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Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users

VANDU Hep C. Support Group Doctors Questionnaire

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU)
A questionnaire given to members of the support group for people with Hep C at Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU). It asks members to fill out their doctors' names and give information about the levels of support they receive from them, as patients and in relation to Hep C treatment.
Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU); health care; Hep C; HCV; Hepatitis C; medical services; doctors; injection drug users (IDU)

Harm Reduction: Ideal to Nitty Gritty

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
PowerPoint presentation by unknown source about harm reduction in the area of substance use. Slides include point form information about the philosophy and principles of harm reduction; harm reduction practices; and issues and barriers that need to be considered in the practice of harm reduction.
harm reduction; drugs; drug users; risk reduction; substance use

Healthy Public Policy: Assessing the Impact of Law and Policy on Human Rights and HIV Prevention and Care: Summary Report

Publication type: 
Research Paper / Project Report
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Health Canada, Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS
A review of literature on the health impacts of law and policy related to HIV/AIDS. The report reviews both theoretical arguments and empirical research studies on the impact of various laws and policies on population health and HIV vulnerability. It argues that many legal and policy measures that try to regulate and penalize high risk behaviours (such as drug use, sex work, non-disclosure of HIV status/ not telling your partner about your HIV status) can in fact put people at higher risk for HIV. More research is needed to demonstrate how law and policy can negatively impact on the human rights and health of individuals and communities. This evidence would allow decision makers to avoid creating a policy/legal environment that undermines HIV prevention and care efforts.
HIV; HIV/AIDS; AIDS; Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; law; policy; public policy; HIV prevention; social determinants of health; determinants of health; HIV testing; drug laws; rights; human rights

Community Mobilization against HIV/AIDS-Related Stigma and Discrimination: Workshop Report 31 January-1 February 2004

Publication type: 
Conference / Meeting Proceedings
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; AIDS New Brunswick; Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN); Canadi
Health Canada
The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network collaborated with six Canadian community-based organizations in 2003-2004 for a project to help communities mobilize against HIV/AIDS stigma and discrimination. This report describes events leading up to a workshop involving all stakeholders, such as exchanges between participants on a listserv. It goes on to describe the workshop design and process, which involved activities on Day 1 to Understand Stigma; activities for identifying how to make change on Day 2; and developing plans for action by participants on Day 3. Appendices include a list of participants; examples of what participants wrote in the listserv exchanges; a detailed account of the workshop process; and the activities and plans developed by the participants.
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; AIDS New Brunswick; Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN); Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition (CRHC); Le Group d'action pour la prevention de la transmission du VIH et l'eradication du SIDA (GAP-VIES); Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VAN DU); Voices of Positive Women (VOPW); stigma; discrimination; community mobilization; AIDS service organizations (ASOs); community organizations; advocacy; HIV; HIV/AIDS; AIDS

Report on the Evaluation of the Community Mobilization Workshop, Pre-Workshop Activities and Workshop Follow-up Activities

Publication type: 
Research Paper / Project Report
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; AIDS New Brunswick; Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN); Canadi
Health Canada
The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network collaborated with six Canadian community-based organizations in 2003-2004 for a project to help communities mobilize against HIV/AIDS stigma and discrimination. This report presents the findings of the evaluation. Part I gives an evaluation of pre-workshop and workshop activities, based on questionnaires answered by participants. Participant learning levels and satisfaction levels were average. Part II gives an evaluation of post-workshop progress made by participants in implementing the plans they conceived at the workshop. The majority of questionnaire respondents had taken steps to implement and received positive response from their constituents. The evaluation questionnaires are reproduced in the Appendices.
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; AIDS New Brunswick; Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN); Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition (CRHC); Le Group d'action pour la prevention de la transmission du VIH et l'eradication du SIDA (GAP-VIES); Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VAN DU); Voices of Positive Women (VOPW); stigma; discrimination; community mobilization; AIDS service organizations (ASOs); community organizations; advocacy; HIV; HIV/AIDS; AIDS

Ten Years of Action For Health and Human Rights: Presentations Made on the Occasion of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Annual General Meeting and Skills Building Workshops, Montreal, 13-15 September 2002

