling for a Housing Bill of Rights; and recognition that housing is both a human rights and health issue.
Libby Davies; Supporting Community Partnership Initiative (SCPI); Bill C-416; First Nations Housing Agenda; National Housing Framework Agreement; emergency housing; housing rights; housing; homelessness; affordable housing; low-income; low-income housing; federal government; housing policy; policy; housing needs; Canada; emergency shelter


Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
New Mexico AIDS InfoNet
New Mexico AIDS InfoNet; National Library of Medicine; New Mexico Department of Health
Fact Sheet Number 517
Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a parasite and is an opportunistic infection for people with HIV/AIDS. This pamphlet provides information about transmission, symptoms, testing, treatment, and prevention of toxoplasmosis.
New Mexico AIDS InfoNet; New Mexico; HIV/AIDS; HIV; AIDS; infection; opportunistic infection

Getting Off Right: A Safety Manual for Injection Drug Users

Publication type: 
Training / Education Manual
Harm Reduction Coalition
A practical guide for IDU on how to inject drugs safely, prepared by the Harm Reduction Coalition of New York. It contains information on preparation of materials, including the use of cookers and spoons, tourniquets, and dividing drugs. It gives the basics of safer injection with regard to mainlining, muscle-popping and skin-popping, from choosing an injection site to cleaning it, inserting the needle, and pulling out. It provides information on overdoses and what to do if they occur, and how to find, store, handle and dispose of injection materials. It gives facts and advice on how to address the health issues of bacterial and viral infections, as well as injuries such as bruising, tracking, vein collapse, and abscesses.
Harm Reduction Coalition; New York; mainlining; muscle popping; skin popping; overdose (OD); needles; syringes; infections; drugs; harm reduction; injection drug users; IDUs; risk reduction; Hepatitis C; Hep C; HCV; HIV/AIDS; health promotion

Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development: Capacity Building Workshop, April 10-13, 2002

Publication type: 
Conference / Meeting Proceedings
Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development
Program agenda and curriculum of a 3 day workshop on capacity building in international AIDS work, held in Quebec in 2002. Participants engaged in a series of activities and exercises aimed at 1) developing their understanding of how to get into partnerships with governmental, non-governmental, and private sector organizations; 2) improving their cultural sensitivities and ability to collaborate cross-culturally; and 3) learning to use the Results-Based Management approach to design and manage their own development-oriented programs and projects. Learning materials used with workshop participants are included in this package.
Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development; international development; international development organizations; non-profit organizations; non-governmental organizations (NGOs); international non-governmental organizations (INGOs); capacity-building; organizational capacity building; development programs; AIDS service organizations (ASOs); organizing; HIV/AIDS; programs; development

Greg Liang's Presentation for the National Working Meeting on Crack Cocaine and Hepatitis C, being held March 10th-11th 2005 in Ottawa, Ontario

Publication type: 
Conference / Meeting Proceedings
Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU)
Presentation by Greg Liang of VANDU about his experience with substance use, the problem of impure cocaine and crack being cut with speed and other chemicals, the problem of lack of access to proper drug use equipment, and the need for services such as a safe Inhalation Room for people who smoke drugs. The supervised injection site in Vancouver is proof that such services work. There is also a need for drug testing to make sure the drugs people are using are safe, and for peer involvement and support systems to ensure that users are able to use drugs safely.
Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU); cocaine; crack; Vancouver; mental health; mental illness; drug treatment; detox; supervised injection site (SIS)