Publication type: 
Conference / Meeting Proceedings
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS, Health Canada
This document contains a summary of welcoming remarks, opening and closing plenaries, and edited texts of presentations given at the 2002 Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Annual General Meeting. Libby Davies, Thomas Kerr and representatives of the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU) gave presentations about VANDU during the ceremony for the first Award for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights (given to VANDU). Joanne Csete of Human Rights Watch, Peter Leuprecht of McGill's Faculty of Law, and Su Zhaosheng (wife of Dr. Wan Yanhai) gave presentations about Dr. Wan Yanhai, a Chinese AIDS activist who received the International Award for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights. Other presentations contained in this document include the Keynote Address by David Hoe on continuing human and legal rights challenges for people living with HIV/AIDS and closing presentations by Ralf Jurgens, Director of the Legal Network, and Joane Csete, on the politics of HIV/AIDS and the need for continued activism.
Wan Yanhai; China; Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network; HIV/AIDS; human rights; Human Rights Watch; Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU); activism; law; legal system; drug use; IDU; injection drug users; Vancouver

Facing Change: A Community Response to the New Realities of HIV/AIDS / Le mouvement c'est la VIHe!: Une reponse communautaire aux nouvelles realites du VIH-sida

Publication type: 
Research Paper / Project Report
Health Canada, AIDS Community Action Program
Report in English and French that describes the experience of MIELS-Quebec (a community AIDS organization) in closing its housing and palliative care program and implementing new programs in the area of independent community living. These changes occurred as a strategic response to shifts in the epidemic in the 1990s, such as a more diverse clientele and clientele living longer lives. This document discusses the process of change in AIDS service organizations, and how MIELS managed to integrate and transform its services in a way that responded well to changing community needs.
MIELS-Quebec; HIV/AIDS; HIV; AIDS; community-based organizations; community mobilization; community organizations; AIDS service organizations (ASOs); community living; independent living; housing

Safety First: A Reality-Based Approach to Teens, Drugs, and Drug Education

Publication type: 
Brochure / Leaflet / Pamphlet / Information Sheet
The Lindesmith Center
The Lindesmith Center
Pamphlet that argues there are fundamental problems with traditional drug education, which emphasizes abstinence, prevention and the idea that experimentation with drugs is pathological or a personality problem in adolescents. The author puts forward a "safety first" alternative which is based in the reality that youth will inevitably experiment with drugs, and that therefore reducing harm should be the educational objective. She argues that safety-first education should equip students with information they trust, which is the basis for them making responsible decisions.
The Lindesmith Center; drugs; drug use; drug users; education; awareness raising; youth; teenagers; adolescents; United States; USA; US; harm reduction

Mainline Needle Exchange Cocaine Assessment Report

Publication type: 
Research Paper / Project Report
Mainline Needle Exchange
Health Canada, Population and Public Health Branch, Atlantic Region, AIDS Community Action Program (
A research report based on a participatory study with high-risk crack/cocaine users in Nova Scotia. The goal of the study was to develop a profile of this population and explore strategies to enhance and develop appropriate services. Recommendations from the study include the need for more harm-reduction programs; the enhancement of drug treatment services to include mental health components; the need for additional programming to allow users in recovery opportunities for education, skill development, and job searching; and the need for linkages and partnerships to be forged between addictions and mental health treatment services.
Mainline Needle Exchange; IDU; Halifax; Nova Scotia; injection drug users; drugs; drug users; detox; mental health; drug treatment; needle exchange; harm reduction; community-based organizations; community organization; community-based services; community services; cocaine; crack

Meeting the Challenge: Palliative Care for Injection Drug Users Living with HIV/AIDS: A Resource Tool for Caregivers

Publication type: 
Training / Education Manual
St. James Community Service Society
Health Canada, AIDS Care, Treatment and Support Program
A resource guide for caregivers of people living with HIV/AIDS who are also injection drug users, and who live in settings such as hospitals, residential hospices, supportive housing, individual homes, shelters or single occupancy hotel rooms. The guide focuses on general principles and approaches to meeting the complex challenges of providing palliative care for people with HIV who also face issues of stigma and social isolation, complex and changing HIV treatments and medications, and legal and health issues related to drug use. The guide takes a harm reduction approach to drugs and addresses the legal and ethical issues involved for caretakers using this approach in palliative care practice.
St. James Community Service Society; palliative care; HIV/AIDS; HIV; AIDS; health care; support services; Vancouver; British Columbia; harm reduction; drug use; drug users; injection drug users; IDU; HIV treatment; legal issues; care; caregivers


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