Nashine Ginwenimazawin: Constant Care

Publication type: 
Training / Education Manual
2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations
Health Canada
"Nashine Ginwenimazawin" means "constant care" in the Ojibway language. This training manual provides suggestions and ideas of how to support Aboriginal people going through the last stages of AIDS and who are in need of palliative care. This manual uses a story-telling method to provide education and awareness to people living with AIDS and caregivers. Story-tellers include Aboriginal people living HIV/AIDS; Aboriginal Elders; Aboriginal support persons; and other support persons. Long narratives and short excerpts from narratives are included in the body of the document, along with commentary by the authors. The topics include the question of when a person needs a care team; how care teams work; physical aspects of going through the last stages of AIDS; spiritual and traditional treatments and management of symptoms; emotional issues for both people with AIDS and caregivers; communication issues with medical personnel; legal questions about suicide and euthanasia; and resources available in terms of AIDS service organizations (Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal), housing, health care, and palliative care.
2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations; 2-Spirited; Two-Spirited; palliative care; end of life care; caregivers; support workers; Ojibway; Aboriginal; AIDS; HIV/AIDS; long-term care; treatment; support services; native; Canada; Ontario; First Nations

CACTUS Montreal: Une Presence Incontournable

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
Centre D'Action Communautaire Aupres des Toxicomanes Utilisateurs De Seringues (CACTUS)
Pamphlet of CACTUS Montreal, which is a non-profit organization initiated in 1989 and which provides services to drug users; street youth; transexuals and transvestites, and male and female sex workers. The pamphlet describes the work CACTUS does in terms of distributing harm reduction materials such as condoms and clean needles; needle exchange; providing resources, support and accompaniment to services, and advocacy and defence of marginalized people.
Centre D'Action Communautaire Aupres des Toxicomanes Utilisateurs De Seringues (CACTUS); IDU; injection drug users; Quebec; Montreal; Francophone; french language; youth; homelessness; sex workers; sex trade workers; transgender; transsexuals; transvestites; queer

Blueprint for Action on Women and Girls and HIV/AIDS

Publication type: 
Policy Paper / Action Plan
Canadian AIDS Society
Canadian AIDS Society action plan and strategy for addressing the HIV/AIDS epidemic among women and girls globally. A key statement throughout is that stopping the epidemic requires adequately funded, sustained, and ongoing responses from all stakeholders, from international human rights bodies to national governments to community-level bodies. These responses must include women and girls in decision-making and solution making. The Blueprint contains a list of demands in the areas of legal, ethical and human rights for women and girls; culturally relevant research on HIV/AIDS, girls and women; efforts to reduce stigma and discrimination; improved access to HIV testing and treatment; prevention and education strategies that respond to women and girls' realities; and health care models that ease women and girls' burden of providing care for others, to the neglect of their own self-care and health.
Canadian AIDS Society; HIV/AIDS; gender; women; girls; women's rights; Aboriginal; human rights; Canada; First Nations; Native; decriminalization; policy; law; legislation; access to services; treatment; prevention; awareness raising; education; educational programs; health care; social determinants of health; violence; violence against women; women's health

Questions and Answers: Canada's Immigration Policies as They Affect People Living with HIV/AIDS

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Question and Answer sheet by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network about immigration policy and people with HIV/AIDS. It gives a brief description of the different categories of people who come to Canada (temporary residents and permanent residents); who is required to undergo HIV testing in order to enter Canada; in what situations being HIV positive is a barrier to entering Canada; and organizations to contact for advice on the issues.
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; immigration; immigrants; immigration policy; HIV/AIDS; HIV; AIDS; law; policy; Canada

PASAN: Prisoners' HIV/AIDS Support Action Network: Prison Programming Basics

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
Prisoners' HIV/AIDS Support Action Network (PASAN)
PASAN is a community-based network and organization, formed in 1991, that provides education, support and advocacy to prisoners and their families on HIV/AIDS and related issues. This brochure provides information for community organizations and service providers interested in serving the prison population. It explains the difference between federal and provincial prisons, and gives definitions for federal penitentiaries; provincial correctional centres; and remand/detention centres. It describes how programming opportunities differ depending on the prison type; how to ensure prisoners are able to contact organizations; and information on how to get into prisons in order to provide services.
Prisoners' HIV/AIDS Support Action Network (PASAN); prison; prisoners; young offenders; HIV/AIDS; HIV; AIDS; prison programs; support services; crime; educational program; criminal justice system; justice system; advocacy groups; service providers; community-based organization


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